The truth behind 9/11

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Conspiracy theories aside, Doc, let me ask you a question. Have you ever played Fallout?

Is this a trick question? As a long time member you should be aware that NO FALLOUT TALK IS ALLOWED HERE. Sorry, I'm not that easy to bait. If you're that interested, PM me and I may divulge my secrets... Other than that, stick to the topic!
Dr. Jerkoholic said:
Is this a trick question? As a long time member you should be aware that NO FALLOUT TALK IS ALLOWED HERE. Sorry, I'm not that easy to bate. If you're that interested, PM me and I may divulge my secrets... Other than that, stick to the topic!
Damnation, you saw through DDD's subterfuge. We will need to use higher quality agents for the purpose.

Actually, I am interested in this question as well, if you could provide a simple yes or no (I don't think it will change the topic of discussion, but if it does, we can split it into a new thread). If you want to be quite technical, the question is not about Fallout, but rather about your acquaintance with said game. I think it has some relevance.
It is an justified question. If you have played fallout than you are an ordinary member of this forum, and came here to have discussions with other fallout fans, however if you have not, then you are an obsessed troller begging for attention and release for your theories weather they are true or not. Such people are usually in a forum like this one because every other forum they have been to has sooner or later banned them, and they come here in pure desperation. Seeing as you have not commited anything to any other thread than this one wich you created, I think you should answer. A simple Yes/No would suffice.
Oh and i note that you saw a conspiracy in a simple question from trippel-D.
And i have another question. How many forums have you been banned from?
Kotario said:
Damnation, you saw through DDD's subterfuge. We will need to use higher quality agents for the purpose.


I shall not fail you again! Uhh, not that I'm working for you or anything... :look:
To conform or not to conform, that is the question…
(Time passes…)
Yes, I have played both Fallout and Fallout 2. You can PM me a quiz if you will... Maybe one day I’ll start a Fallout conspiracy thread as well. But first we have to exhaust this topic.

Loxley said:
It is an justified question. If you have played fallout than you are an ordinary member of this forum, and came here to have discussions with other fallout fans, however if you have not, then you are an obsessed troller begging for attention and release for your theories weather they are true or not. Such people are usually in a forum like this one because every other forum they have been to has sooner or later banned them, and they come here in pure desperation.

So am I to conclude from this that trolling is OK here? Because you sympathize with them? But for that to be true, all the people in charge here should have a trollish nature themselves, suppresed if nothing else. Is that what you were implying? :roll:

Just to set the record strait, I'm not a troller, at least by his definition anyway.

Loxley said:
And i have another question. How many forums have you been banned from?
I'm afraid I can not comment on that. Sorry.

So, other than that you find this discussion pointless, just how much of the 9/11 official story do you people believe in?
Dr. Jerkoholic said:
You can PM me a quiz if you will... Maybe one day I’ll start a Fallout conspiracy thread as well...

So can any child with access to google, yahoo, and such.

The reason everyone is suspicious of you is because you showed up out of nowhere, and started ranting on this conspiracy. It can be viewed like this;

You're walking along in a local shopping mall, and just talking with your friends about what new movies are coming out and such. Out of fucking nowhere, some unknown person jumps out of the shadowy corner, and begins to rant. Yeah, it'd freak me out.

I mean, this forum is free to join and debate at your leisure, but you did give off the attention whore vibe. It's not because Big Brother wants you to shut up. It's just that we get a lot, and had a lot of these types of debates. This topic can be summed up as "been there, done that." But, I guess you didn't know. Plus, I don't know what moderators hate more, reviving long dead topics, or reincarnating them.
Paladin Solo said:
The reason everyone is suspicious of you is because you showed up out of nowhere, and started ranting on this conspiracy. It can be viewed like this...
Are you sure he just showed up from nowhere, or is he just a pawn in the governments(USAs) plan to insulate and dismiss the people of certain qualities of knowledge from the real truth, that the planes and the building were full of elderly and medically dead people sacrificed in a plan to control the whole planet. :evil:
Or he might be one of us, or even me, and even if he deny this, it doesn't prove anything :!:
I hereby petition that Jarno should be arrested and shot for conspiring to conspire a conspiracy of a conspiracy, and confusing the fuck out of me and everyone else except Ratty.

