1. The engine is up to date with "today's people"
"Today's people" have Rise of the tomb raider, Mad Max, Witcher 3, Dying Light, Evolve, Metro Last Light Redux, Ryse Son of Rome, Shadow of Mordor and Mafia II. These games came out before Fallout 4 (several years before, for some) and they all look far better, while running way smoother on PCs. I asked you to name one thing that Fallout 4 does better than the others, and your answer is "Er, it's not that ugly, given today's standards" while completely ignoring the said standards.
the soundtrack makes one on edge
Since this is what makes the game "the best ever made to you", I guess that Fallout 4's OST is better than Hanz freaking Zimmer, who actually composed scores for video games ? Oh, and of better quality than Ubisoft's symphonic orchestra ? And objectively more musical and powerful than Witcher 3's OST ? This is probably why Inon Zur basically didn't sell any OST on iTunes, unlike Michael McMann for Deus Ex Human Revolution...
the gameplay is made to be more realistic
Enemies regenerate health when they "mutate" and can take a 50. caliber shot in the head and still fight, a peaceful lawyer can kill people in cold blood without any problem, I can build/destroy a house in a matter of a second, bullets don't slow me down (unlike in the last of us...), I can carry 20 weapons with no backpack, lasers have recoil, bullets go in straight line, radiation can heal my limbs, enemies never surrender even when outnumbered or injured, I can make a girl fall in love by picking locks and I can breathe underwater. Which one of these elements make the gameplay realistic to you ? If you want a realistic gameplay, Arma III and Insurgency are miles beyond what Fallout 4 tries to accomplish, and actually let you CRAWL, which Fallout 4 doesn't.
the writing doesn't matter
Yeah, right, especially for a RPG. I'm sure that "The last of us" has beaten all EA games in a full year only because of its graphics and gameplay. I'm sure that the Tomb Raider reboot's success had nothing to do with Pratchett writing the script and completely changing the atmosphere/character development. I'm sure that Deus Ex is considered as one of the best games ever because of its gameplay. Right. Writing doesn't matter and has nothing to do with the quality of a title... Especially not a story driven role playing game, which pretends to be the sequel of a title written by Chris Avellone. You know, the guy who wrote Planescape Torment, widely considered as the best written game of all times ?
open-world and open-ended gameplay (...) map size is so big that some people can't handle all the places to go (yes I'm counting it as good).
Open World ? Is that truly your answer, when I ask you what makes Fallout 4 unique ? You know that Mad Max is open world too, right ? More diverse gameplay, crafting, exploration and atmosphere. Can use dozens and dozens of functional cars. Has cinematic cutscenes. Runs on a potato. Is objectively better looking. Has dynamic meteo events, like Fallout. Better combat mechanics. Has actually a pretty decent story, character progression and memorable characters. And you know what ? The map is WAY bigger than Fallout 4. It has four different regions, all different in every way ; the type of environment you walk on (sea of oil, junk, road, sand...) has a direct effect on the gameplay, unlike Fallout 4. With random events and missions while exploring.
expansive character customization at the beginning
Good character customization, I'll give you that. Far from being unique though. Saints Row's character customization (which came out years ago...) offered more diverse elements, such as the voice and the way of walking. EVE online's character customization is pretty much as good as the one of F4. Dragon Edge's dogma even has consequences for your physical customization choices, unlike Fallout 4.
don't care for optimization
You may not care for optimization, but it's still a point in which Fallout 4 fails miserably, unlike its competitors. It fails so hard, an entire panel of the target audience cannot play it.
I asked you to name one single thing that Fallout 4 does better than its competitors. You couldn't even name a single point. Every single thing you said, other games have already done it, and objectively better.
Another chance. Read again : name ONE thing that Fallout 4 does, that no other game in the current industry can do better. One single thing. I dare you to find one, that could justify your statement that it's the best game ever made. It probably is on something, so enlighten us.
2. Favorite moment of the game is the destruction of the Prydwen at the hands of the Institute, it is unique by how Liberty Prime utterly destroyed the Prydwen, a very massive air ship, and it is memorable because it destroyed such a great evil that existed in the entire Eastern coast as they were "purifying the wastes" and BoS were severely misguided in their beliefs.
I asked you to name a moment that is unique (in other words : never seen before, which would justify the "best game ever made".). You give me a scene that is also in Bioshock Infinite, which came out in 2013, and which was way more cinematic (you fight the zeppelin while crossing dimensions, time and space, with a floating city on fire under your feet and the chant of zeppelins in your ears), with no loading screen between the interior and the exterior of the zeppelin.
Can you try again, this time with a UNIQUE scene that could justify your statement ? If F4 is the best game ever made, surely it has a scene that has never been seen before... right ?
Also, considering that the commonwealth is about to be overrun by computers pretending to be your deceased loved ones, bullet dodging zombies, raiders and deathclaws, yes, the BoS was purifying the wastes. Which should have been made a century before.
Those ratings were only by only a rather few amount of players comparable the the hundreds of thousands more that play it and decide not to rate. The Steam charts only show those that are on Steam, which is only one other source of games that are better rated on other sites. Credible sites. And reliable sites.
One F4 PC player out of 4 rated the game on metacritics, with half negative reviews.
One F4 PC player out of 2 rated the game on Steam.
This is a HUGE ratio of players/rating, you know ?
And Metacritics is not "one source", it's a hub for all available sources online.
Explain to me why the best game ever made is currently less played and talked about than a 5 years old title ?