VDweller said:
Roshambo said:
You're not even fuckin' trying, and neither is Rolston, and neither is Todd.
Even Rolston couldn't take it anymore
Heh, I missed that interview, even though I knew of Rolston leaving. He was one of the few that did have some vision, and believes that games should serve the same illuminating sociological relevance that books and other art forms present. Even if he was rendered into a weak, ineffectual puppet that did make some excuses, but the time to take a stand is NOT after the stewpot has been shit in.
I wonder which current coffee or donut bitch Bethesda will hire to replace him as Lead Designer. Maybe they'll even hire a stray dog for the position this time, given who was picked for Project Lead/Executive Producer of both Oblivion and Morrowind.
Bethesda's comments
I do believe that it's important to change games to make them better (i.e., more fun). Honestly, there are a ton of conventions from old-school RPGs that simply aren't very fun. They are artifacts of systems designed 20 years ago that we hold as sacred, but they aren't necessarily any good. We tried to fix or remove these where we could.
What is quite amusing is that I have personally seen, long before Arena was even put into production and certainly long before these asshats inflated their pride because they're picking up checks for being "Game Developers", series die due to this marketing whorish "logic". By none other than the company who perfected it, EA. It doesn't work. Said series that have died, except for shiny and vapid bullshit that still doesn't work (Radiant AI), still surpass Bethesda's "innovashun" garbage by miles. Ultima, for the depth it provided in the later games, and with that amount of characters, still surpasses that of Fallout, though Fallout went with a different kind of topic tree to attempt (and accomplish) a bit more depth. TES is NO MATCH to either game in terms of quality and depth, when TES has become shallower than any cheap blonde you could pick up at a bar.
Early TES was limited by technology. Today's TES is limited by stupid whorishness.
We've seen where Bethesda went, and it's been for shiny shitware, and their audience is NOT from having built up their audience through great sequels as per any decently treated series. Bethesda "expanded" their audience by dumbing down their games for the console crowd.
Many of these conventions are there for a reason, because gameplay is important even if these idiot amateur designers don't know shit for gameplay, and fun is wholly relative to the target audience. Fun, in this instance, was relative to the X-Box crackheads, as per Bethesda's
new target audience. Compared to the usual shit on X-Box, even Bethesda's modern work is considered an improvement.
That is still nothing to boast about.
I would have thought that the great money crunch of Bethesda, circa before Morrowind, would have given the suits and developers a clue that crappy shiny doesn't sell, hence why the lame Battlespire and the TES Adventure series were little but time/talent/money sinks, to the point where LeFay is little more than a special thanks at Bethesda now, since his design and that of the other "fathers" of TES have been repeatedly raped and urinated upon with lies and shitty hype. Now Bethesda is returning back to the same level of half-assed quality that made them circle the drain in the first place, with a title (Fallout) that was designed to bring back quality standard levels when people were too busy selling out...like Bethesda since Battlespire.
Actually, they never left the swirling. They just decided to bend over for the console crowd and sold out to the morons. That is where Bethesda's interests are, so take notes, folks.
kathode said:
That my posts will offend Rosh is the first assumption I made signing up here!
If offense with abject stupidity is your thing, keep on going.
Hilarious since he doesn't work here. He does contract work for us writing in-game books and he is definitely a major talent and a great guy, but I haven't laid eyes on him since e3 2004.
I love having people admit my very point. It's like making a puppet dance.
So that would, again, mean that NONE of the original design team is still working on TES, which was what Hellion was discussing before you stupidly mentioned Kurt and Bruce. Presumably with a set-up for someone to point out that Todd Howard was NOT part of the original design team, was suddenly put in charge of design after the father of TES left, leaving only the coffee bitch as the next highest capable person to lead a sequel. Which, thanks to your own admission (I love it when idiots give me plenty of rope to drag them around after they've hung themselves), far more capable people were around than Todd.
Kurt is here and kicking (though he did move out west for a few years), and one would assume he's hating life because he apparently has no input on anything.
Again, for the slow, Kurt was not part of the original TES team. He was mentioned because he was a number of other developers that had about the same or even greater experience, and some moron at Bethesda decided to pick the coffee bitch as the new project lead. At least Kurt knew more about the material than ol' "cream, sugar?" Try to read a bit better, because I'll warn you, researching Fallout canon through talking to Zax requires a bit of comprehension. As a player.
You will need to put forth a lot more effort than you have presented in this thread, and as both are such simple matters, I'm suspecting your whorish laziness similarly extends into your professional capacity and not in just your ignorance about your own place of employment/work subject matter (as in YOU'RE the one paid to have a clue). As you've kindly shown in this very thread, for example.
Now, if anyone wants to check the facts of who fucked up TES and is heading the same way on Fallout, check the Oblivion credits.