The real issues with Fallout 3, in my opinion.


First time out of the vault
This is an active list, that will be updated as I see fit. If you agree, great. If not, tell me why. Please. I wanna see if my opinions are shared or reviled. Please note, my dates and years will not be perfect, and don't try to argue with me about that point because I'm using memories from the games, not the bible or other 'hard' facts.

Spoiler-laden. Do not read unless you've finished the game or don't care.

1) No economy
Fallout as presented in the past has had fairly logical and obvious economic paths: Water merchants pump water up from underground wells, bottle it, and sell it. Farms produce crops and sell them. People make and sell ammo, guns, clothes. In Fallout 3, none of this infrastructure is obvious, or even exists. There are no farms, supposedly ALL the water is irradiated (another point for later), and everyone supposedly still scavenges for supplies (yet another point). So who makes the guns? Who makes all the ammo? What do people eat aside from the brahmin? Who's distilling all this booze? Bottling the water? Making all the drugs?

2) Persistent radiation
OK, so here's how the radiation works in Fallout, as far as I can tell: most people simply curl up and die, but in rare instances they become ghouls, especially if exposed to some FEV as well. In Fallout 3, people are becoming ghouls from persistent exposure to the food, the water, and the air. Hell, living in Megaton probably has something to do with it. My problem is thus: If these people are becoming exposed to so many sources of radiation, why are only SOME of them becoming ghouls? In background conversation you hear people make comments like "You heard about the idiot who tried to fish?" and "It's drinking all the damn water." in reference to the amount of radiation and its harmful effects. If these people have been here since the war, why isn't everyone a ghoul, or just plain dead?

3) Passage of Time
Fallout 3 takes place some 30 or so years after the climax of the Fallout 1+2 series. In the time-frame of Fallout 1+2, society has climbed back from the brink; people are farming, people are building towns out of non-salvaged materials, Hell, people are rebuilding ruined towns. Sure, it's not the best place to live, but people are making a serious effort to rebuild. By the end of Fallout 2 'Frisco has been repopulated in earnest and is being rebuilt, Vault City is a modern Mecca, Vegas is back to its old self, and there's a bloody Super Mutant sheriff in Redding, a working and operational gold mine. People are bouncing back. Another generation later, on the East coast, and what do we have? Shanty towns. People still barely eking out an existence on stolen or scavenged food. Oh, sure, there's some radio stations, that's loverly when you've got no bloody farming or agriculture, when you've got five traders in the entire DC area selling junk and guns to anyone with the caps. CAPS. There was new-mint COINAGE by Fallout 2 on the west coast, but 30 or so years LATER in DC they're still using caps.

4) Scavenging
Alright, this one is simple and short and easy; no place in the world has enough stuff to last 200 years of salvaging and scavenging. Canned food doesn't keep that long, bottled water doesn't keep nearly that long, AMMO probably doesn't keep that long.

5) The Water Problem
I don't care if I spoil things for people, it's too stupid to not say: Your father is trying to purify the bay from radiation so people can drink the water. THE BAY. THE OCEAN-FED BAY WILL BE DRINKABLE IF ONLY WE COULD GET RID OF THAT PESKY RADIATION.

6) Cars, and to a lesser extent vehicles
Fallout 2 had the Highwayman. Fallout Tactics had numerous vehicles maintained and operated by the Brotherhood. Fallout 3? Nope, cars don't work, even though their nuclear engines are still volatile, somehow, despite being inactive. The Brotherhood got there, how, by walking? They slogged all the way from California, huh? Or maybe Texas? Vertibirds. The Enclave had them in Fallout 2, and the Brotherhood stole the plans before the end of that game. The Enclave have them in droves in Fallout 3, but what about the Brotherhood? None. I don't mind no player-operated vehicles, but the Brotherhood should have at least a handful of HumVees at their disposal.

7) The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood was sent from the West coast (presumably, perhaps they came from Texas) to gather information and technology and return to base to report. This was some years before the game started. The Outcasts believe that the Brotherhood's local leader has gone 'native', and by association AWOL. Nobody can contact home base. This ties in with the above, and leads into a new argument: Are we to believe that after 200 years of steady climb to a nation-wide entity that the Brotherhood just sort of... collapsed in 40 years? Or that they sent their team out with faulty equipment? And no vehicles? They haven't managed to build ONE Vertibird in all that time and send it out to see what the Hell is taking them so long?

8) What are people eating?
Ties into all of the above. If there's no farms, and the only source of sustainable meat is the brahmin, then what are people eating? We're expected to believe that there was that much edible packaged food in 200 years?

