likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

Did anyone hear the file ''The Survivor'' at the bottom of the tumblr page? You can hear some kind of 50s music, a guy breathing and making noises with a gun or bottle caps and you can hear the sea on the background, in fact is the same background noise from the Ella Deux file also does anyone knows where the phrase ''if a flame is to grow, there must be a glow'' is from?
It's a lyric from this song in that first clip
This version in the second

Also that sound was totally a guy loading a revolver.
and then in that second clip he shot something or someone.

They just added another audio clip of a Vault being opened and somebody saying "“The Vault has been opened. There was not enough power to level Five! God have mercy on our souls.” Weird thing is it's dated 10.44.78

Maybe that's November 13th 2278
I doubt they're ever going to make a ghoul protagonist. Playing as somebody who's already dead? This isn't Dark Souls.
Ghouls are just people who have a random factor plus great quantities of radiation.

If the player character would be a ghoul, somehow, trough SCIENCE, he could revert the transformation and found a cure, that will be the main theme of the game, transformation aren't permanent, you will die at the end, Ella Delux would be a doctor and the Requiem Towers are the machine used in the process. Boom GOTY of whatever year it will be released. All is well when Bethesda is happy and making money.
New post references Lenox. It's a town in west Massachusetts on the New York border.

Given that the markings are for a 74 A could Vault 74's experiment be broken up among several different places, you know 74 B, 74C, etc.?
You know I’m going to laugh so hard If all this is fake but Bethesda ends up announcing fallout 4 on 12/07/13 (VGAs now called VGX is on that day) anyways.
Feigenbaum said:
Given that the markings are for a 74 A could Vault 74's experiment be broken up among several different places, you know 74 B, 74C, etc.?

Probably the Vault 74 is divided in various sectors to effectively run the Experiment and some tragedy occurred and the player is the only survivor hence the name.

What did the guy said in the last file? I could only hear '' The vault is being opened and God save us all'' I couldn't hear because of the background noise.
The door sound is from FO3, hmmm... gamebryo again?

We also have the same premise, PC getting out from a vault.
Feigenbaum said:
A door opening would sound different on a different engine?
Well, you can remaster the sound to be better or to match a new door design.
Emperor said:
Maybe they just recycled the sound or else.
Yeah, this is only an audio teaser, but I really don't want gamebryo again XD
Uh... Vault 74a is the mapname for the tutorial Vault 74 map the Bethsoft videos walked you through making for the original Fallout 3 GECK, way back in 200X. That audio file is a verbatim read of the note they have you write up and leave as a simple "explore the vault" quest trigger, iirc.