Things we learned from Fallout 3

417. Killing a man for his weapon is okay with your newly met friends, as long as you're all in space.
What's all this talk of space? When the duckhunt did that happen in FO3?

418. In the future, the homeless have become a magical race of superhumans that can survive indefinitely on nothing but an occaisional bottle of water. And they are apparently all paraplegics.

419. Your friends will follow you around the wasteland and kill stuff for you, and will charge into dangerous situations getting both themselves AND you killed, but cannot be given any kind of orders, ever.

420. Sometimes when magically teleporting across the world, everything on the ground will briefly levitate and then fell back down. It's Science.

421. In the future, hundreds of years after the bombs fell, humans have found a way to breed and maintain plentiful populations, even though apparently NO ONE HAS SEX, EVER. EVEN THE PROSTITUTES.

422. Simple tasks and favors do not exist. Everything anyone asks of you will be an epic multi-part voyage. No exceptions.

423. The Enclave doesn't care how many Eyebots you destroy.

424. If someone has an important place in present or future events, they cannot be harmed, even by miniature nuclear explosions or thousands of rounds to the head.

425. Stealing from murderers is wrong.

426. Putting on a different outfit will immediately grant you extra physical and mental abilities.

427. To disable a landmine, all you gotta do is locate the loud beeping and flashing red light, then bop it with an open palm. SIMON SAYS COLLECTING MINES IS FUN!

428. It IS possible to make an Oblivion total conversion mod and market it as a new and different game.

429. Even with hundreds of staff and hundreds of millions of dollars, it's impossible to prevent Crash-To-Desktop bugs.

430. When swinging at someone with your fists or a melee weapon, it is impossible to aim for specific parts of the body.

431. Ron Pearlman is forever.
I seriously love this thread, it's very premise makes me laugh before I even click on anything.

432. Despite the fall of civiliasation, pre-war customs still remain. Scientific personnel know that labcoats are mandatory and mechanics know that overalls are required to keep their other clothes clean.

433. Being mentally disturbed imparts previousdly unknown knowledge of concepts that should be impossible to comprehend; eg, knowledge of Spring Catalouges.
The Enclave 86 said:
Courier said:
434. Stealing from dead people is wrong.
Well technically it is, ever heard of 'next of kin'?

If you're a hermit living out in a shack in the middle of an irradiated wasteland alone and you get killed by a giant scorpion, is it really so evil for me to take your box of cereal?

Edit: Especially if you're a dead murderer/slaver. Why the hell do I get bad karma for stealing ammo and food from dead slavers?
436. Pipboys contain systems which automatically modify clothing so that it can still function normally but doesn't actually change the clothing.

^well it's not like bullets in FO 1 and 2 didn't make the torsos Explode from shooting a person in the yes.
Walpknut said:
^well it's not like bullets in FO 1 and 2 didn't make the torsos Explode from shooting a person in the yes.
lol yeah.

The best was 0-damage insta-kills -- "Brotherhood Paladin is critically hit for 0 damage. Unfortunately, his spine is now clearly visible from the front."
You should not read nor post CAD because it is literally the worst of the worst.

Also, I love fighting that group of Enclave in oil rig, the dudes decked out in power armor who all try to punch you to death. Hit for zero damage, every time. Never gets old.
You guys actually fight the Enclave? I just sneak in wearing advanced power armor and leave my companions outside to (presumably) die when the oil rig explodes.
I always imagine that after abandoning my companions on the Oil Rig, Cassidy and Marcus survive and want revenge. That's why Cassidy decided to start traveling again after Cass was born and Marcus traveled to Vegas (the same place you can find the Chosen One's car). They're both hunting the Chosen One down to get revenge for leaving them to die on an exploding oil rig, and to avenge Sulik's death.

Note: This would make a cool premise for Fallout 4, playing as the Chosen One being hunted down by Marcus and Cassidy. I hope you're reading this Bethesda.
438. Turning a person into a pile of ash or goo does not affect their clothing, weapons, or anything on their person.
Faceless Stranger said:
437. A pile of ash will NEVER disappear, no matter the wind, or if it's half-submerged in water.
I actually asked Jason Bergman about that and he said it wasn't a bug so they weren't planning to fix it; how in the name of Christ can it be intentional?
The Enclave 86 said:
Faceless Stranger said:
437. A pile of ash will NEVER disappear, no matter the wind, or if it's half-submerged in water.
I actually asked Jason Bergman about that and he said it wasn't a bug so they weren't planning to fix it; how in the name of Christ can it be intentional?
440. Having a fancy title and a big paycheck doesn't make assholes less annoying, or idiots more intelligent.
