Things we learned from Fallout 3

TychoTheItinerant said:
106. The Chinese pistol: nothing more than a Broomhandle Mauser.

There is a grain of truth to this one, the Chinese did in fact field the C96 prior and during the civil war. Chances are, a lot of Maoist officers used this pistol well into the 1960s.

However, according to official history - most Chinese C96s were melted down by the general army, and were not used in great quantities by the Maoist PLA.

So to think that the Chinese "re-hashed" the C96 and started using it again, chambered for a different round (9mm in opposed to the Chinese .45 caliber C96s), 100 years after the fact, is quite absurd.

The Guardian said:
There is a grain of truth to this one, the Chinese did in fact field the C96 prior and during the civil war. Chances are, a lot of Maoist officers used this pistol well into the 1960s.

However, according to official history - most Chinese C96s were melted down by the general army, and were not used in great quantities by the Maoist PLA.

So to think that the Chinese "re-hashed" the C96 and started using it again, chambered for a different round (9mm in opposed to the Chinese .45 caliber C96s), 100 years after the fact, is quite absurd.


I would think the Chinese would have been mostly using Nagant revolvers and Tokarev TT33 clones, up until the war at least. Which would have made them use .32 rounds, and might have made sense (though there were variations of the Tokarev that were chambered for more popular rounds, such as the Tokagypt 9mm).

I'm inclined to think they threw the Broomhandle clone in as a vague reference to Gizmo's Broomhandle Mauser in FO1. Though they might have simply liked the unusual look it had (and possibly chose it because of its association with Star Wars? Not sure.)
TychoTheItinerant said:
I would think the Chinese would have been mostly using Nagant revolvers and Tokarev TT33 clones, up until the war at least. Which would have made them use .32 rounds, and might have made sense (though there were variations of the Tokarev that were chambered for more popular rounds, such as the Tokagypt 9mm)

Yes...I was thinking along the same lines. Bethsoft probably didn't think it was "retro-looking" enough.

I'm inclined to think they threw the Broomhandle clone in as a vague reference to Gizmo's Broomhandle Mauser in FO1. Though they might have simply liked the unusual look it had (and possibly chose it because of its association with Star Wars? Not sure.)

I'd agree with you on the FO1 reference... if any of them even made it that far. Not with Star Wars though, as Han and Luke's DL-44 being C96's with backwards scopes is little known trivia, and I wouldn't give any of the Bethesda creators that much credit.
112: When a place says "No one ever leaves, no one ever enters" It means that you can go in and out a good 4-5 times.

Spolier : [spoiler:c8583f0eed]Your dad and you enter the vault. Your dad ditches and leaves. You leave and then you come back for a quest.[/spoiler:c8583f0eed]
Holocausto said:
maximaz said:
Holocausto said:
I learned that shotguns which have a drum magazine and a shorter barrel length from the load point to the barrel tip than sawed off shotguns are actually more accurate than the sawed off shotguns despite that the opposite should be the case.

Errr what? I'm really confused about this one.
The combat/terrible shotgun drum clip attaches at a shorter distance from the tip of the barrel than the sawed offs load point so they should be less accurate than the sawed offs because the shot is traveling through a shorter barrel & shorter barrel = gun is less accurate. Kinda hard for me to explain well.

Actually, you got to the right answer but from the wrong logic as I see it. It has less to do with where the round enters the barrel and more to do with how the long the barrel actually is; the logic behind this is that the longer the barrel the better the sight picture and hence the better the accuracy and increased muzzle velocity of the weapon. At least that's how it was taught to me. I believe what you may be getting at is that the inherent accuracy of a weapon is affected by where the chamber and action are located on the weapon i.e. bullpup design which have notoriously slower rates of fire. It's usually more of a trade off between accuracy and rate of fire anyway. I don't think Bethesda got this one right at all. Oh, maybe you were referencing rifling which would in fact affect accuracy.
draeke said:
Actually, you got to the right answer but from the wrong logic as I see it. It has less to do with where the round enters the barrel and more to do with how the long the barrel actually is; the logic behind this is that the longer the barrel the better the sight picture and hence the better the accuracy and increased muzzle velocity of the weapon. At least that's how it was taught to me. I believe what you may be getting at is that the inherent accuracy of a weapon is affected by where the chamber and action are located on the weapon i.e. bullpup design which have notoriously slower rates of fire. It's usually more of a trade off between accuracy and rate of fire anyway. I don't think Bethesda got this one right at all. Oh, maybe you were referencing rifling which would in fact affect accuracy.

