The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #2

IGN must have played the PC version to notice such a difference. Everyone else seems to have played the Xbox one and it would be hard to notice much of a difference.
Anyway I didn't actually make an appointment beforehand, partly because for several reasons I was not sure whether I would be going to Gamescom after all until pretty much the day before (in fact, until the day before Gamescom started, I thought I wouldn't be going after all). Still, I doubt they'd let me in on a behind-closed-doors demo as someone from Wikia even if I tried making an appointment. I probably would have had more of a chance of getting in if I was still working for Polygamia.

Still, I did not have an appointment with EA/BioWare either, and yet I did manage to get a VIP card that gave me unlimited access to their business area.
Ausir did damn good job with his preview. It made me to find my final before-release opinion about it. "Sort of want...".
About the improved graphics: We saw already stuff like smoke over fireplaces, etc. This didn't existed in Fallout 3. So it's already kind of an improvement.
Anyway I'm definitely interested in this. Too bad I don't have a computer that could run it :(

Fallout 3 had only one decent thing in it - that was exploration. But I tired of it quite fast, because all the locations that you found were quite dull in the end. Hope all the dialogue and stuff is really that much better
NPCs and stuff got shadows. World objects not and on the screens so far we couldn't see them in New Vegas as well.
Skynet said:
How about shadows?

Fallout 3 pretty much didn't have them.

Unless Obsidian pimped their build for GamesCom, and didn't take the opportunity to take some screenshots to show to the press, same as Fallout 3.

Ausir could probably reply in more detail, having played that.
Didn't really notice, to be frank, but I doubt it's any different from FO3 in that regard.
As far as inventory, weapons etc. were concerned do you remember anything interesting Ausir? (Like, did you have just normal bullets? How does the new-but-really-just-taken-from-Fallout-1-and-2 system works? Did you feel like it made any differences at all? etc.)

Also, Josh once said on the Bethsoft forums that you can activate Hardcore mode only at the beginning of the game and then if you deactivate it it's lost forever... do you know if the fact that you could activate it farther into the game was just because of the Gamescom demo?
Ausir said:
Not really, graphics-wise it's still pretty much the same game.

Well, it looks quite different to me. At least in comparison to an unmodded F3. Then again, it may be just because the green taint is gone.
If I remember correctly, the PC version did look better.

At Quakecon, all the Fallout:New Vegas demos were on xbox360 in the Bethesda booth, but at the Nvidia booth there were 2 demos running it on the PC and I played with both.
Xenophile said:
If I remember correctly, the PC version did look better.

Mmh, assuming you remember (considering how chaotic gaming conventions are I wouldn't blame if you didn't), how exactly did the PC version look better? Higher resolution textures? Better draw distance?

Fallout 3's PC version looked better too, but just because of AA + AF, and the difference was marginal at best.
The pc version will look better because of more possibilities in graphic settings. Textures, etc. will not be changed.