There's two kinds of people in the world

So I was chillin in by bed a couple minutes ago watching shit on YouTube. Outta nowhere this fuckin thing drops onto my hand:

Needless to say I screamed like a little bitch and am currently in the other room. Think I'll sleep on the couch tonight... Fuckin spider crickets, I swear.
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We have house spiders that can get quite big, but nothing like in more southern countries. Crane flies can also get pretty big. Then there's the stag beetle.
None of those insects are particularly big. The first two are pretty much all legs anyway.
None of those insects are particularly big. The first two are pretty much all legs anyway.

Well, depends on what you compare to I guess. But the stag beetle is the largest beetle in Europe, if I'm not mistaken.
Keywords being "in Europe". Europe's a pussy continent when it comes to freaky animals and insects. :V


Point is, we ain't got nothing that compares to that freaky fucking monstrosity that wanted to eat R.Graves' hand. And nordic countries? We're the easy setting on a game.