But best title ever!
The case is this: a website by the url of thesurvivor2299.com has recently appeared, and would seem to be registered by ZeniMax Media according to the whois data. The game plays a radio file called Bridgeport (likely referencing the Connecticut city, assuming the teaser site is legit) that consists in a series of beeps that can be decoded in morse code, and, according to Redditor curswine translates to "11.12.13", assuming the date is in a European format (note: I previously wrote there were two dates in the file, but I was mistaken), that would means 11 December 2013, which means it'd likely align with the VGAs, which Bethesda already used to announce Skyrim in 2010.
Of course, this might all be a fake. ZeniMax has never used GoDaddy to register a web domain before as far as I'm aware, but CorporateDomains, and after the Half Life 3 European trademark prank I'll need Pete Hines to come to my room and tell me before I stop taking this with a pound of salt.
Original source: Reddit (via The Escapist)
EDIT: Checking the domain IP shows, which leads to d13121.vibiznes.pl. Needless to say, there's no way Bethesda would use a Polish host, so this is a fake.
EDIT 2: The page's source code has been edited to add these lines:<blockquote>European RTMP Server
American RTMP Server,</blockquote>I'm still leaning towards fake and assume this was just added by the prankster to make the website seem more legit, but I'm going to leave a bit more leeway in case it happens to be true.
EDIT 3: The VGAs are now called the VGX and will air on December 7, so whether true or false, that's not what the date indicates.
EDIT 4: The Vault provides a breakdown of the facts about the site's content.
EDIT 5: A Tumblr site has been found.
EDIT 6: Erik T. Dellums, Three Dog's voice actor has tweeted something that might lend some credibility to the teaser website, although, of course, he might just be following this as a fan and not be in the know:<blockquote>Are we getting closer? Hmm. .Ready to Fight the Good Fight? I know I am. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX3xfjnBzic … #ShareLove #ThreeDog</blockquote> (thanks Ruiner)
Of course, this might all be a fake. ZeniMax has never used GoDaddy to register a web domain before as far as I'm aware, but CorporateDomains, and after the Half Life 3 European trademark prank I'll need Pete Hines to come to my room and tell me before I stop taking this with a pound of salt.
Original source: Reddit (via The Escapist)
EDIT: Checking the domain IP shows, which leads to d13121.vibiznes.pl. Needless to say, there's no way Bethesda would use a Polish host, so this is a fake.
EDIT 2: The page's source code has been edited to add these lines:<blockquote>European RTMP Server
American RTMP Server,</blockquote>I'm still leaning towards fake and assume this was just added by the prankster to make the website seem more legit, but I'm going to leave a bit more leeway in case it happens to be true.
EDIT 3: The VGAs are now called the VGX and will air on December 7, so whether true or false, that's not what the date indicates.
EDIT 4: The Vault provides a breakdown of the facts about the site's content.
EDIT 5: A Tumblr site has been found.
EDIT 6: Erik T. Dellums, Three Dog's voice actor has tweeted something that might lend some credibility to the teaser website, although, of course, he might just be following this as a fan and not be in the know:<blockquote>Are we getting closer? Hmm. .Ready to Fight the Good Fight? I know I am. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX3xfjnBzic … #ShareLove #ThreeDog</blockquote> (thanks Ruiner)