The random/sudden/drunk thread


Mildly Dipped
It is now 5:26 am and the effects of alcohol are starting to wear off. As I was wandering home from the metro-station, I thought of this thread-idea. The party I went to wasn't very cool at all, as 75% or so of the guests were guys..

However, I did have fun. How come? I was drunk.

So here is my question to all of you.

What's the most insane thing you have ever done while being drunk?

I can't think of anything I have done right now as I am extremely tired, but I'll post about it as soon as I remember something worth posting.

PS: I don't want to encourage underage drinking or anything, so if you're underage just post about the most insane thing you would have done, instead. :)
Woke up in a police cell with just my underwear and a gigantic hangover. I was 16 and had just left high school. Went to a party at a girl from school's house with some of my friends. Party turned out to be mind numbingly dull, with no alcohol (which is most unusual for a 16 year old's party in Britain). When alcohol finally turned up, I drank myself insensible.

That's one of the few times I've gone overboard though, I tend not to like getting very drunk.

Anyway, that's pretty standard "morning after" stuff for some people, so it doesn't really count.
Pssshhh, i woke up in a cornfield once without pants, next to a girl i had never met.... an ugly chick at that.... Still, walking 4 miles home in a t-shirt, combat boots and boxer shorts.... definately an experiance i will never forget...

and a lesson to all you youngsters out there... dont be like me.... after all... Do YOU want to get sent to IRAQ?????
Elissar said:
and a lesson to all you youngsters out there... dont be like me.... after all... Do YOU want to get sent to IRAQ?????
What? They're sending you to Iraq because you're a drunkard?
Probably the most stupid thing that I've ever done drunk was when me and a few camp coworkers would come back from the bar late late Friday nights and go swimming in the middle of the lake off the pontoon boats.

This would be a great idea with some lifejackets and a lifeguard.

But there were no lifejackets.

And the lifeguards were just as drunk as me.

And its nighttime in the middle of the woods.

Oh, that and taking a post-bar piss on the mascot statue too. I cringe every time I have a camper hug and kiss that thing now.
Big T said:
Elissar said:
and a lesson to all you youngsters out there... dont be like me.... after all... Do YOU want to get sent to IRAQ?????
What? They're sending you to Iraq because you're a drunkard?

well, no, actually i voulenteered 3 times for it.... but i'm actually going because my unit is.....
I know a guy who woke up in the trunk of a car. He never found out who the car belonged to.

The same guy once woke up in the cabin of a crane. I would say it's time for him to consider moderating his drinking.
Ive been lucky so far, but one freind woke up inside his sisters ass at a party once.

Needless to say, neither has ever touched booze since.

EDIT-Damn speiling. ::beats head:: must remember not to spell party part.
a friend hey?

where is mr nudge??????????????????

on topic:

well, mine is maybe not entirely stupid, but just dangerous.

i jumped off a 7 meter high defense wall of a small italian town when i was there on holiday. a friend of mine (who was even more stoned & drunk than i was), was balancing himself on the edge of a 25 meter high mountain wall just under that defense wall. i jumped down and had a 1.5 meter patch of ground to land (basically if i would've stumbled, i would've ended falling down a total of over 30 meters). reckless shit when being drunk...

i jumped down, grabbed the dude, escorted the dude back to the place where we were staying & put em in his bed. the next day (after puking his guts out) he couldn't remember a thing.

in the end, i don't know if i would've done it if i was sober. (i'd like to think i would've, but you can never know)
The first time I got drunk was when I was 16.
When I crawled back home it was raining like hell, so before entering the house, I took of all my wet clothes, left them outside in the garden, and went inside -- only to discover that my parents had not gone to bed yet.
To make matters worse, I started vomitting while standing there in front of them.
Buttnaked, drunk and only 16.
My mom still reminds me of that "accident" from time to time.
And she still doesn't think it was funny.

Still, it's not as bad as what happened to a friend of mine. He got drunk one evening and woke up the next morning to find out he had spent the night with an older man.
He's happily married now.
Go figure.
I got lost, and found shelter in a garage filled with ice cream trucks once.

The sight of endless rows of ice cream trucks was to much for me, and I freaked out until I fell asleep seconds later.