Jarno...maybe Doc Jerko is a figment of your imagination?
nnnnnghh... head... hurts...

"Conspiracy bullcrap" aside, what does it fucking matter if the US government had prior knowledge of said attacks and possibly was involved in orchestrating the attacks and the coverup? There's very little we can damn well do about it. If you're right, "they're the ones with the cash and the guns and they hoard the syrupy black junk on which my old Dodge runs" and we ain't gonna be able to do shit about them. Don't agonize over that which you cannot realistically hope to change... I have learned that with my earlier postings regarding FO3 and the anal-whore that is the Video Game Industry. These posts have been very entertaining - even the barely comprehensible gobbledygook that Jarno tosses out - but the point has been made, I seriously doubt any conclusion, scientific or not, will be satisfying to anyone, and any said conclusions and/or proof of guilt will be tantamount to having boatloads of artillery shells and not a single gun to fire them from. The US is headed down an ugly road, and if it gets too much uglier I'm gonna just drive down, drag my brother the hell out of the Army, and move to Canada, or New Zealand, and be content to watch the fireworks without a front-row seat. I mean, what else can you hope to possibly do?
IgnatzKrebs said:
move to Canada, or New Zealand, and be content to watch the fireworks without a front-row seat. I mean, what else can you hope to possibly do?
The thing is, even if you chose to move to C or NZ you will probably still be on the front-row seat.
Stop conspiring to sabotage this thread!

This is a a few days old, but worth having your attention:

BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11
Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones made headlines when he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "pre-positioned explosives." Now, along with a group that calls itself "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," he's upping the ante.
"We believe that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11," the group says in a statement released Friday announcing its formation. "We believe these events may have been orchestrated by the administration in order to manipulate the American people into supporting policies at home and abroad."
Headed by Jones and Jim Fetzer, University of Minnesota Duluth distinguished McKnight professor of philosophy, the group is made up of 50 academicians and others.
They include Robert M. Bowman, former director of the U.S. "Star Wars" space defense program, and Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the Department of Labor in President George W. Bush's first term. Most of the members are less well-known.
The group's Web site ( includes an updated version of Jones's paper about the collapse of the Twin Towers and a paper by Fetzer that looks at conspiracy theories. The government's version of the events of 9/11 — that the plane's hijackers were tied to Osama bin Laden — is its own conspiracy theory, says Fetzer, who has studied the John F. Kennedy assassination since 1992.
"Did the Bush administration know in advance about the impending attacks that occurred on 9/11, and allow these to happen, to provoke pre-planned wars against Afghanistan and Iraq? These questions demand immediate answers," charges a paper written collectively by Scholars for 9/11 Truth. The group plans to write more papers, and present lectures and conferences.
"We have very limited resources and no subpoena powers," Fetzer said. "What you have is a bunch of serious scholars taking a look at this and discovering it didn't add up. We don't have a political ax to grind."
Fetzer has doctorates in the history and philosophy of science. "One of the roles I can play here," he said, "is to explain why a certain line of argument is correct or not."
In his original message to potential members last month, Fetzer warned that joining the group might make them the subject of government surveillance and might get them on various lists of "potential terrorists."
The group's charges include:

• Members of the Bush administration knew in advance that the 9/11 attacks would happen but did nothing to stop them.

• No Air Force or Air National Guard jets were sent to "scramble" the hijacked planes, which were clearly deviating from their flight plans, although jet fighters had been deployed for scramblings 67 times in the year prior to 9/11. The procedure for issuing orders for scrambling was changed in June 2001, requiring that approval could only come from the Secretary of Defense, but Donald Rumsfeld was not alerted soon enough on 9/11, according to Scholars group.

• The video of Osama bin Laden found by American troops in Afghanistan in December 2001, in which bin Laden says he orchestrated the attacks, is not bin Laden. The Scholars for 9/11 Truth compared the video with a photo of the "real" bin Laden and argue that there are discrepancies in the ratio of nose-length to nose-width, as well as distance from tip-of-nose to ear lobe.
The Scholars group hopes that media outlets around the world will ask experts in their areas to examine the group's findings and assertions. If this were done, they argue, "one of the great hoaxes of history would stand naked before the eyes of the world."
The group also asks for an investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, following up on points made in Jones's paper, "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?" That paper, recently updated, has been posted on Jones's BYU Web site since last November.
Jones argues that the WTC buildings did not collapse due to impact or fires caused by the jets hitting the towers but collapsed as a result of pre-positioned "cutter charges." Proof, he says, includes:

