Yoshi525 said:
Wasps/ hornets are the only insects that bother me in the slightest; I can handle (literally) spiders without the slightest sense of fear or repulsion, if a wasp makes physical contact with me I loose my shit though. I'm a very calm person in almost any scenario, wasps and hypodermic needles are the only things which trigger in me waves of pure hysterical panic. I honestly think I would react better if threatened at gun point, than if a wasp landed on my face.
I once guided a wasp onto my hand, on the bus, because I didn't think it deserved to die a pointless death on the bus, when the exit door is so close by. I got weird looks, yes. I wasn't too brave about it tho, and pretty nervous the whole ride, but I figured if I just trust what I know about them, and avoid triggering any of it's urges to attack, I should be fine, and I was. I let the wasp fly free just a few stops later :]
I often make an ass of myself, being all "mister science" explaining to my friends how easily you can get rid of a wasp by slowly annoying it. It actually works, by avoiding fast movements, you can bother it - without triggering its attack reflex, instead it will fly away. You basically mimmick branches waving in the wind and such, movements the wasp won't waste precious venom on.
And make an ass, as in, I'm all explaining how it works, a wasp appears, and I get all twitchy jumpy evady, and not at all exemplaric of my own theory :I Hey! If it gets too close, I just wanna get the fuck away!