Things we learned from Fallout 4

Hmm fair enough... what was your favourite part of it?

The final bit where Azura basically gives you the lowdown on the prophecy.

"I was the Chosen One, right?"

"Well, yes, you are because you succeeded."

"And if I hadn't?"

"Then you wouldn't be. The Prophecy is more like guidelines than rules."
The main quest is a sideshow to the rest of the game. Besides, I don't play Skyrim for the choices.

Ken Levine of Bioshock fame actually had an interesting rant I need to find about how much he hated choices in video games. I don't agree with that statement or think he was talking from a point of expertise but basically he put the "save a little girl or kill a little girl" in the original Bioshock as a joke. He was then horrified to see game magazines actually talking like it was a serious choice with meaning. As far as Ken felt, choices were a impediment to true storytelling because any choice is going to fundamentally break the narrative. Yahtzee brought this up as a major problem of Infamous as no sane person would choose between "kill a puppy or save a puppy" yet Cole has to be able to do both.

I believe and love choice but it's not the be-end all of games. It is for Fallout, mind you, but Skyrim is judged on its own merits.

Especially when you choose to kill your Dragon Buddy or not.
Ken Levine is the same guy who decided to center the entire plot of Bioshock Infinite around concepts he didn't understand, such as Quantum Theory. He's not exactly the type of person you should be looking to for inspiration when the Bioshock2 Devs did a better job with his creation than he did. And player choice makes for a much more interesting experience, it's just harder to do, and requires more effort, which much of the videogames industry is lacking lately. Just look at Fallout 1,2 & NV. Or the witcher series, or the aforementioned VTMB.
Ken Levine is the same guy who decided to center the entire plot of Bioshock Infinite around concepts he didn't understand, such as Quantum Theory. He's not exactly the type of person you should be looking to for inspiration when the Bioshock2 Devs did a better job with his creation than he did. And player choice makes for a much more interesting experience, it's just harder to do, and requires more effort, which much of the videogames industry is lacking lately. Just look at Fallout 1,2 & NV. Or the witcher series, or the aforementioned VTMB.

Now *I* know what this alien from another dimension thing feels like.
514: Running electricity through metal armour will make you immune to bullets and high explosives
515: Food scientists are qualified to produce nuclear weapons
516: If players want the option to play as a raider, then the only option they want is to play as a raider.
517: The Enclave decided to paint one of their suits of APA blue and stick it into a basement in some theme park "fohr teh lulz"
Death is officially trivial

-Ghouls live a long ass time
-So do supermutants
-Cryogenics can keep you alive indefinitely
-So can a hermetically sealed thing (Mr house)
-Cyborg enhancement greatly increase you lifespan
-Jesus juice
-Aliens can also keep you alive for hundreds of years
-The cloud also keeps you alive (technically)
-if your name happens to be autumn you can die and come back later with no explanation

I'm sure I missed some shit but death gets more and more trivialized with each entry it seems...

I thought of some more

Also you can be covered and pitch lit on fire and thrown in the grand canyon and live

The courier can survive being shot in the head with little to no mental damage

Hakunin willed himself living to deliver a message to the chosen one

The think tank is effectively immortal

So are cyber dogs

And robobrains

The lone wanderer/Sarah lyons also survive the impossible cuz DLC
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515(?): Even though the Institute's primary goal being to get uncorrupted human DNA to make Synths, they manage to choose two subjects who were exposed to gamma radiation before entering the vault; despite the fact that there were people inside the vault with uncorrupted DNA.

How exactly did the Institute's people get corrupted with radiation given they live underground in the most secure Vault of all time?
Oh.... Jesus Christ this games story is so broken. I hadn't thought of that... Have a like good sir.

They cover it, it's just "Yeah, uh, well, there was a thing which caused us to be irradiated. Listen, they just needed us, okay."
Fact number I've don't even know: A game in a series can literally make a split in its fanbase.

To put it this way: everyone on /r/fallout argues, or can get into the argument of fallout 4 being good/bad. This entire website roasts people who like a god damn game. Such is life in the divide?
Fact number I've don't even know: A game in a series can literally make a split in its fanbase.

To put it this way: everyone on /r/fallout argues, or can get into the argument of fallout 4 being good/bad. This entire website roasts people who like a god damn game. Such is life in the divide?

521. The Sole Survivor who has personally witnessed the nuclear annihilation of everyone they loved and cherished will be cheerful in nuking another large group of people for his chosen faction of a month or so.

522. The Sole Survivor will blow up the homes of children no matter which side he or she chooses.