9) Fawkes
Fawkes is an intelligent Super Mutant, who was put in a cell by the other Super Mutants for being different, for being too smart and a threat. He believes he is more human than the rest. If the other mutants are such savages, how could they make the decision to imprison Fawkes instead of killing him, number one, and number two, doesn't that make them just as 'human' as he is? Doesn't this whole scenario imply that all the Super Mutants are as human, and as intelligent, as a regular person? Doesn't this not jive with the storyline, that says that the East Coast mutants are senile berserkers?

10) The use of the GECK
OK, so dad needs a GECK to cannibalize to power his water purifyer. The GECK is designed and developed to clean an area of radiation and make it habitable by insuring that natural resources are usable by humanity. Why not just USE THE GECK?

11) Doctors and Radiation
Alright, so we've developed that radiation is the main cause of the concerns of East coast living. Fine and dandy, except for one major thing; all doctors can cure radiation poisoning for a fee. With caps being so commonplace, and people being so desperate for clean living, why hasn't this miracle cure been stolen and spread, or why doesn't everyone basically 'detox' once a month or year?

12) Slaves and their myriad uses
As the above, there is no economy, so why are the slavers? There's nobody to buy the slaves, they're never put to work, they just lounge about in their cages all day. It seems like a real waste, all those mouths to feed simply to be able to come out and say "I'm a slaver. I pay people to get me slaves. I don't know what to DO with my slaves, but there you have it."
For that matter, I havn't seen a single person except for YOU who actually OWNS a slave, assuming you buy Charon or the woman whos name escapes me. It's almost as if Bethesda wanted to be able to tackle the issue of slavery as a moral quandry without all the messy bits about actually depicting slave life.

13) Cult of the Atom
They worship the bomb, so deactiving it would, as their leader says, be sacralige. However, when you DO deactivate the bomb, they have nothing to say, nothing has changed, and it's not like they don't KNOW you haven't done it, everyone's praising you afterwards. Except them.

That's the end of it for the moment. I started writing this much earlier in the day, and forgot about it until now.

I know, I'm new, I'm an upstart, and I'm probably gonna piss some people off. But these are MAJOR flaws in storytelling, and the game itself. I cannot fathom how anyone can look at a game like this, one that relies on its story, and overlook these seemingly minor and yet influential and telling screw-ups, let alone give it a 10/10.

As far as I can really tell, this isn't Fallout 3, it's more of a reboot of the whole series. It ignores the past and forges its own history, its own future. I would be FINE with it if it didn't have the Fallout name on it. Well, not FINE, because the storytelling would still be terrible, but you get the idea.
This should have went in the negative impressions thread I think. Your right though on many accounts.
Too big of a post, number one, to go in a pre-existing thread; two, I intend to alter it as things occur to me. Three, where do you think I'm wrong? I'm not trying to start an argument, I just really wanna know if I've gotten something wrong or missed somethign that would make one of my points make more sense.
Nimdok said:
Too big of a post, number one, to go in a pre-existing thread; two, I intend to alter it as things occur to me. Three, where do you think I'm wrong? I'm not trying to start an argument, I just really wanna know if I've gotten something wrong or missed somethign that would make one of my points make more sense.

I agree with your post, for the most part. The places where I think you're wrong are as follows:

#8: The people are eating and selling mirelurk meat, dog meat and "strange" meat. I'm sure they probably eat molerat meat, as well.

#10 is a moot point, since the GECK is taken from you as soon as you get it anyway.

Some points to add might be 1: If the GECK is designed to clean an entire area of radiation, why does it emit radiation in excess? 2: If the Brotherhood cannot fix and use vehicles, how did they manage to fix and control Liberty Prime?

I've got others, but I've lost them at the moment.
Hey now quit bringing logic into the discussion about a bethesda game....and pointing out plot/game holes *tsk tsk* Come on now. Praise the 'beth' do not question its wisdom.
13BEAST said:
#8: The people are eating and selling mirelurk meat, dog meat and "strange" meat. I'm sure they probably eat molerat meat, as well.

#10 is a moot point, since the GECK is taken from you as soon as you get it anyway.

If all they were eating was meat they'd be dead of scurvy if they shouldn't already be dead of the radiation.

Why didn't the Enclave just use the GECK, then?
Three, where do you think I'm wrong?

Let's see...

Vegas is back to its old self

You mean Reno?

and there's a bloody Super Mutant sheriff in Redding, a working and operational gold mine.

Marcus is the sheriff of Broken Hills, which has no gold (but has a uranium mine). Redding has gold but no mutants.

The Brotherhood was sent from the West coast (presumably, perhaps they came from Texas) to gather information and technology and return to base to report. This was some years before the game started. The Outcasts believe that the Brotherhood's local leader has gone 'native', and by association AWOL. Nobody can contact home base. This ties in with the above, and leads into a new argument: Are we to believe that after 200 years of steady climb to a nation-wide entity that the Brotherhood just sort of... collapsed in 40 years? Or that they sent their team out with faulty equipment? And no vehicles? They haven't managed to build ONE Vertibird in all that time and send it out to see what the Hell is taking them so long?