Rifling screws up shotguns' spread patterns, and makes them less accurate, actually. Also, the longer the barrel, the more time the projectiles within have to get set on their trajectory and the more time they have to be pushed by the expanding gases from the gunpowder (which ties in closely with the long barrel's accuracy - inertia and all that).

I'm not great on the science stuff, but that's how I understand it.
113. Even tho' 'big in map' - there's no real sideways. [If you know what I mean..]

114. The console sucks. [Tell me you weren't tempted.. at least once, I dare you. -It just.. sits there, waiting to be abused.]

115. This line was intentionally left blank.

116. If you liked F1, and F2.. you'll see what it feels like to be on the receiving end of the Dream Crusher Perk.
117. That you can cut costs by re-using the inventory layout from another game. Double points for using the same armor an damage systems too.

118. That every weapon using bullet type ammunition, no matter they kind of ammunition fires the exact same projectile.

119. When you sneak up on someone and shoot them, your bullets magically hurt them more.

120. Only one thing you do has any visible effects in the long run.

121. Gaurds with ammazing hearing will find you if you kill some one with a silent weapon, in the night, in thier room, past 3 locked doors.

122. You don't need to tell anyone your father is dead. Even the people who are close to you. Ever.

123. Radiation only hurts you, because your special. Enjoy.

124. Super mutants are idiots, they must be buddist to have intelligince.

125. Servitile robots are smarter then a military super computer.

126. A holotape of a fathers last words to his daughter whome you killed for thier gun was far more moving then your own fathers dying momments when he sacrificed himself to save you, which ironically contributed to your eventual death.
Argonnot said:
124. Super mutants are idiots, they must be buddist to have intelligince.

Super mutants are SUPPOSED to be grunting idiots. Result of FEV + radiologically tainted subjects. Muties have IN < 4, I don't know WHY Marcus from FO2 was supposed to be an exception - admittedly, the effects of dipping on intelligence varied from subject to subject, slightly, and maybe Marcus was a relatively "clean" subject before dipping.
The reason for the lowered intellegince was explained in fallout as either being the result of backround radiation building up and FEV's attempts to modify your braincells resulting in permenant brain damage, or that wastlanders were pre-innoculated by a radiated form of FEV when the west-tech facilities FEV tanks were destroyed, spreading it into the atmopsphere, and preventing full mutation from FEV, and further brain damage. Clean or Pure humans were not effected by lowered Intellegince when exposed to the current form of FEV stored within the Mariposa Facility. Nightkin being the example of what radiationless and FEV less humans would become (Smarter and stronger then the rest.) Odds are that at least some of the mutants would be smart in the wasteland, and that the others would follow them in a leadership role. I mean, after however many years, they would eventually form a hierarchy, and the leader would, if not being Itellegine as well as strong, have a weaker yet smarter mutant close by for various reasons (Possibly to administer beating in anger to.)
Argonnot said:
Nightkin being the example of what radiationless and FEV less humans would become (Smarter and stronger then the rest.) Odds are that at least some of the mutants would be smart in the wasteland, and that the others would follow them in a leadership role.

I've just thought of it - super mutants are sterile, and packs in the nature are always revolve around some sexual relationships. Any chances of sterile beings forming packs? I don't remember hermaphrodite species doing this... there are even much less chances of sterile beings of forming packs and hierarchy, IMO.
pipboy-x11 said:
I've just thought of it - super mutants are sterile, and packs in the nature are always revolve around some sexual relationships. Any chances of sterile beings forming packs? I don't remember hermaphrodite species doing this... there are even much less chances of sterile beings of forming packs and hierarchy, IMO.

They had sexes at one point in their lives. Might help explain it. That, and the kind of regimentation the Master instilled in his mutant army may have stuck with them, like a permanent imprint on their conscious/subconscious.
I've just thought of it - super mutants are sterile...

Super Mutants are not sterile, well.. they weren't before F3, at least. --"It takes a few years after bein' dipped to get the 'juices' flowing again."-- Familiar line? :shrug:
Unno said:
I've just thought of it - super mutants are sterile...

Super Mutants are not sterile, well.. they weren't before F3, at least. --"It takes a few years after bein' dipped to get the 'juices' flowing again."-- Familiar line? :shrug:
Fallout 2 was not canon.
Unno said:
I've just thought of it - super mutants are sterile...

Super Mutants are not sterile, well.. they weren't before F3, at least. --"It takes a few years after bein' dipped to get the 'juices' flowing again."-- Familiar line? :shrug:

No. It was a joke.

Marcus was a supermutant grunt who doesn't know shit about the way his body works. Vree, a scientist, stated that mutants are irrevocably sterile, as did ZAX, a supercomputer.