Things we learned from Fallout 3

Unno said:
Super Mutants are not sterile, well.. they weren't before F3, at least. --"It takes a few years after bein' dipped to get the 'juices' flowing again."-- Familiar line? :shrug:

Very familiar line, so familiar, we've all since found out Marcus was joking when he said it.
Super Mutants are not sterile, well.. they weren't before F3, at least.--

No. It was a joke.

Marcus was a supermutant grunt who doesn't know shit about the way his body works. Vree, a scientist, stated that mutants are irrevocably sterile, as did ZAX, a supercomputer.
Can't argue with a scientist, a supercomputer, and the Bible. I fold!
Maybe Eden was running on the X-Ray engine, which gets a heart attack if so much as a single sound file is missing.
Perhaps it would crash the program instead of blowing up? Also, how would it get to a mathematic error when dealing with logic values?

128. Nuclear fusion occurs if you shoot up a rusty 200 years old mini-reactor installed in standard cars. Easy like that.
Also, how would it get to a mathematic error when dealing with logic values?

I bet "he" would explode, yet again, if you asked him that. ^^

I know saying "syntax" was wrong - but I was using common internet slang for comedic effect. People in the know got it, I hope.

"You are dividing by zero there, Johnny. Captain Kirk is not impressed." :lol:
131. Bethesda will fu*k everything up .
132. couple of sentences spoked by a spooky guy in a long coat can supress gag reflex when drinking blood and will make it taste like water .
133. Supermutants are really Orcs from Warcraft .

First post :]
134. All ladders were destroyed in the Great Cleansing of '66
135. Marketing Trumps Effort every time (For an example see: Pet Rock)
136. In the future 'power naps' have been perfected and now can not only allow you to awake feeling refreshed and alert but also heal all wounds in mearly one hour!
137. Every problem can be solved, but there are only two ways to do it.
138. If your ego is large enough then bullets will only knock you unconciense for a few minutes.
139. In the future compass' will double as mood rings.
140. Before the war there was a industrial monopoly on locks and computers forcing everyone to purchase the same brand.
141. Only 12 LPs managed to survive the bombing.
142. The "Capitol Wasteland" actually takes place in Santa Cruz where it is always a sunny 74º outside with a slight breeze.
143. All glass, from your lowly Nuka Cola bottle, to your skylight overhead has been tempered to the point of missle proofing.
144. If you're making a game in the same engine that other game that you made, RE-HASH EVERYTHING! Spells are now perks, bows are now guns, swords are super-hammers, magic staffs are rocket launchers and flamers, fireballs are nuclear explosions, orcs are mutants, ogres are deathclaws, animals are radioactive animals, all that matters is the effort you can skip with all of that.
145. It seems to be that only 2 kinds of already dead people exist (unless I missed something). Those killed 200 years ago (skeletons) and those fresh killed (raider deco). NO IN BETWEEN! That would require maybe another model + at least 1 new texture! Think of all the work!
146. Raiders decorate their lairs with dead bodies, i mean , it's not like it will attract diseases and dangerous animals.
147. Gorebags are the Supermutants' equivalent for trendy IKEA decorations. Their existence is pretty meaningless, but you see them all over the place.
Holocausto said:
145. It seems to be that only 2 kinds of already dead people exist (unless I missed something). Those killed 200 years ago (skeletons) and those fresh killed (raider deco). NO IN BETWEEN! That would require maybe another model + at least 1 new texture! Think of all the work!
Actually there is 'Dead' and 'Mostly Dead' ;)

Hellion said:
147. Gorebags are the Supermutants' equivalent for trendy IKEA decorations. Their existence is pretty meaningless, but you see them all over the place.
And there always seems to be extra parts XD


148. Deactivating a nuclear warhead is easier than deactivating a hastily made booby *snicker* trap.
149. There is nothing a healthy dose of pharmicuticals can't fix (This message brought to you by Drugs. Drugs; use them often and indiscrimenantly)
It makes more sense 200 years in the future to live in a tin shed instead of at the very least refurbishing the mostly intact shopping malls a couple of hundred metres away.