This goddamn forum: stereotypes abound!

K so, I left the pm, It doesn't even show up in my conversations. If it says I'm still there, I don;t know what to suggest, maybe it's broken?
Well, while I´ve seen a few seasons of the old cartoons and the new films I actualy dont know shit about the backround or the lore of it. The olny reason i posted that was because I wanted to start an 2000´s style reaction pic war, so I´ll see myself out.
He said he's seen everything... Getting kinda worried here... I've done some things that aren't uh... Technically legal...
My impressions are that you're all crazy.
My impressions were " git out of here n00b! We we're here first this our sekr1t club!!!1!" apart from a few people. Although I could just be misinterpreting friendly hazing. Idk they're a mysterious bunch.