First time out of the vault

The Dutch Ghost said:Also the name; Bear Force One, I could swear that that was a German video clip/song from a decade back.
NCR = New California Republic
California, also known as the Bear Flag Republic
hence, Bear Force One
I think it's pretty amusing and fairly clever.
Also, while Caesar's legion seems kind of dumb in general to me (I'll hold off final judgement for now), nitpicking over the fact that they use Latin titles/names and phrases? I think you're getting a little tilted over nothing here. Sure it might not make sense for a bunch of wastelanders to run off and pick up Latin, but this prophet type Caesar leader that banded them all together is obviously some sort of enigmatic looney. Forcing language requirements on his followers is just another way of exerting control and molding his people into his ideal image for his society. It also further isolates his followers from the rest of the wasteland, giving them a stronger identity and strengthening his control even more. The language thing is far more plausible than you think it is.