likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website


But best title ever!
The case is this: a website by the url of has recently appeared, and would seem to be registered by ZeniMax Media according to the whois data. The game plays a radio file called Bridgeport (likely referencing the Connecticut city, assuming the teaser site is legit) that consists in a series of beeps that can be decoded in morse code, and, according to Redditor curswine translates to "11.12.13", assuming the date is in a European format (note: I previously wrote there were two dates in the file, but I was mistaken), that would means 11 December 2013, which means it'd likely align with the VGAs, which Bethesda already used to announce Skyrim in 2010.

Of course, this might all be a fake. ZeniMax has never used GoDaddy to register a web domain before as far as I'm aware, but CorporateDomains, and after the Half Life 3 European trademark prank I'll need Pete Hines to come to my room and tell me before I stop taking this with a pound of salt.

Original source: Reddit (via The Escapist)

EDIT: Checking the domain IP shows, which leads to Needless to say, there's no way Bethesda would use a Polish host, so this is a fake.

EDIT 2: The page's source code has been edited to add these lines:<blockquote>European RTMP Server

American RTMP Server,</blockquote>I'm still leaning towards fake and assume this was just added by the prankster to make the website seem more legit, but I'm going to leave a bit more leeway in case it happens to be true.

EDIT 3: The VGAs are now called the VGX and will air on December 7, so whether true or false, that's not what the date indicates.

EDIT 4: The Vault provides a breakdown of the facts about the site's content.

EDIT 5: A Tumblr site has been found.

EDIT 6: Erik T. Dellums, Three Dog's voice actor has tweeted something that might lend some credibility to the teaser website, although, of course, he might just be following this as a fan and not be in the know:<blockquote>Are we getting closer? Hmm. .Ready to Fight the Good Fight? I know I am. … #ShareLove #ThreeDog</blockquote> (thanks Ruiner)
Looking at the website code, we will see a countdown at some point. Also a video.


Looks valid to me. It has all Bethesdian elements: Eastcoast, the year 2299 which is after all other events (remember, Bethesda always advances into the future), the possible time of the announcement, the commented out stuff on the website itself (yeah, if you are going to make a fake website, you might forget about such details), even the website name (The Vault Dweller, The Lone Wander, The Courier and du-dum... The Survivor)...

But don't worry. This being true or not doesn't matter much, as a Fallout 4 from Bethesda will be shit anyway. :lol:
Yeah, I agree with Lexx. Don't get overly excited about this.
If it really is about FO4, then cool. And whatever.
Bewitched said:
There's fallout.css string in the code :whatever:

But it doesn't matter because the website apparently is either from a Polish dude or someone living in Poland. Still, eh, gives an excuse to discuss something that isn't a Fallout 3 retrospective or Wasteland 2! Yay!
Well the European IP Goes to Poland, But the North American IP ( goes to Bethesda Sites themselves.

All I know is, we've 26 days to find something out.
Why wouldn't Bethesda use a Polish server? I know that e.g. Wikia's European servers are in Poland.
By the looks of it F4 will be in Connecticut ( especially on Bridgeport)

If this is really true and a new Fallout is coming.. I don't know if I cry (Bethesda's Fallout) or get excited (A new Fallout game).Well,all of this can be just a hoax (a good one).

I will just wait.
I'm liberal today: if they simply don't make it as idiotic as FO3, it will be fine for me. Really, I like Skyrim for what it was, it was fun; no depth, repetitive after a while, broken systems and stuff like that, but it was fun for a while, the world was slightly believable (it had crops, houses, locations, etc).

Unlike FO3, which has all the bad things I saw in Skyrim and none of the good things (for me, FO3 was not fun, it was not believable, it had retarded events like AntAgonizer x TheMechanist).

Really, just take the game setting seriously, like it seems you take TES setting (I said "it seems", the only TES I ever played is Skyrim, don't blame me if I'm wrong).
Makenshi said:
I'm liberal today: if they simply don't make it as idiotic as FO3, it will be fine for me. Really, I like Skyrim for what it was, it was fun; no depth, repetitive after a while, broken systems and stuff like that, but it was fun for a while, the world was slightly believable (it had crops, houses, locations, etc).

Unlike FO3, which has all the bad things I saw in Skyrim and none of the good things (for me, FO3 was not fun, it was not believable, it had retarded events like AntAgonizer x TheMechanist).

