It Wandered In From the Wastes

Now back when Fallout 2 was the newest and greatest Fallout property, the GNN Transcript which could be found at the Sierra Army Depot, read to the effect that the PRC launched its invasion in early October and though initially took Alaska, was quickly repelled by the United States, who then launched a counter-offensive against the Chinese who were effectively drained logistically as they had committed major resources to the Invasion of Alaska and subsequently lost, and with defeat looming retaliated with nuclear weapons rather than face defeat at the hands of the United States(this retelling is also the version that President Richardson gives).
Then we had the Fallout Bibles, which expanded the war from a short Falklands style campaign, to a long and drawn out conflict over the course of eleven years. And to add to the confusion, further fluff was added by Bethesda, which really didn't make a whole lot of a sense, and furthermore, adds to the confusion in the fact that in Bethesda's Fallout's there are both functional Vertibirds, Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicles(which from my understanding, were mostly sidelined due to fuel shortages, leading the way for power armor), and other rather strange anomalies.
As both conflicts depicted are rather radically different beasts, I'm curious about two things:
1) Which one sounds more interesting?
2) Which one fits better to the Fallout continuity overall?
Then we had the Fallout Bibles, which expanded the war from a short Falklands style campaign, to a long and drawn out conflict over the course of eleven years. And to add to the confusion, further fluff was added by Bethesda, which really didn't make a whole lot of a sense, and furthermore, adds to the confusion in the fact that in Bethesda's Fallout's there are both functional Vertibirds, Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicles(which from my understanding, were mostly sidelined due to fuel shortages, leading the way for power armor), and other rather strange anomalies.
As both conflicts depicted are rather radically different beasts, I'm curious about two things:
1) Which one sounds more interesting?
2) Which one fits better to the Fallout continuity overall?