It is the West Coast elders that deliberately cut the contact with Lyons, IIRC.

11) Doctors and Radiation
Alright, so we've developed that radiation is the main cause of the concerns of East coast living. Fine and dandy, except for one major thing; all doctors can cure radiation poisoning for a fee. With caps being so commonplace, and people being so desperate for clean living, why hasn't this miracle cure been stolen and spread, or why doesn't everyone basically 'detox' once a month or year?
Rad Away has been around since FO1.
Nimdok said:
10) The use of the GECK
OK, so dad needs a GECK to cannibalize to power his water purifyer. The GECK is designed and developed to clean an area of radiation and make it habitable by insuring that natural resources are usable by humanity. Why not just USE THE GECK?
The GECK was never designed to be a salvation though.

I think someone (ausir? BN cant remember) said that in relation with Arroyo, that even the GECK alone would proably not have saved the village and tribials. I dont know how the GECK works, but I doubt it is enough make the whole DC area a "garden eden" to speak so.

Anyway. I still did not liked that Fallout 3 is recylcing so many plots from Fallout 2 in some way. You have the Enclave, the BoS, a "water-problem", GECK, Supermutants, FEV (the enclave even has almost the same plan like in Fallout 2) ... well is anything in this game that is not from Interplayin in origin and at least some really good faction that Bethesda came up with ?
Ausir said:
Three, where do you think I'm wrong?

Let's see...

Vegas is back to its old self

You mean Reno?

and there's a bloody Super Mutant sheriff in Redding, a working and operational gold mine.

Marcus is the sheriff of Broken Hills, which has no gold (but has a uranium mine). Redding has gold but no mutants.

The Brotherhood was sent from the West coast (presumably, perhaps they came from Texas) to gather information and technology and return to base to report. This was some years before the game started. The Outcasts believe that the Brotherhood's local leader has gone 'native', and by association AWOL. Nobody can contact home base. This ties in with the above, and leads into a new argument: Are we to believe that after 200 years of steady climb to a nation-wide entity that the Brotherhood just sort of... collapsed in 40 years? Or that they sent their team out with faulty equipment? And no vehicles? They haven't managed to build ONE Vertibird in all that time and send it out to see what the Hell is taking them so long?

It is the West Coast elders that deliberately cut the contact with Lyons, IIRC.

11) Doctors and Radiation
Alright, so we've developed that radiation is the main cause of the concerns of East coast living. Fine and dandy, except for one major thing; all doctors can cure radiation poisoning for a fee. With caps being so commonplace, and people being so desperate for clean living, why hasn't this miracle cure been stolen and spread, or why doesn't everyone basically 'detox' once a month or year?
Rad Away has been around since FO1.

You're being a prat, you know that? I said, I'm not using the bible or wiki, I'm using the facts I remember. So shove it.

What the Hell does IIRC mean?

I'm not going to even go into the first two since they're simple fictional geographical mistakes. As for the last two...

Where does it say or even imply that the WC Brotherhood, or the Texas Brotherhood, has written off the East Coast faction? And that doesn't explain why they wouldn't have vehicles or Vertibirds. Or why the Outcasts haven't been able to contact them to update.

Rad Away, great. Who's making the Rad Away? Or the Psycho, the Mentats, the Stimpacks? How is there Jet without Myron? Myron died in Reno, or Vegas, or wherever, at the end of Fallout 2. He never told ANYONE how to make Jet, that was why he was still alive when you found him in Fallout 2, he kept his secret. To his grave.
Where does it say or even imply that the WC Brotherhood, or the Texas Brotherhood, has written off the East Coast faction? And that doesn't explain why they wouldn't have vehicles or Vertibirds. Or why the Outcasts haven't been able to contact them to update.

What Texas Brotherhood?
Crni Vuk said:
The GECK was never designed to be a salvation though.

I think someone (ausir? BN cant remember) said that in relation with Arroyo, that even the GECK alone would proably not have saved the village and tribials. I dont know how the GECK works, but I doubt it is enough make the whole DC area a "garden eden" to speak so.

Anyway. I still did not liked that Fallout 3 is recylcing so many plots from Fallout 2 in some way. You have the Enclave, the BoS, a "water-problem", GECK, Supermutants, FEV (the enclave even has almost the same plan like in Fallout 2) ... well is anything in this game that is not from Interplayin in origin and at least some really good faction that Bethesda came up with ?

