NiRv4n4 said:I don't much care for Bertrand Russell. He could also have said the same for a "good" thing.
Which is the point; 'Good' is a measurement of quality, 'Popular' of quantity.
NiRv4n4 said:Buying a video game is a lot different from buying tickets to a movie, people put more thought into it.
Would the different costs have something to do with it?
NiRv4n4 said:When a bunch of people agree that they like something, that whilst playing they are not under mind control by the government, then there is some credence to their opinions on the matter.
A bunch of people like to eat dogs and rats, does that make dogs and rats 'good' food for everyone? Also, you should cut down on the fallacious hyperbole there, it's not flying.
NiRv4n4 said:Basically, whether or not any of this reasoning makes sense, almost everyone who played F3 thoroughly enjoyed it.
That doesn't make it 'good'.
NiRv4n4 said:Saying that despite this the game is still bad, is like saying that the Republic of Ireland is Protestant because of Ulster.
Who's saying that is bad? Again, 'popular' does not equal neither good nor bad. In itself the game's not so bad (not so good either), but as a fallout game, as an rpg, and as a fallout sequel, it's bad.