The Resurrection of Steve Jobs: Is He the Current Day Robert House?

Cistern Logic

Assistant to Dr. Mobius
He seems to be popping up all over the place, including Hollywood. Do I sense a conspiracy in the making?! :eek:

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Nah, Robert House actually created things, he wasn't a douchebag taking credit for other people's ideas or peddlign overpriced gadgets.

OOOoooooo! That had to hurt!

Not to speak ill of the dead, but the US is full of businessmen like him......... Or worse, like the hedge fund guy that secured the rights to a 60 year old drug - then raised the price on it by 5000%!!! How's that for scuzzy? The American Healthcare system: the vanguard of human compassion and brotherly stewardship..... *dripping profusely with sarcasm*
Well Thomas Eddison is still idolized nowadays even tho he was a bigger credit stealing douchebag than Jobs ever was.
To be fair, Eddison did more to further the world and did invent stuff too. And was also far more ruthless than Jobs.
Eddison was a scumbag, but he was a useful scumbag.

Steve Jobs is a marketeer's wet dream. But he personally meant very little. He was merely standing on the shoulders of giants. His role was that of a facilitator or tyrant. On a personal level, he was a selfish jerk.

It sickens me that he's likened to Bill Gates, Hughes, Eddison,...
Dennis Richie died 7 days after Jobs died and nobody even heard about it, even though there would be no Jobs if Dennis Richie didn't exist.
Sad that Tesla died poor. I think he was probably one of the smartest people of his time.

Spot on. Human history is sadly full of men like him: Van Gough, Mozart...... - a long heart breaking list of the underrated and unappreciated who become lauded posthumously (when they are unable to reap the rewards and feel the love). People can be harsh. :(
Spot on. Human history is sadly full of men like him: Van Gough, Mozart...... - a long heart breaking list of the underrated and unappreciated who become lauded posthumously (when they are unable to reap the rewards and feel the love). People can be harsh. :(

Mozart was plenty of famous when he was a young prodigy traveling around Europe with his father. He also had a way with words that many people don't know about :lol::

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Sad that Tesla died poor. I think he was probably one of the smartest people of his time.

Spot on. Human history is sadly full of men like him: Van Gough, Mozart...... - a long heart breaking list of the underrated and unappreciated who become lauded posthumously (when they are unable to reap the rewards and feel the love). People can be harsh. :(

Mmhmm. Well some people had no luck with money to say it that way, earning a lot but also loosing a lot for what ever reason. While others simply never had luck in making any real money, for what ever reason. I think Tesla was the kind of guy that simply never earned a fortune. At least he is a honored figure today. Well in some places. Fuck you Edison! FUCK YOU! *shakes fist*
Mmhmm. Well some people had no luck with money to say it that way, earning a lot but also loosing a lot for what ever reason. While others simply never had luck in making any real money, for what ever reason.

And then of course there are those who've deliberately pursued a far nobler goal than the acquisition of trifles like gold and baubles - the betterment of humankind:

To these great souls we, as a species, owe a debt that can never be adequately repaid. All we can do is altruistically give our very best to our brothers and sisters and try to leave a legacy of hope for future generations. :)
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He knew how to make money, you have to give him that.

Yep, he knew had to make that money.

The Chinese and Indians have a popular legend that goes; if you don't obey and respect your parents, Steve Jobs will steal you and take you away to an IPhone factory never to be seen again. They even say he harvests his money directly from the tears of children, but I'm not much of a superstitious person so take that part for granted.
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Honestly, it would not surprise me. And to say this, Jobs is the perfect exampet hat Buddhists can be just as much assholes like the rest. Albeit, I could not say if he was a real Buddhist. But I care far to little about him to check on that. So for accuracy sake, I will just say that he was an asshole.
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Agreed. In pursuit of Lassez-Faire capitalism, we often forget folks like Tesla, who wanted electricity to be affordable, or flat out free, and what Salk achieved.
Agreed. In pursuit of Lassez-Faire capitalism, we often forget folks like Tesla, who wanted electricity to be affordable, or flat out free, and what Salk achieved.

Tesla also wanted to build the United States an early 20th century death ray (among other assorted arrays of weaponry), and then got mad when they wouldn't fund it.
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