<a href=http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewBusiness.asp?Page=\\Business\\archive\\200109\\BUS20010912b.html>http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewBusiness.asp?Page=\\Business\\archive\\200109\\BUS20010912b.html</a>
(have to copy and paste the entire URL. edit, no you don't - Kharn)
There were small gold storage facilities owned by commercial banks, under the WTC's, this I have come to find is true.
I believe the claims that 160 billion dollars worth of gold, is outlandish, and that if there were 160 billion dollars worth of gold, and only 200 million were recovered, it was would of been front-page news story for months on end.
So obviously what I read must be entirely bullshit.
What confuses me is, why did the makers of the 9/11 Loose Change video, put that tidbit in there?
What was their source?
The more I look up the claims that the 9/11 Loose Change video makes, the more I find big fat loopholes.
Seems to me to be an hour and 20 minutes of garbage. With hypnotic music and garbled pseudo-fact after pseudo-fact, thrown in the viewers face, in a desperate effort to get him/her to believe.
Thanks for fixing my URL Kharn.
Well the number of approximately 200 million is true, thats about the extent of what has been recovered, but it is not just in gold. It is in all forms of precious metals.
Still haven't found any basis for the claim that some conspiracy theorist are claiming, that there were in excess of 160 billlion+ being stored down there.