This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Boy, are you trying to judge a game based on release day version? Even consoles? On NMA?
Nice strawman.

I don't need mods for Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, because they are overall well designed games. Fallout 3, and by extension all Bethesda games since Oblivion, are poorly designed pieces of garbage that still have decades old bugs because Bethesda doesn't give a shit about quality assurance.

Bugs get literally carried over between games because Bethesda are inept idiots. I wouldn't be surprised if Starfield has bugs from Skyrim or Fallout 4.
Aint those bugs get fixed in bugfix mods? And only console version still retain all those bugs.
I am not convinced that any of these are bugs; I DO believe they are meant to be features. :cry:

I also point out that being naughty child shooting BB on father's face is very naughty. It's not necessary a bug~
An "RPG" with (intentionally) no consequence for shooting others is a very messed up (,and damn stupid) design.

And the game fail to adhere to your PERSONAL idea of how to design a game, also, not necessary a bug.
It's not a personal preference, it's the established series. This is no different than them releasing a turn based isometric Elder Scrolls 6 that locks the player off from opposing guild quests; no different than a Nintendo official Super Mario sequel that plays like Monopoly and has no jumping mechanic.

Or you can talk to other complainers about how the guns doesnt shoot exactly where they aim their recticle... it's like they never heard of "spread" concept.
Any use at all of manual player directed aim defeats PC agency, and limitations. They make shots of which they should not be capable; the same is true for [assisted] lock picking. There is no concept of either of these in the entire series prior to Bethesda's nonsense in FO3. They are substituting the player in situ for the PC, with the PC's defined limitations being largely ornamental/cosmetic.

Self resurrecting NPC? Are you certain that is those NPC, exactly?
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I am not convinced that any of these are bugs; I DO believe they are meant to be features. :cry:

An "RPG" with (intentionally) no consequence for shooting others is a very messed up (,and damn stupid) design.

It's not a personal preference, it's the established series. This is no different than them releasing a turn based isometric Elder Scrolls 6 that locks the player off from opposing guild quests; no different than a Nintendo official Super Mario sequel that plays like Monopoly and has no jumping mechanic.

Any use at all of manual player directed aim defeats PC agency, and limitations. They make shots of which they should not be capable; the same is true for [assisted] lock picking. There is no concept of either of these in the entire series prior to Bethesda's nonsense in FO3. They are substituting the player in situ for the PC, with the PC's defined limitations being largely ornamental/cosmetic.

is that a console video?

Because the fix patch mod for F3, I remember both the old or the new fixpack that replace old one make them, both Bael and the front gate team killable. And if they live to Take it Back stage, afterward they will still stand in front of the gate. It's a pet peeve of a lot of F3 users, that Bael disappearance.
is that a console video?
No; I have never owned a console.

Mods don't ever count as valid fixes—mods are often fantastic, and sometimes desperately necessary (sadly), but they are not the official product.

The nasty problem with the 'Mods will fix it!' justification mentality is that the developers know of it, and even rely upon it to afford them the option to omit necessary, but problematic, design elements. Mods don't have to work on every platform the way that the core game must. Gamers on different platforms tend to prioritize differently; are intolerant of different (sometimes mutually exclusive opposite) behaviors in games. The developers can get away with skirting the technical and political issues of added (or lacking) features by leaving it up to modders.

Bethesda couldn't (possibly still cannot) include working ladders in their games—due to limitations of their NPC AI. That same AI goes homicidally bonkers when deprived of virtual food—so they scattered food items all over Tamriel to hide this. They actually shipped FO3 without a detection to prevent accidental drinking from toilet bowls caused by their clunky UI assumptions.

One of the very first interactions I had in FO3 was trying to flush a toilet, and watching the PC chug from the bowl —in the vault!— (which should of course had been disabled until at least outside in the wasteland).

There is a decent chance that the developers knew about these issues, and ultimately determined that a proper fix was not worth the necessary effort or system changes, and just left it alone.
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Leaving aside Fallout3, If you cant accept "mod will fix it" mentality what the hell are you doing here in NMA?

Let me remind you, again, that Interplay's Fallout 1/2 is buggy as fuck even with official fix patch. So is Troika's VTMB. And obviously Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas.

If you can not accept "modder will fix it" you would have trouble with playing those games. I know damn sure of it, because I've played those games in those state before. release version I couldnt play so official fix is the best I can do, I can not wait for modders in those days. They were very buggy, even with patch.

In which case, what are you doing here, judging right and left in NMA? Did you even play Fallout games? And if you hadnt played F1/2, who are you to stand in moral height to judge sheesh?
that Interplay's Fallout 1/2 is buggy as fuck even with official fix patch. So is Troika's VTMB. And obviously Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas.
All games i played unmodded without much trouble, specially Fallout 1 and 2 which are really stable and mostly bug free. You are full of shit as usual.

