Things we learned from Fallout 3

They are just a mutated or evolutioned human.
even they have been changed little bit(?) but their nature of human didn't changed.
they just can't make baby anymore.
and ghouls are not walking corpses, they are alive.
they eat, drink, sleep and even do sexual thing:newevil:( such as: using(?) cat's paw, using rubber doll, working as a whore, etc).
No, the rules for being alive are as follows:

The organism must have ALL of these a tributes to be considered alive (children don't count).
So if by some accident or decease, or old age, you lose the ability to make children, you are not alive ?

Beside that, not even counting actual radiation, you could encounter some people that have very specific and unusual traits like extra limbs, two beings in the same body, very large skulls and many other things. Those people would probably not being able to reproduce, but it would never cross my mind to tell their mother that those children are not humans or even alive. Beside that, when possible, some of these children were altered by doctors to remove some of these unusual trait, and allow them to live a more normal live, without much unwanted attention. If they don't tell you, you'll never know they had those traits.

So, if you want to separate them, you could say that they are unusual humans, or maybe arbnormal humans, if you want to insist on the differences with some idea of normal human, but in the end of the day, all of them are still humans. In the Fallout universe, you have many individual that share the same unusual traits, so much that those traits become less unusual, but associated with two new kind of humans, Super-mutants & ghouls. If you ask the Enclave, everyone that has x % of radiation is a mutant, whatever he looks like, but those are from another story.

The subject was put on the sideline in subsequents episodes, but the first fallout was accurate on that subject. All usual humans were referring other groups as monsters, because they didn't know them enough. On the other hand, super-mutants & ghouls never referred the usual humans as "humans" but as "normals". Referring the normals as "humans" would have mean they didn't considered themselves (ghouls/mutants) as humans. Saying the usual humans were "normals" was just saying that they weren't as special as them.

I would also add that, as long as ghoul & super-mutant are unable to make children, they can't be anything other than humans. To be a species of their own, they must make born new individuals that would make evolve their DNA into a different race. As long as they need to be born as normal humans, they can't be anything else than humans. (You needed a normal male human and normal female human to make any of them)

Maybe the upcoming van buren mod will add extra layer on that last part.
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705. The Enclave has cloning machines as that is the only way to explain how they have so many soldiers without any women.
706. You can explore the ground zero of an nuke.
707. Aliens care about the health of their prisoners and will send actual soldiers in to break them up.
708. Aliens, even after observing the fact that their prisoners are afraid of The Claw, send live reinforcements in instead of launching The Claw.
709. Aliens have robots, but will send live reinforcements to stop two prisoners fighting.
710. Aliens developed super-shields but will issue them to a few select soldiers.
711. Aliens constantly monitor their crash site to abduct anyone who chances upon finding it when they were previously capable of abducting anyone, anywhere (outside).
There are female officers. Also, other soldiers have helmets.

Concerning super-field, we could assume that it cost a lot of ????, which unallow to equip everyone with it.
On the other hand, the captain should obviously be equiped with it.

Same thing about power armors for Autunm and other enclave officers.
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557: Fire hydrants expand while in the possession of big people.
Well i guess that I've met a very sexist Enclave, I took the armor for money and all of them were male.
713. Enclave can't send in robots to activate a certain purifier.
714. The Enclave abandoned all ideas of airborne FEV and decided to use water instead.
715. Brotherhood of steel scribes cannot detect a hidden toxin in the water.
716. B.o.S don't bother to remove dirt from their water.
717. B.o.S are considerate enough to not give any poisoned water to raiders and outcasts.
718. A whole airbase full of soldiers and equipment is not necessary at all to use, when getting one's ass kicked by power armored folk in a brotherhood
719. Said brotherhood will still allow you to be in their ranks and be amidst the upper eschelons of war leadership, and even let you near the most dangerous weapon they know with the potential for you to blow up their home, their only home, with it when you are actively trying to exterminate life in the wasteland. Employing both yourown weaponry, and enclave provided toxins.
It reminds me of two things.

Every factions/towns/tribes/races/wathever would still consider you as heroes if you kill half of them and comeback 72 hours later.
At the beginning of the game, you hear Eden saying on the radio where the BOS are. In Broken steel, they use the satelite strike to destroy liberty prime. So, they could have use it agains't the Citadel even before the lone wanderer left his vault if they wanted.
It reminds me of two things.

Every factions/towns/tribes/races/wathever would still consider you as heroes if you kill half of them and comeback 72 hours later.
At the beginning of the game, you hear Eden saying on the radio where the BOS are. In Broken steel, they use the satelite strike to destroy liberty prime. So, they could have use it agains't the Citadel even before the lone wanderer left his vault if they wanted.

Haha, really?

Damn, that's a brilliant one.
That one could be pretty obvious, but i am not sure it had been adressed.

Ghoul don't make babies, they don't put normies in the vats, they don't make you one of them by biting you. To become a ghoul, you not only need to be exposed the right amount of radiation in the right amount of time, but be himself genetically disposed to become au ghoul.

The Washington DC Metro system is often the only way to travel in some places in the Capital Wasteland. We know there are caravans that go in & out the Capital Area. There are also BOS patrols, raiders, super-mutants, Talon Company, & other Wastelanders that are known to travel in that areas. For most of them, the metro system is the place they need to cross. Also, it's been 200 years since the war, so many other people must have been there.

So, considering that ghoul can't increase or replenish their number, that they are on the way for everyone that travel in the area, and that it's been 200 years since the war, yet everybody seems to consider that it is normal to still encounter ANY feral ghoul in the DC Metro System.

Why the hell aren't they all dead ? Maybe the lone wanderer is the only dumbass that don't use a stealth boy when he travels in there. Or maybe feral ghoul are hostile, but only agains't the lone wanderer. Maybe everyone else as the ability to climb and don't need to use the metro system. Maybe there is a gang of ghoul which the sole job is to bring new feral ghoul in the metro system, every time a group get slaughtered. Maybe the feral ghoul just pretend to be dumb, but their scientists as already found a way to increase their population. Someday they will all come up from the ground and take every city.

Seems there is ground for a nice storyline, full of mysteries for Fallout 4.
@naossano lol that's great. Here we go, converted into the thread format:

722. Ghouls still exist, and in record numbers, 200 years after the war -- despite being actively killed by most people and while inhabiting high-traffic areas.

723. More ghouls exist than did in the previous games, even with lack of the FEV and the fading of background radiation over time, along with an inability to breed.

724. Sequels don't have to make rational sense or fit into the universe of their franchise, what's important is that they sell copies and make money.
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You don't need FEV to make ghouls.
Technically, Harold & Talius are ghoul-like mutants, not ghouls.
Because it was not yet decided by the time of Fo1.
Some dev had an opinion on the issue. Others had another opinion. They finally chose the option said above.
Because it was not yet decided by the time of Fo1.
Some dev had an opinion on the issue. Others had another opinion. They finally chose the option said above.

Even in Fallout 2 there is said that ghouls from Necropolis are "first and last" generation.

725. Ghouls can run now.
726: ghouls is somekind of zombie. when they loose thier mind, they attack any humans for meat just like other zomies.

what a shame

What i meant is that, at some point, the dev where arguing about the possibility that FEV could have an influence on people becoming ghouls.
Then it was decided that only radiation was the cause of becoming ghouls. So, it left Harold & Talius, two beings that were dipped in the vats and didn't become super-mutants as "special" being, that we could conveniently call ghoul-like mutants.

Then, with the path that chose Bethesda, Harold/Bob became closer to the master that any ghoul/super-mutant, as a fusion of multiple beings, the inability to move, but the ability to spread and "sense" things. Except that the Master fused with computers and tried to control the wasteland, while Harold fused with nature and tried to avoid having any followers.

The way Bethesda dealt with Harold is flawed, but i think the intend of what they tried with Harold feels kind of right, considering he was Richard Grey buddy and became kind of close concepts, but the opposite, in the end.