The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Now back when Fallout 2 was the newest and greatest Fallout property, the GNN Transcript which could be found at the Sierra Army Depot, read to the effect that the PRC launched its invasion in early October and though initially took Alaska, was quickly repelled by the United States, who then launched a counter-offensive against the Chinese who were effectively drained logistically as they had committed major resources to the Invasion of Alaska and subsequently lost, and with defeat looming retaliated with nuclear weapons rather than face defeat at the hands of the United States(this retelling is also the version that President Richardson gives).

Then we had the Fallout Bibles, which expanded the war from a short Falklands style campaign, to a long and drawn out conflict over the course of eleven years. And to add to the confusion, further fluff was added by Bethesda, which really didn't make a whole lot of a sense, and furthermore, adds to the confusion in the fact that in Bethesda's Fallout's there are both functional Vertibirds, Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicles(which from my understanding, were mostly sidelined due to fuel shortages, leading the way for power armor), and other rather strange anomalies.

As both conflicts depicted are rather radically different beasts, I'm curious about two things:
1) Which one sounds more interesting?
2) Which one fits better to the Fallout continuity overall?
I always imagined it as several decades of relatively "Cold" war (with plenty of espionage, saber rattling, proxy conflicts, etc) followed by a very short Falklands style "Hot" war ending with the bombs.
I always imagined it as several decades of relatively "Cold" war (with plenty of espionage, saber rattling, proxy conflicts, etc) followed by a very short Falklands style "Hot" war ending with the bombs.

I prefer long and drawn out, though the short war does make sense. A quick burst of energy and it's all over.
I prefer a long and drawn out war. Makes more sense imho

I'm curious how that makes more sense, since how did the Chinese support a protracted conflict in Alaska on the logistic level?

It'd be rash to nuke someone for a very short conflict. It's hard to explain, but I don't think it would make sense if it was a very short conflict.

I just don't think with the resource situation as it was, that either the PRC or the United States had the necessary War Reserves to fight an eleven year long conflict.
I prefer a long and drawn out war. Makes more sense imho

I'm curious how that makes more sense, since how did the Chinese support a protracted conflict in Alaska on the logistic level?

It'd be rash to nuke someone for a very short conflict. It's hard to explain, but I don't think it would make sense if it was a very short conflict.

I just don't think with the resource situation as it was, that either the PRC or the United States had the necessary War Reserves to fight an eleven year long conflict.

They actually might, think of it as a last ditch attempt. China has nothing else to lose.
As resources were getting tight and with the last chinese oil rig being sabotaged, then taken by the U.S., the chinese were most likely ill equipped for a decade long war.

America as well had the riots and Canadaian territory to hold down so I would assume the same.

I would take a mid opinion, maybe 4-6 year war. As the chinese lines folded from PA, Beijing decided to launch, if one goes by Richardson.
I think that the Chinese could last for a decade, though they would be sorely pressed to do so. Perhaps Russia sent support?
So they have to maintain control over annexed territories, beat back an american invasion, which they failed to do, and do both with limited resources. I would be very skeptical of any country staying in total war mode for that long.

A good comparison would be the Vietnam and Soviet-Afghan wars. Granted both were prosecuted ineptly, here are two superpowers, with no resource problems comparable to the world of Fallout. They are both fighting against a force that is by no means their equal. Both fail due to mis-management and war weariness.
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So they have to maintain control over annexed territories, beat back an american invasion, which they failed to do, and do both with limited resources. I would be very skeptical of any country staying in total war mode for that long.

A good comparison would be the Vietnam and Soviet-Afghan wars. Granted both were prosecuted ineptly, here are two superpowers, with no resource problems comparable to the world of Fallout. They are both fighting against a force that is by no means their equal. Both fail due to mis-management and war weariness.

It can work if Russia or other countries send support.
But why would Russia send support? It was stated that the resource shortage was global. I doubt the russians would share what little they have.
But why would Russia send support? It was stated that the resource shortage was global. I doubt the russians would share what little they have.

Allied attempt at America. Remember both sides needed America's energy and tech to survive. The war was based on a last ditch attempt, hence it's not that strange that Russia would send support.
Sure, but that means the allies need to split a sandwich that is already tiny.

The U.S. was down to one oil rig, the one they built over/took from the chinese.

I mean I understand, 'never say never', but to me, its still highly un-likely.
Sure, but that means the allies need to split a sandwich that is already tiny.

The U.S. was down to one oil rig, the one they built over/took from the chinese.

I mean I understand, 'never say never', but to me, its still highly un-likely.

They have to, but remember it's not like they have any choice. Both sides are screwed if they do nothing, an invasion gives them some respite.
Well, the biggest, most devastating wars in both universes lasted roughly 4-5 years.

WW1 1914-1918

WW2 1939-1944

This was when the world had resources to spare and wars destruction, although greater than anytime before it, didn't come close to the power that the belligerants brought to bear in Fallout.

Again, keep in mind that war becomes pointless when the resources needed to prosecute it is more than what you would get from the spoils.

Not only that, again, you have to take into account war weariness. If America already had massive domestic problems, you can bet China and Russia would have the same. The ME had already gone up in smoke and europe was a warzone.

I will admit the authoritarian nature of said regimes would help initially, it would hurt much more down the road.
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But why would Russia send support? It was stated that the resource shortage was global. I doubt the russians would share what little they have.

Allied attempt at America. Remember both sides needed America's energy and tech to survive. The war was based on a last ditch attempt, hence it's not that strange that Russia would send support.

Though going back to Fallout 1, we see the Granddaughter of the Soviet Union's senior consular representative in San Francisco, being let into Vault 13. This alone, would allude to the fact that there was a level of detente between the Soviet Union and the United States, and due to this, I doubt the Soviets would have been particularly interested in aiding the PRC, when they no doubt had riots and issues of their own, in the Warsaw Pact nations.