Tim Cain doesn't comment on Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Tim Cain comments on Fallout 3...or doesn't he?<blockquote> Hey Brendon, I'm not commenting on the Fallout 3 game. Since it's been almost ten years since I worked on the original games, I am not sure I am even in a position to accurately review it. Besides, the end of Troika marked the end of my public career. I will still make games, but I will let other people market, demo and otherwise shout their goodness into the airwaves.

Rest assured that I plan to play Fallout 3 when it comes out. I am as expectant as any fan, but I am going to reserve comment and judgment until I can play the finished game.</blockquote>Link: Tim Cain speaks on Fallout 3.
That was the least polite response from a dev we've seen, and perhaps this is revealing Mr. Cain's position...
Not really. Leonard was more open about "they took my BABEH!"

Tim really doesn't want to comment, as has been said time and time before. Don't expect him to comment much after release, either, unless it is a humongous stinkbomb.

People forgot none of the original devs commented on F:BoS either. They didn't have to, obviously.

(raise your hand if you know one of Fallout 1's designer also worked on F:BoS)
Tim Cain said:
Rest assured that I plan to play Fallout 3 when it comes out. I am as expectant as any fan, but I am going to reserve comment and judgment until I can play the finished game.

What a professional. He use of the word expectant was somewhat humorous to me, rather than saying he was excited.
I hope he really does release his judgment when the game is released. Hell, he should write a review.

Brendon Lindsey said:
Maybe we should reserve judgment (good and bad) until we get something playable? Makes sense to me.

The few, the proud, the intelligent previewers.
Makagulfazel said:
What a professional. He use of the word expectant was somewhat humorous to me, rather than saying he was excited.
I hope he really does release his judgment when the game is released. Hell, he should write a review.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Criticism might simply be cast as sour grapes, especially if the game is a commercial hit. On other hand, if the game stinks, then it could seem petty to dance on its grave, or quaintly sentimental to bemoan that they killed his baby. On the other hand, what if he actually likes it?...
this stance is typical of Mr Cain and was to be expected (which is also why NMA doesn't press former devs to reveal their feeling in an interview about FO3, it's just not done). most likely, if i was in his position, i'd say the exact same things...
Bernard Bumner said:
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Criticism might simply be cast as sour grapes, especially if the game is a commercial hit. On other hand, if the game stinks, then it could seem petty to dance on its grave, or quaintly sentimental to bemoan that they killed his baby. On the other hand, what if he actually likes it?...

Meh to political correctness. If someone ripped my work away from me, sold it to the highest bidder who then distorted my work beyond recognition, I'd be ranting up and down. At least the people that mattered(The original fans), would deem you as a welcomed voice and not just another silent defeat.

Political correctness has its placed, but you can only get screwed over so bad before it's acceptable to retaliate.

Edit: He's pulling a great move by reserving judgment until the final product is released, however. Then there will be no excuses, as so many previewers seem to have an ample amount of.
Brother None said:
I am as expectant as any fan, but I am going to reserve comment and judgment until I can play the finished game.

I found this one interesting. I wonder if he is "declaring his allegiance to us" in as politically safe a way as possible. After all, I feel like Tim sees us as fans and so, to be as expectant as any fans seems to imply he has expectations of the game like many of us do.

Of course, as many of you have said, Tim can't really comment on the issue and would not take sides on the matter but it's interesting it can be interpreted as such.
I'm not sure why, but I love reading interviews with Tim Cain :) .

Now I'm sure, that the personality of people that create franchises is very important for what they are. Taking away those people means inevitable drastic changes.
Stag said:
That was the least polite response from a dev we've seen, and perhaps this is revealing Mr. Cain's position...

What are you talking about? He simply took a diplomatic stance. He said he won't comment on anything until he plays the game, and he expects it. There's absolutely nothing close to "between the lines" here, even if you really really want to see it.
Doesn't Tim Cain still work in the game industry?? If so, it is understandably that he doesn't want to comment on Beth's Fallout 3. He probably doesn't want to say anything that will make his employers see him in a bad light...

As for Leonard's feelings, it is understandable that he feels this way. He also just talked about what he felt when Bethsoft bought the license, not what he felt about the F3 that Bethsoft are working on right now.
Tim Cain works at NCSoft.

From the lot, JD Anderson is the only one that left the industry wholesale, to my knowledge. It's always taken a cricketbat to the behind to get Anderson to say anything, tho', so don't expect any comments from him either.
Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people?

I'm with Tim Cain. I'm waiting 'till I have the game installed on my computer and I'm playing it before I start dismissing it. Is there a possibility it's going to be Oblivion with Guns? Yes. Is there a possibility that it will be a good Fallout game? Yes. But we won't know for sure 'till we play it.
NukaColaClassic said:
Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people?

We're not. We may sound like we are, but we're not (ok, some of us are). We're being pre-emptive, but the game can still fully redeem itself in our eyes.

But tell me, what do you think is the best time to note thinks you dislike about a game? After release?

PS: Tim Cain doesn't tell us what to do, why do you?
NukaColaClassic said:
Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people?
For that matter, why can't the gaming media? We have statements at this early point musing that it might be the best game of the Fallout series, among other accolades; all based on a forty-five minute hands-off demo.
NukaColaClassic said:
Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people?

Maybe we should have. That way we could have really railed the game when it was a Halo remake.

When I see a car roaring at 100mph down a gravel road, I don't need to see the crash to know it's going to happen. Physics(Or logic/common sense in the case of Fallout3) tells me what's coming right around the corner.

Not to mention we're judging the information that Bethesda itself releases as part of their hype - I can't see what's wrong with that.
Tannhauser said:
For that matter, why can't the gaming media? We have statements at this early point musing that it might be the best game of the Fallout series, among other accolades; all based on a forty-five minute hands-off demo.

yeah, but one look at that bloom and you know its the best fallout ever.