Really, just take the game setting seriously, like it seems you take TES setting (I said "it seems", the only TES I ever played is Skyrim, don't blame me if I'm wrong).

To be fair, Fallout has never had a "...serious..." setting. In a game where you can: travel back through time, meet/kill aliens, fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs, talk with deathclaws, fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant, meet Monty Python warriors, etc. etc. etc., watching a fight between two super-heroes like the AntAgonist and the Mechanist isn't exactly all that strange.
GarouxBloodline said:
Makenshi said:
I'm liberal today: if they simply don't make it as idiotic as FO3, it will be fine for me. Really, I like Skyrim for what it was, it was fun; no depth, repetitive after a while, broken systems and stuff like that, but it was fun for a while, the world was slightly believable (it had crops, houses, locations, etc).

Unlike FO3, which has all the bad things I saw in Skyrim and none of the good things (for me, FO3 was not fun, it was not believable, it had retarded events like AntAgonizer x TheMechanist).

Really, just take the game setting seriously, like it seems you take TES setting (I said "it seems", the only TES I ever played is Skyrim, don't blame me if I'm wrong).

To be fair, Fallout has never had a "...serious..." setting. In a game where you can: travel back through time, meet/kill aliens, fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs, talk with deathclaws, fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant, meet Monty Python warriors, etc. etc. etc., watching a fight between two super-heroes like the AntAgonist and the Mechanist isn't exactly all that strange.

For what it's worth, that's all Fallout 2, right?
GarouxBloodline said:
To be fair, Fallout has never had a "...serious..." setting. In a game where you can: travel back through time, meet/kill aliens, fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs, talk with deathclaws, fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant, meet Monty Python warriors, etc. etc. etc., watching a fight between two super-heroes like the AntAgonist and the Mechanist isn't exactly all that strange.
F2 obviously didn't take itself seriously. I can roll with that, until it's at least funny and game has good gameplay mechanics. Not the case with F3 of course Antagonizer isn't bad because it's improbable, but it fails (and fails HARD) at being funny.
As somebody said: "It's one thing to be fiction with suspension of disbelief and another to be mind-numbingly retarded, especially since it comes out of writers' not giving a fuck". F2, F3 and NV all had stupid parts, but part of them in F3 isn't retarded because it defies science but because it defies logic itself. Places like Megaton or LL were bashed here so many times because of that very reason.
GarouxBloodline said:
Makenshi said:
I'm liberal today: if they simply don't make it as idiotic as FO3, it will be fine for me. Really, I like Skyrim for what it was, it was fun; no depth, repetitive after a while, broken systems and stuff like that, but it was fun for a while, the world was slightly believable (it had crops, houses, locations, etc).

Unlike FO3, which has all the bad things I saw in Skyrim and none of the good things (for me, FO3 was not fun, it was not believable, it had retarded events like AntAgonizer x TheMechanist).

Really, just take the game setting seriously, like it seems you take TES setting (I said "it seems", the only TES I ever played is Skyrim, don't blame me if I'm wrong).

To be fair, Fallout has never had a "...serious..." setting. In a game where you can: travel back through time, meet/kill aliens, fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs, talk with deathclaws, fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant, meet Monty Python warriors, etc. etc. etc., watching a fight between two super-heroes like the AntAgonist and the Mechanist isn't exactly all that strange.

travel back through time - unique encounter in the map, not a canon event or quest

meet/kill aliens - if you refer to the flying saucer in FO1, same answer; if you refer to the random encounter, those things are just wannamingos on steroids that someone decided to call "aliens", which as a totally retarded decision in FO2 - in any case, it is merely a critter, it has zero importance on the aspects I mentioned, just like cazadores in FNV

fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs - wannamingos, just a non explained mutant critter; could be something better, like the deathclaws were;? sure, i won't defend FO2 on this too, but again, it is a minor thing in comparison to the whole picture of the game

talk with deathclaws - FEV experiment, as fucked up as that is it is not presented as yet another retarded 50's joke, like half the things in FO3 (seriously, that game went way over the top with the whole 50's thing - retrofuturism doesn't equal the cartoon Jetsons)

fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant - the magics are almost FO3 material, I'll agree to that, but the whole thing at mariposa was bearable, reasonably well explained, albeit unnecessary...

meet Monty Python warriors - again, unique encounter in the map, not a canon event or quest

seriously, if the AntAgonizer shit happened as a random stuff as you travel the world it'd be ok, but c'mon, it is a fucking nonsense quest on a fubar location (canterbury, i won't even talk about it)
Makenshi said:
GarouxBloodline said:
Makenshi said:
I'm liberal today: if they simply don't make it as idiotic as FO3, it will be fine for me. Really, I like Skyrim for what it was, it was fun; no depth, repetitive after a while, broken systems and stuff like that, but it was fun for a while, the world was slightly believable (it had crops, houses, locations, etc).

