There's No Such Thing as a Cooler RPGFPS!


Alas, I very much doubt many people would care for it (being Fallout in general) until they heard it was by Bethsoft.

Eh, the 'roos are eating my grass here in western Sydney, time for the hunt for dinner!

*Loads shotgun*
spadthebad said:
The Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System pauses the game in combat, whilst you target certain parts of your enemies’ bodies and they do the same to you.
Is that true? I haven't seen that anywhere else, that would make it turn based wouldn't it?
No, it would require VATS to be more than an assisted targeting system...


Ahah :P Thanks people.

Anyway, in response to Duckman, I know guys who pretend to like Fallout 3 just to piss off Fallout fans. So it's possible that, just like GameSpy said they would do, some people around the interwebz are just pretending as well... I don't know, I personally don't really care. In fact, I like it, they way I like it when someone proves he is a complete braindead retardo. In mean, what's up with this people? Pretending to like a game just because they dislike the attitude of someone who doesn't like the game? What the hell? Best of all is when those same people come up with some wholly retarded opinion of some sort and say NMA FO3 preview is not good, that quantity doesn't equal quality, that they prefer small previews with good things in it rather than large previews without quality... God, how I love those guys who look at previews like this one and say "I love it"... :)
while this article may not be bad, i would give it a 5 simply due to some factual errors, it nowhere near is as bad as the other Q&A article that was laced with just ignorant mistakes. now that article was worthy of a 1 pre-edits, and of a 3 post-edits.
Hello all,

Seeing as these days its all about taking game favorites and classics into bold new directions me and a friend also have been discussing what kind of direction one of today's favorites; Grand Theft Auto, should go.

Though the game appeals to the action and sandbox crowd I feel that the the turn based strategy crowd is being ignored, a group of potential buyers, therefore I insist that the next Grand Theft Auto sequel becomes a turn based strategy game or have such elements in it.

Also in a way the game is very limited, generally just one city, but instead of just taking it a step further and include other cities why not take it a very bold step forwards; the player should be able to go into space and to other planets!
As long as it includes GTA elements the fans won't complain.

And how about time travel? Wouldn't it be exciting to go back in time and pimp up a horse cart?

And while we are at it, we are now also ignoring the fantasy fans so lets bring in magic, and lets not forget the sci-fi fans so we will also bring in a load of robots, and to make it extreme we're going to combine the idea; magical robots, and to fit the GTA theme; the magical robot mafia!

Last to make the game really epic, we need a villain with status, so how about a warlock was was defeated thousands of years ago by a band of heroes but who know has returned to spread darkness throughout the world, and the player is the only one who can beat him.

Here you have it, the next ultra extreme, appeal to all, Grand Theft Auto that will blow gamers away because it breaks with the old and tired gameplay and goes into exciting new directions; a turn based game in which the player must take on the magical robot mafia while being to go into space and back in time with the final goal being to defeat the evil resurrected warlock who wants to destroy the world.

Trust me, game reviewers will be all over it, and the developers will say that this is the way the original GTA developers had the game in mind but could not realise because of the technical limitations at the time.

Edit: not meant against the GTA fans on this board.
spadthebad said:
Plus, I wonder if Ron Perlmans war never changes bit would sound better with an Australian accent, it would be more MadMaxish.



That's not a war, THIS is a war.
spadthebad said:
The Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System pauses the game in combat, whilst you target certain parts of your enemies’ bodies and they do the same to you.
Is that true? I haven't seen that anywhere else, that would make it turn based wouldn't it?

Plus, I wonder if Ron Perlmans war never changes bit would sound better with an Australian accent, it would be more MadMaxish.


This cannot be a serious post.
spadthebad said:
Is that true? I haven't seen that anywhere else, that would make it turn based wouldn't it?

Yip, enemies run in VATS too. Their attack damage is lowered, and their running time is slower than yours, so the only factual effect is that they aim at body parts in what comes down to RTwP play.

No, it's still not TB.
You misunderstood him Brother, at least the way I see it, he didn't mean that...
He quoted this part:
"whilst you target certain parts of your enemies’ bodies and they do the same to you."

Yes, that part is correct.
No, it does not mean the game runs in turn-based.

What'd I misunderstand?
Wow. Just wow....I mean my god.
I feel smart. Really, I coulda sneezed a better preview, in reverse, out my ass.
That's saying something considering I am not very bright sometimes.

I dunno. I generally don't comment on FOINO, I just cannot believe some of the crap I've been seeing lately. New lows.....

I will continue to refrain from commenting on them, this one just so comically stupid I had to.

EDIT: Seriously, it's like a bad, horrid, car wreck. You just can't look away.