So if by some accident or decease, or old age, you lose the ability to make children, you are not alive ?
Beside that, not even counting actual radiation, you could encounter some people that have very specific and unusual traits like extra limbs, two beings in the same body, very large skulls and many other things. Those people would probably not being able to reproduce, but it would never cross my mind to tell their mother that those children are not humans or even alive. Beside that, when possible, some of these children were altered by doctors to remove some of these unusual trait, and allow them to live a more normal live, without much unwanted attention. If they don't tell you, you'll never know they had those traits.
So, if you want to separate them, you could say that they are unusual humans, or maybe arbnormal humans, if you want to insist on the differences with some idea of normal human, but in the end of the day, all of them are still humans. In the Fallout universe, you have many individual that share the same unusual traits, so much that those traits become less unusual, but associated with two new kind of humans, Super-mutants & ghouls. If you ask the Enclave, everyone that has x % of radiation is a mutant, whatever he looks like, but those are from another story.
The subject was put on the sideline in subsequents episodes, but the first fallout was accurate on that subject. All usual humans were referring other groups as monsters, because they didn't know them enough. On the other hand, super-mutants & ghouls never referred the usual humans as "humans" but as "normals". Referring the normals as "humans" would have mean they didn't considered themselves (ghouls/mutants) as humans. Saying the usual humans were "normals" was just saying that they weren't as special as them.
I would also add that, as long as ghoul & super-mutant are unable to make children, they can't be anything other than humans. To be a species of their own, they must make born new individuals that would make evolve their DNA into a different race. As long as they need to be born as normal humans, they can't be anything else than humans. (You needed a normal male human and normal female human to make any of them)
Maybe the upcoming van buren mod will add extra layer on that last part.