Unlike FO3, which has all the bad things I saw in Skyrim and none of the good things (for me, FO3 was not fun, it was not believable, it had retarded events like AntAgonizer x TheMechanist).

Really, just take the game setting seriously, like it seems you take TES setting (I said "it seems", the only TES I ever played is Skyrim, don't blame me if I'm wrong).

To be fair, Fallout has never had a "...serious..." setting. In a game where you can: travel back through time, meet/kill aliens, fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs, talk with deathclaws, fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant, meet Monty Python warriors, etc. etc. etc., watching a fight between two super-heroes like the AntAgonist and the Mechanist isn't exactly all that strange.

travel back through time - unique encounter in the map, not a canon event or quest

meet/kill aliens - if you refer to the flying saucer in FO1, same answer; if you refer to the random encounter, those things are just wannamingos on steroids that someone decided to call "aliens", which as a totally retarded decision in FO2 - in any case, it is merely a critter, it has zero importance on the aspects I mentioned, just like cazadores in FNV

fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs - wannamingos, just a non explained mutant critter; could be something better, like the deathclaws were;? sure, i won't defend FO2 on this too, but again, it is a minor thing in comparison to the whole picture of the game

talk with deathclaws - FEV experiment, as fucked up as that is it is not presented as yet another retarded 50's joke, like half the things in FO3 (seriously, that game went way over the top with the whole 50's thing - retrofuturism doesn't equal the cartoon Jetsons)

fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant - the magics are almost FO3 material, I'll agree to that, but the whole thing at mariposa was bearable, reasonably well explained, albeit unnecessary...

meet Monty Python warriors - again, unique encounter in the map, not a canon event or quest

seriously, if the AntAgonizer shit happened as a random stuff as you travel the world it'd be ok, but c'mon, it is a fucking nonsense quest on a fubar location (canterbury, i won't even talk about it)

*"travel back through time - unique encounter in the map, not a canon event or quest"
**-shrugs- Canon doesn't matter. The fact that it was added at all is what matters, along with the many many many many other oddball random encounters that ended up making Fallout the zany experience that it was.
*"meet/kill aliens - if you refer to the flying saucer in FO1, same answer; if you refer to the random encounter, those things are just wannamingos on steroids that someone decided to call "aliens", which as a totally retarded decision in FO2 - in any case, it is merely a critter, it has zero importance on the aspects I mentioned, just like cazadores in FNV"
**Not the same answer. You do realize that aliens appear in every Fallout game except Tactics and BoS? And it's possible that they did appear in Tactics, as well - My memory is a bit fuzzy on that game. And nah, wanamingos weren't what I was talking about with this point.
*"fight alien-esque creatures that infest mines and lay eggs - wannamingos, just a non explained mutant critter; could be something better, like the deathclaws were;? sure, i won't defend FO2 on this too, but again, it is a minor thing in comparison to the whole picture of the game"
**You're missing my point. :P There are dozens upon dozens of creatures and random events like this one which all adds up to the overall experience.
*"fight against Melchoir the magical super mutant - the magics are almost FO3 material, I'll agree to that, but the whole thing at mariposa was bearable, reasonably well explained, albeit unnecessary..."
**Agreed. While I enjoyed the challenge, the thought of a super mutant wizard seemed extremely off-based even in Fallout.

I dunno. When I see stuff like floating killer worms, the Hubologists, the Shi Emperor, Horrigan punching a deathclaw to death, Big M.T., holy frag grenades, Seymour from Futurama, and even a Terminator Brahmin, I stop taking Fallout seriously. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, as that's clearly what Fallout is aiming for - A zany 50s retro-futurism game based on diverged scientific principles.
Tagaziel said:
WUE, actually... From the site code:

 European RTMP Server
	  American  RTMP Server

I'm looking into the matter.

They can write more or less what they want in the site code. I checked this when I wrote the article and the American server IP wasn't there. I'd imagine the guy who's handling this is checking the news about his website. That said, I'll edit the article and title to leave a little bit of room in case this isn't a hoax (but I think it is, at this point).