In the case of New Vegas, it's far more stable and much more bug free than games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 and those games came before, and New Vegas had a horrid launch. In my 250 hours playtime I didn't had to go the console command once in New Vegas to finish quests or literally ressurect npcs in order to continue quests or literally remove an essential tag because the game forgot to update the character's status and i couldn't kill him for the quest like i had to do in Oblivion and Fallout 3, because Bethesda made games outside of Morrowind are still buggy pieces of shit in the latest version and thus require fanmade mods to be stable.

release version
You keep bringing this up and forget that these games got patches AFTER release. The latest version is the version everyone plays, not the release version. Are you being dense on purpose?

Mods should, never, ever, ever, EVER be used as a positive for a game when you are talking about the quality of the vanilla game. Fans should never have to be the ones to finish the fucking job of the dev team that got paid thousands of bucks to create the game and sell it to the public.
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All games i played unmodded without much trouble, specially Fallout 1 and 2 which are really stable and mostly bug free. You are full of shit as usual.

Calling Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, with official patch applied, bug-free... This is concrete proof that you didnt play them.

They can be played (with patch) but to call them bug free is to be willfully blind.

I would advise you to check all over the bug fix list of Unofficial Patch just to know how many tone of bug they had fixed outside of official patch.

But I guess you would know about such content, being around NMA for a while. There is nobody can fake being blind like someone know the truth.
Calling Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, with official patch applied, bug-free... This is concrete proof that you didnt play them.
I said MOSTLY, learn to read before you say bullshit. And most of those bugs are minor things that don't affect story progression or force the player to open the console command to continue the game. If anything a lot of those bugs fixes hardly matter, so you are still wrong as usual.

The fact remains, you need fanmade mods to have a basic stable experience with Fallout 3, i don't need that shit with Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas. So it's not a positive that you need mods to even play Fallout 3, if anything that just shows how absolute shit the game is.
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Yeah yeah, minor things like the too many item bug in Fallout 2 that would lead to unusable save games and have to reload from many many hours ago. That bug was fixed like, only some years ago.

Or the various Fallout1 bugs relating to time, aka rest time in locations closed at night. Or hell, Junktown has plenty of bugs. Major bugs that could lead to whole town hostile and reload.

It is very obvious you didnt play Fallout 1/2 when you say too many items bug being minor, being the most famous deadly bug any player can name it offhand.
Does the video not depict similar (and to some extent identical) gameplay, and describe Bethesda's new take on the Brotherhood?

*Also consider that FO3 is a reskinning of TESIV, complete with Tamriel being the internal world name. Oblivion does play in third person optionally, just like Skyrim; it's ignored in FO3, but it's still in there.

And the general themed park nature of both titles.
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Yeah yeah, minor things like the too many item bug in Fallout 2 that would lead to unusable save games and have to reload from many many hours ago. That bug was fixed like, only some years ago.

Or the various Fallout1 bugs relating to time, aka rest time in locations closed at night. Or hell, Junktown has plenty of bugs. Major bugs that could lead to whole town hostile and reload.

It is very obvious you didnt play Fallout 1/2 when you say too many items bug being minor, being the most famous deadly bug any player can name it offhand.
That's why i beat both games several times and at no point i got any of those bugs. And really only autistic people like you who get triggered when meaningless bugs exist care about those pointless bugs. So ye, they mean nothing.

It's honestly impressive how full of shit you continue to be, and honestly it seems more to me that you didn't actually played both games if you honestly believe those useless bugs actually affect the experience in any way. Probably saw some review claiming that these bugs were somehow common or easy to trigger.

You are still factually wrong about needing mods to play Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, and wrong about Fallout 3 being a good Fallout game.
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That's why i beat both games several times and at no point i got any of those bugs. And really only autistic people like you who get triggered when meaningless bugs exist care about those pointless bugs. So ye, they mean nothing.

It's honestly impressive how full of shit you continue to be, and honestly it seems more to me that you didn't actually played both games if you honestly believe those useless bugs actually affect the experience in any way. Probably saw some review claiming that these bugs were somehow common or easy to trigger.

You are still factually wrong about needing mods to play Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, and wrong about Fallout 3 being a good Fallout game.

Nah, I will just let you hanging in the air here as a prime example of not playing F1/2 yet saying you did play. Especially about the part of playing them with just official patch only and not unofficial patch.

I mean, anyone who ever actually play them will know who you are, what you are, based on your own admission.

You are dangling in the air, boy, and I dont have to do anything else~
I don't even remember Fallout: BOS coming out. I had a PS2 at some point. After not enjoying Fallout: Tactics, I would not have purchased anyway.

From what I recall of playing FO1 and 2 back in the day, pretty sure we downloaded patches on dialup to play those.
I dont dl patches on dialup...
Mostly because bandwidth is too small, so I copy on floppy disks from computer shops.

When file is too big: filesplitter~