• Molten metal was found in the subbasements of WTC sites weeks after 9/11; the melting point of structural steel is 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature of jet fuel does not exceed 1,800 degrees. Molten metal was also found in the building known as WTC7, although no plane had struck it. Jones's paper also includes a photo of a slag of the metal being extracted from ground zero. The slag, Jones argues, could not be aluminum from the planes because in photographs the metal was salmon-to-yellow-hot temperature (approximately 1,550 to 1,900 degrees F) "well above the melting temperatures of lead and aluminum," which would be a liquid at that temperature.

• Building WTC7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds, which means, Jones says, that the steel and concrete support had to be simply knocked out of the way. "Explosive demolitions are like that," he said. "It doesn't fit the model of the fire-induced pancake collapse."

• No steel-frame, high-rise buildings have ever before or since been brought down due to fires. Temperatures due to fire don't get hot enough for buildings to collapse, he says.

• Jones points to a recent article in the journal New Civil Engineering that says WTC disaster investigators at NIST (the National Institutes of Standards and Technology) "are refusing to show computer visualizations of the collapse of the Twin Towers despite calls from leading structural and fire engineers."

Neither Jones nor other members of the Scholars group suggests who would have planted the explosives, but they argue that the devices could have been operated by remote control.
Jones says he has received thousands of e-mails from people around the world who either support his ideas or think he's "nutty," and he still gets about 30 e-mails a day on the topic.
He continues to do research on cold fusion, which he prefers to call metal-catalyzed fusion "to distinguish it from the claims" of former University of Utah chemistry professors B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishmann, "which we do not accept as verified." He reports that his metal-catalyzed fusion work is going well, with three scientific papers published last year.
Jones will present a talk entitled "9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions" at Utah Valley State College at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1.
I think he is a plant by the White House sent to discredit conspiracy theories across the Internets. He's certainly doing a good enough job making me care less and less about an issue of marginal importance.
The Truth is Out There

He sure puts a lot of effort into this.

So Dr. Jerkoholic tell me, is all your information based on the stuff what you can find on the internet? :lalala:
Or are you some kind of building engineer so you can actually separate reals facts from the the bullshit?
The Commissar said:
I think he is a plant by the White House sent to discredit conspiracy theories across the Internets. He's certainly doing a good enough job making me care less and less about an issue of marginal importance.

You are free to believe what you will, but would you be so kind sir Commissar to say what then is an issue of significant importance to you? You know what, don't answer this, as I can already figure what you'll say.

What I can say for myself is that I feel it as my duty as a citizen and a human being to know the truth behind such catalizing events as had taken place on that ominous day of 9/11, since in contrary we risk repeating history in a most disturbingly ignorant manner...

In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.... (Hitler, 1925, p. 134, Mein Kampf)

---------- EDIT ----------

So Dr. Jerkoholic tell me, is all your information based on the stuff what you can find on the internet?
Or are you some kind of building engineer so you can actually separate reals facts from the the bullshit?

Is all your knowledge based out of what you read (better said comprehended) from books? Is your perception of the global events based on what you see on TV and read in the newspapers?

I have a significant background in science to know the cow from the bull. But thanks for asking.
Dr. Jerkoholic said:
You are free to believe what you will, but would you be so kind sir Commissar to say what then is an issue of significant importance to you? You know what, don't answer this, as I can already figure what you'll say.

You can? Well thats a relief.
Well, now i'm curious as to what he believes is important to you "sir" commissar.
i think that the pentagon attack is bullshit as i haven't seen any picture with an airplane stuck into the building.

Conspiracy.... did you know that there were no jews in the WTC the 11/9?

whatever the mottifs were, i think that the reaction of the US (getting involved in afghanistan and irak) is just crap, they aren't fighting terrorism, they're just promoting hate against the US. Bush said that he'll withdraw the troops from Irak when they have a democratic gobernement and stability. The terrorist will keep bombing and exploding stuff until the americans leave... so i think they'll never leave as they won't have the peace they want to achieve with the soldiers (which is the condition prior to leave)

sorry my bad english :P