I never recovered the location of the ice cream truck garage. If I wasn't drunk when I did though, I'd probably still be eating ice cream.
The only bad thing that happend to me so far was the only time I had an old-school alcohol blackout.

It was at our mid-grades final party (in Germany after year 10 the classes get resolved and people are somewhat free to chose their subjects, that moment gets sometimes celebrated by the individual classes on the second-last day of the school year). I drank roughly six litres of beer as far as I can remember and have been told (some assholes made me "ex" a 0.5 bottle of warm beer to top it off) and woke up with my room being a mess (remember religion class and the lake of vomit or what it was? my room had one!) and me having a head-ache, still feeling woozy and having a weird pain in my hand.

I somehow got myself sober again and when I turned up at school I was told that a class-mate brought me home and he told me that I banged my hand against every single car's side mirror on the way home.

Needless to say my grandma, who tends to do the cleaning at our place in exchange for a part of the rent, was righteously pissed, but she did clean my room up. My mother wasn't too shocked, although my dad was somewhat annoyed.

Afterwards the class-mate who brought me home outed himself as homosexual. The only thing that eases my mind is that I DIDN'T have a sore ass the next morning.
It's still one of those "Oh, Shit" Kodak moments.

I decided that I'll never ever drink that much alcohol in a single night again. Six litres in four hours can't be healthy.
if anoyone knows what a kidush and doesnt throw up from jews sickness, i got shit-faced when i as ten by drinking a whole bottle of kidush wine.
{for those who want to know-kidush is like a blessing we say on food and drinks, that particular one was in saturday(a holy day for jews)}
Marek said:
The party I went to wasn't very cool at all, as 75% or so of the guests were guys..

See? I told you it was going to be lame. :roll:

I never get drunk or even drink alcoholic beverages, I try to live as kung fu as possible. Apparently that doesn't stop you guys from being drunktards. Any of you ever woke up with a kidney missing?

Still, I laughed out loud at your stories. You make Barney from the Simpsons look like a prohibition activist.

aegis said:
i got shit-faced when i as ten

Maybe you still are. :twisted:

Elissar said:
well, no, actually i voulenteered 3 times for it.... but i'm actually going because my unit is.....

I always go where my "unit" is going. Ehehehe...
Oh how I loathe to ride the morning metro home after a somewhat sucky party with way too many guys, too much to drink, and knowing that I have stuff to do the following day. The looks on those peoples faces, newly showered and sipping on their morning coffee while going uber-early to work, it disgusts me - at least when I am in that condition ;).

As for stupid things I've done when drunk, I've never really done anything exept when I was younger and stupid even while sober.
Ashmo said:
I decided that I'll never ever drink that much alcohol in a single night again. Six litres in four hours can't be healthy.
No, but funny.
Really weird stuff only happens to me if the others are drunk and I'm not :D
Last night we played DSA (a P'n'P Rpg like D&D) at a friend of mine and I was the only guy who drank nothing, cause i have archery training today.
I slept on the ground and suddenly waked up because of a _really_ painful feeling in my face... those guys sticked up a pencil fa into my nose!!! Fuck, they damaged my mucous membrane :evil:

The only time I've done sth. really stupid by myself was also after my mid-grades final party (thx Ashmo, I was already searching for a translation).
We celebrated at the river Ruhr under a bridge and were running out of lemonade, so I had to drink the vodka pure...
I was one of the last going home, and I started walking, and walked and walked and walked.... than I reaches into the wood and thougt "hmm... strage, there's no forrest on my way" and walked on, and on, and on... finally i layed down on a bench and slept till bids waked me up at 5 in the morning.
Than i recognized that i have walked into the wrong direction and finally reached home at 6:30... unfortunally I had to be at scholl at 9:000 this morning...

I'm too tired, orthography is futile :?
I haven't been truely drunk in quite a while; though I indulge in the occasional rum, never drink enough to get pissed.

When I did though; I remember one time when I was 17, I went to a nightclub with a friend after being thrown out of another club for being extremely drunk.

Can't remember how, me and my friend went home with three ugly fat sheilas but luckily by the time we got there, the beer goggles were thin enough for me to reassess the situation and find an excuse to run.

It was a close call though.
I danced really, really close to a nude male stripper. 'nuff said.

Ive been lucky so far, but one freind woke up inside his sisters ass at a party once.
:shock: You're kidding, right? Pics please?