Tidal wave of Broken Steel previews

Brother None said:
Ulysses said:
"My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." - Tim Cain

Is that the quote ?

Yes. Though upon googling, I see it quoted but never a source mentioned. Are we sure this is something he's actually said?

It's from an old IRC interview, it used to be somewhere at DAC. I'll try to find it later.

edit - Here.
my my, another buggy mini expantion, i dont know what to say about this. fallout 3 was fun, but it wasnt the game i was waiting for
Brother None said:
The Idiot said:
It's from an old IRC interview, it used to be somewhere at DAC. I'll try to find it later.

Yeah, DaC IRC interview, Ulysses just pointed to it

Hah, good old days when Planet Fallout was still DaC.

Yeh, also I got recalled to this:

Tim Cain: Calis, I would never work at or for Interplay again, ever. FO not withstanding

Sounds still harsh.
Broken Steel also brings more mutation madness with more challenging enemies like the Feral Ghoul Reaver -- a feral ghoul with armor and a tendency to toss grenades. Players will also run across Super Mutant Overlords, new Super Mutants with bigger guns and a bigger challenge to kill.
phew, I was worried for a minute there that they were going to introduce more new enemies with god-awful amateurish stilted animations like the trogs, thank goodness they're just retexturing existing models that already have amateurish stilted animations.
Dragula said:
So what happends if I contaminated the source?

Most likely people start randomly dying but the survivors still haven't got a clue and act as if said person is still alive even if the corpse is right next to them.
It should be: "A tsunami of..." since the event is due to seismic activity and not tides or lunar cycles.

But anyway, yeah go Beth. Bigger guns, better armor, more HPs, and some re-skins.

They should've handed over FO3's development to Obsidian from the get-go. No work for them, and they can take most of the profits. Even more, we actually get a decent game (probably), at least not this level of garbage.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Dragula said:
So what happends if I contaminated the source?

Most likely people start randomly dying but the survivors still haven't got a clue and act as if said person is still alive even if the corpse is right next to them.
Plus hopefully BOS + any followers you had at the end know how to keep a secret to all the NPCs across the land since they presumably saw you put some unidentified canister in the purifier before you activated it and put 2 & 2 together (unless they are idiots in which case that would make the explanation much simpler & convenient). Also "feral" ghoul reavers...that throw grenades?....hmmmm. So a "feral" ghoul is one which has lost his (or her) mind yet still possess the capability to use grenades......I see (also dig the loot I'd find on them like bottle caps.....because feral ghouls need to buy stuff too....just where they purchase stuff while somehow being able to restrain their inherent madness/psychosis long enough to complete the transaction is anybodies guess). I await this next DLC (I'm not getting it btw) but I need a new round of laughing at stupid stuff and I hope beth don't disappoint (they haven't so far).
Ghouls aren't just low-level cannon fodder anymore
My first thought: "Yes finally my favorite race will get the treatment it deserves! We can get some real interaction and have meaningful conversations about their wrinkly skin!

more challenging enemies like the Feral Ghoul Reaver -- a feral ghoul with armor and a tendency to toss grenades

Holocausto said:
Plus hopefully BOS + any followers you had at the end know how to keep a secret to all the NPCs across the land since they presumably saw you put some unidentified canister in the purifier before you activated it and put 2 & 2 together (unless they are idiots in which case that would make the explanation much simpler & convenient).

Thus making 5.

I think the karma system will be in effect, still making you "Last best hope of humanity" even if you have performed one of the most heinous acts possible.

And don't forget, in Fallout 3 everyone forgets your crimes after three days.
Brother None said:
The ending fix is hilarious.

Ok, so the player can send in Fawkes or Charon. That's great, because it never made any sense that one couldn't.

But what's this? Not just can you now survive, you must, the radiation has magically become non-lethal!

They didn't just fix it, they fixed it so much it's broken again.
I know its an old old old old ooold old old joke ...

But Broken STILL? Right? RIGHT?! RIIIIGHT! :clap:
Broken Steel changes that. You'll actually have more choices in that final room, and you'll be able to send one of your other minions (Fawkes or Charon, for example) to activate the machine. Or you can still activate it yourself. Either way, you'll wake up 2 weeks later in the bowels of the Citadel.

What I find strange is that the game already has a 2 weeks later video in it, its just not used...
Flashdrive said:
What I find strange is that the game already has a 2 weeks later video in it, its just not used...
Another game I used to play did that. Sometimes they might add in things they are going to implement in the future but just wont tell you. I don't really know the reasons behind that except for maybe making it so you have to DL less content later...but.
It is more often the case that an originally intended part of the game got cut, but the video to be used is still left in. It's possible 2 weeks later was supposed to be an option anyway, but it got cut for whatever reason.
"which'll send you into such new areas as Adam's Air Base, accessible only through the ghoul-infested Presidential Metro"

It's pretty funny how obvious the railroading is. You're even walking on actual rails between places.

Who is giving the mutants all these fucking artillery pieces they run around with?
the same people that give the Enclave all this endless Vet-Birds, Plasmarifles, Armor and Soldiers even when you never seen actualy a factory or recruiting center of them and destroyed their base 2 times.

Yes, its Bethesda ! :mrgreen: