Things we learned from Fallout 3

Courier said:
I always imagine that after abandoning my companions on the Oil Rig, Cassidy and Marcus survive and want revenge. That's why Cassidy decided to start traveling again after Cass was born and Marcus traveled to Vegas (the same place you can find the Chosen One's car). They're both hunting the Chosen One down to get revenge for leaving them to die on an exploding oil rig, and to avenge Sulik's death.

I think you can leave them on that boat which you use to get to the rig. I know I always do that, and they survive.

Courier said:
Note: This would make a cool premise for Fallout 4, playing as the Chosen One being hunted down by Marcus and Cassidy. I hope you're reading this Bethesda. Bethesda would ruin it.

441. Termites went extinct after the war.

452. Everything in the known world is a shade of brown, or green, but thats only in exotic places of course, don't want to overload players minds with the possibilities of a large colour spectrum.
Mr Krepe said:
452. Everything in the known world is a shade of brown, or green, but thats only in exotic places of course, don't want to overload players minds with the possibilities of a large colour spectrum.
This is actually a pretty stupid complaint. Post apocalyptic worlds should be bleak and dry, not lush and exotic...

Think about Diablo's color spectrum vs Diablo II. We don't want Fallout to have rainbows and unicorns either ;)
I want, because the whole planet isn't a plain desert.