Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Huh? I don't have an approximate date set yet, but it's something along the line of 2110 ~ , not 2082. 

- this is our aimLexx said:Heh, that doesn't look like Fallout 2 at all.
Sure, but it's a living thing. You don't have the luxury of fixing bugs in fallout2 engine (apart from hooks and other hacks).Rain man said:2) FOnline is not polished (in comparison with fallout2.exe FOnline has many small annoying bugs)
Rain man said:3) Olympus 2207 will be a stand alone game (yes, it will use a modified fallout2.exe file and all sfx audio files, but it'll not be a mod, it'll be a whole new game. You dont have to install Fallout2 for play Olympus)
4) Initially it was decided that Olympus 2207 (first part of the planned trilogy) have to be a non-commercial game, so, we can use fallout2 files
5) Olympus game univers is pretty resembling Fallout univers, so in case of using fallout2 game structure we don't have to recreate all of basic game principles
Rain man said:To Lexx and scypior:
1) In singlplayer mode FOnline has memory leaks.
Lexx said:Only a small change, but lots of work. :p Editing all the walls and scenery... I bet it was a shitjob.