Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

NiRv4n4 said:
I don't much care for Bertrand Russell. He could also have said the same for a "good" thing.

Which is the point; 'Good' is a measurement of quality, 'Popular' of quantity.

NiRv4n4 said:
Buying a video game is a lot different from buying tickets to a movie, people put more thought into it.

Would the different costs have something to do with it?

NiRv4n4 said:
When a bunch of people agree that they like something, that whilst playing they are not under mind control by the government, then there is some credence to their opinions on the matter.

A bunch of people like to eat dogs and rats, does that make dogs and rats 'good' food for everyone? Also, you should cut down on the fallacious hyperbole there, it's not flying.

NiRv4n4 said:
Basically, whether or not any of this reasoning makes sense, almost everyone who played F3 thoroughly enjoyed it.

That doesn't make it 'good'.

NiRv4n4 said:
Saying that despite this the game is still bad, is like saying that the Republic of Ireland is Protestant because of Ulster.

Who's saying that is bad? Again, 'popular' does not equal neither good nor bad. In itself the game's not so bad (not so good either), but as a fallout game, as an rpg, and as a fallout sequel, it's bad.
Winchester said:
False. The original Fallouts had plenty of exploration.

Sure, exploration from top down perspective, which is not what I meant and is something completely different. If you don't see a difference between exploring the world from first person/third person perspective, and from top down isometric one, that is another thing.

Winchester said:
That's textbook argumentum ad populum right there. Just because a large number of gamers might think Fallout 3 is a good game does not mean it really is.

Please check who you quote next time, thanks.

x'il said:
Who's saying that is bad? Again, 'popular' does not equal neither good nor bad. In itself the game's not so bad (not so good either), but as a fallout game, as an rpg, and as a fallout sequel, it's bad.

Totally. In your opinion.
Yeah, there's one important difference - it's not as easy to get lost in a maze of corridors if you're exploring something in isometric perspective.
Nice interview again. "other people to raise it"... heh, indeed... :(

I'll be eagerly awaiting the next Part.

Paul_cz said:
Totally. In your opinion.

Sure, i like thinking of something inferior to it's 12 year old predecessors in every relevant way as a bad sequel. :shrug:
That is your own perception. There are probably several hundred other perceptions of F3 that match yours. Now, there are dozens of thousands of perceptions of F3 that think that it is a good game. Your point that, even though it was enjoyable, it isn't good, is completely irrational. A good game is one you enjoy playing, unless you are some crazed masochist. So if thousands more people enjoyed the game than didn't enjoy it, then that is a good sign for the game, right?
You are looking at this from an individualistic sense, and I from a communal. Sure, I like old music and hate new music, but society tends to favor the new music. So, from the standpoint of society, new music is better than old music. I don't agree with it, but that is how it is. You should accept that, from the standpoint of society, F3 is favored over F1 and F2. That doesn't mean that certain individuals such as yourself can't have differing opinions, though.
What I want to say is that you should accept that most people, i.e. society, deem F3 to be better than F1 and F2, either by ignorance of the early games, or in my case an educated judgment. That isn't really a problem, they aren't keeping you from enjoying the other games. You should respect the other people's opinions on F3, just as those people should respect your opinions on F1 and F2. So, which first, chicken or egg?

On the interview, sort of sucks that he isn't connected to Fallout anymore. Would be cool if he was with New Vegas.
i agree, FO3 is a great game to its target audience but its not a good game for me, it wasnt what i was looking for.

'good game' its very subjective term, so use of genres will be better here.
so lets just say that most of us enjoy the classic RPG over ARPG
The Twilight novels are some of the most popular books in recent years, that must mean they are the best books ever.
NiRv4n4 said:
That is your own perception. There are probably several hundred other perceptions of F3 that match yours. Now, there are dozens of thousands of perceptions of F3 that think that it is a good game. Your point that, even though it was enjoyable, it isn't good, is completely irrational.

You ask for steak, I bring you fish. You say that you think steak is better than fish. I say that fish is much more popular than steak so obviously it's better. You say that no matter how good the fish is it can't be better at being steak than the actual steak we used to serve. I say that's just your perception and you're entitled to it but you should accept that fish is the future and that's good. You begin to say something but I stab you in the eye with a fork and run into the kitchen.
Ausir said:
Yeah, there's one important difference - it's not as easy to get lost in a maze of corridors if you're exploring something in isometric perspective.

Yeah. And I personally like it in isometric perspective more.

Seriously, Fallout 3s subway tunnels and buildings (indoor) made absolutly no sense. It was mostly just always the same graphic set build together into strange labyrinths.

Annoying as hell. I avoided as much subway systems and buildings as I could.
As you try to fire Per, it turns out that he has bought your restaurant. In addition, you may no longer sell steak.
Hello Tim Cain. This is Prosper, just a member of the fallout community but also a programmer from time to time.

You mentioned you did much of the programming of Fallout 1 in the C Language.

Could you shed a little light on how you designed your code and the evolution it went through before you finished? For example what aspects of the fallout engine did you work on first, and how did you decide the importance of them?

Tim Cain, in today's world, how would you make use of C++ and how would you of used it if you had a choice to back when you made fallout 1?

Per said:
NiRv4n4 said:
That is your own perception. There are probably several hundred other perceptions of F3 that match yours. Now, there are dozens of thousands of perceptions of F3 that think that it is a good game. Your point that, even though it was enjoyable, it isn't good, is completely irrational.

You ask for steak, I bring you fish. You say that you think steak is better than fish. I say that fish is much more popular than steak so obviously it's better. You say that no matter how good the fish is it can't be better at being steak than the actual steak we used to serve. I say that's just your perception and you're entitled to it but you should accept that fish is the future and that's good. You begin to say something but I stab you in the eye with a fork and run into the kitchen.

Great analogy, I love it.
Ausir said:
Yeah, there's one important difference - it's not as easy to get lost in a maze of corridors if you're exploring something in isometric perspective.
I don't remember ever getting lost in Fallout 3 in my 90 hours of its gameplay.Maybe I have superior orientation sense though.This of course isn't the only important difference :P

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time, must be the best movie ever.

Reconite said:
The Twilight novels are some of the most popular books in recent years, that must mean they are the best books ever.

Ausir said:
And McDonald's serves the finest cuisine in the world.

OMG! The attack of fallacies FROM OUTER SPACE! HELP!