Like I said, it's more of a recap/retelling than a true sequel, and that's one of the reasons. As for the GECK, it doesn't have to work in a huge area, it just has to start the process; look at Vault City. It STILL makes more sense to just use it, rather than going through with dad's plan, for reasons I've gone into already.
Ausir said:
Where does it say or even imply that the WC Brotherhood, or the Texas Brotherhood, has written off the East Coast faction? And that doesn't explain why they wouldn't have vehicles or Vertibirds. Or why the Outcasts haven't been able to contact them to update.

What Texas Brotherhood?

Tactics. The MidWest Brotherhood. Chicago. Fine. You know more about the lore than I do. My point stands.
Where does it say or even imply that the WC Brotherhood, or the Texas Brotherhood, has written off the East Coast faction?

The Midwestern Brotherhood is considered rogue by both the West Coast Elders and by Lyons and his bunch, likely because they not only refused to accept the authority of the Lost Hillls elders, but also accepted mutants into their ranks.

As for where it says so, you can learn it from Rothchild:

PC: It must be difficult to communicate with the West Coast.

Rothchild: Indeed it is. Especially when they refuse any attempts at communication.

PC: Why, what happened?

Rothchild: Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us.


The West Coast cut us off completely, once they saw what was going on. So now we're on our own. No communications, no reinforcements.
Ausir said:
Where does it say or even imply that the WC Brotherhood, or the Texas Brotherhood, has written off the East Coast faction?

The Midwestern Brotherhood is considered rogue by both the West Coast Elders and by Lyons and his bunch, likely because they not only refused to accept the authority of the Lost Hillls elders, but also accepted mutants into their ranks.

As for where it says so, you can learn it from Rothchild:

PC: It must be difficult to communicate with the West Coast.

Rothchild: Indeed it is. Especially when they refuse any attempts at communication.

PC: Why, what happened?

Rothchild: Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us.


The West Coast cut us off completely, once they saw what was going on. So now we're on our own. No communications, no reinforcements.

Decent point, for once. However, I might argue that Rothchild, being a scientist and not an Elder, wouldn't know the real reason why comms were severed.

It also doesn't explain why the Outcasts haven't informed the Brotherhood and requested an Evac or a contingent to deal with Lyons, or why the Brotherhood wouldn't talk to/respond to the Outcasts, being as how they're 'true' Brotherhood soldiers.

I'd like to point out that the guidebook? Isn't always accurate to a T, if you're using it for your information.
How is there Jet without Myron? Myron died in Reno, or Vegas, or wherever, at the end of Fallout 2. He never told ANYONE how to make Jet, that was why he was still alive when you found him in Fallout 2, he kept his secret. To his grave.
The player can basically figure out how to make Jet if he/she has high Int and Science. Hint: Brahmin Shit. Still doesn't explain why anyone on the East Coast has all of the west coast drugs though. I highly doubt some traveling merchant would bring drugs all the way across the continent.
TheRatKing said:
How is there Jet without Myron? Myron died in Reno, or Vegas, or wherever, at the end of Fallout 2. He never told ANYONE how to make Jet, that was why he was still alive when you found him in Fallout 2, he kept his secret. To his grave.
The player can basically figure out how to make Jet if he/she has high Int and Science. Hint: Brahmin Shit. Still doesn't explain why anyone on the East Coast has all of the west coast drugs though. I highly doubt some traveling merchant would bring drugs all the way across the continent.

Fair enough on the first point, and agreed on the second. Doesn't explain how someone on the East Coast came up with the same thing, named it the same thing when the knowledge died with Myron and, possibly, the Fallout 2 PC.
It also doesn't explain why the Outcasts haven't informed the Brotherhood and requested an Evac or a contingent to deal with Lyons, or why the Brotherhood wouldn't talk to/respond to the Outcasts, being as how they're 'true' Brotherhood soldiers.

The Elders do not know about the Outcasts splitting from Lyons' group. Hence they don't respond to their attempts at contacting them, since they think it's Lyons' group trying to talk to them again.
Ausir said:
It also doesn't explain why the Outcasts haven't informed the Brotherhood and requested an Evac or a contingent to deal with Lyons, or why the Brotherhood wouldn't talk to/respond to the Outcasts, being as how they're 'true' Brotherhood soldiers.

The Elders do not know about the Outcasts splitting from Lyons' group. Hence they don't respond to their attempts at contacting them, since they think it's Lyons' group trying to talk to them again.

Squire Maxson was sent to the Citadel after Lyons went AWOL, since it's described as 'recently'. Maxson would have noticed something was amiss, I would imagine, and contacted the Elders, including the information about the Outcasts. For that matter, his MOM would want to know what was going on, hence a reason for communication, if only because he's a BLOODY MAXSON.

This is in ADDITION to the idea that if the Outcasts had tried to contact the Elders, they would've SAID something along the lines of "Hi, Lyons has gone bloody nuts and we're trying to, you know, go home."