Stanislao Moulinsky said:Did...did he really said that? Please, tell me he didn't.
Nah, I made that up, he probably would give some speech of how Fallout 1 and 2 were acceptable at the time but not work now anymore.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Did...did he really said that? Please, tell me he didn't.
Ausir said:They didn't exactly have a choice, ZeniMax bought Quakecon's host.
I think you are confused because you don't understand the structure. Zenimax online studios would presumably develop any TES MMO, and that studio certainly has some people with experience in MMO development. They've already got a decent base of potential customers and a franchise that would work well as an MMO, so they are already in a good position.Crni Vuk said:If the next game they plan is really MMO or anything similar to it I have the feeling this might lead to financial issues for Zenimax.
I'll admit that I don't have a high opinion of MMORPGs, or much experience with them for that matter, but I believe that the main draw is not in the writing or the animations. In fact, many people disparagingly refer to Beth's games as single-player MMOs.Crni Vuk said:It is not far fetched to think that the same people which have been responsible for Oblivion (regarding design, gameplay, wirtting and of course ... the very much beloved voice acting) would work in some way with any new online project developed eventualy by Bethesda. And to ask it right away, do you think Bethesda has what it needs to make a succesfull MMO or online game? With that kind of writting? With that kind of animations and "gameplay" they showed with Oblivion and Fallout 3?
Dionysus said:In fact, many people disparagingly refer to Beth's games as single-player MMOs.
But you are still missing the point. Zenimax Online Studios isn't BGS. It's headed by one of the guys from Mythic. At this point, there's really nothing to judge, but they probably have all the tools they need.
It's typically meant as an insult, as if to say that the games have a big MMO-style world without the genuine social component, which results in a hollow experience. It can also be used to indicate lame quest design. I've even heard people use it as an insult against The Witcher for the latter reason.Public said:"Single-player-massively-multiplayer-online" games.
It does not compute.
BGS can get away with that because there isn't much competition.I don't know how ZeniMax works, but if they have the same game design philosophy like Bethesda's "Don't waste time on patches and fixes", then I'll say good luck to them!![]()
That is something I agree with as it are probably 2 seperate studios (though under the same hood and who really thinks Todd - Todd Howard, Executive Producer and Game Director - has nothing to say at all inside of Zenimax should eventualy reconsider his position again) particuilarly when it comes to online setting with the Elder Scrolls as Theme.Dionysus said:The online studio would have to deal with a more competitive marketplace, so they will probably have their shit together (at least relative to BGS). We'll see. I personally don't have any interest in an MMO, but I wouldn't judge the new studio based on BGS's track record..
That's a very strange position to take. Bethesda's products are relatively unique in the current market, and they actually have a notable degree of longevity. And again, BGS probably wouldn't be making this game. It's a different studio.Crni Vuk said:And thus I doubt any Zenimax studio is capable of making a game that really is different to all those games that are already available and has the creativity and skill to release something fresh and truly more then just a something with "shiny" graphics. Marketing so far has lead Bethesda to very high sales. But that alone will not help any studio when it comes to a success regarding a online RPG. It needs REALLY something that atracts players AND keep them playing the game. Not just advertising.
In visiting general gaming sites, and looking at sales charts, I've always been struck by how well Beth's recent games have been received on consoles, which don't have any user-made mods. But you are still talking about a different sort of game made by a different developer.Crni Vuk said:Longlivety in Bethesda games? Well now thats a interesting point you know. How comes those long lasting effect anyway? Is it really from the many "DLCs" they throw out and the very active modding community. It is strange to me that Oblivion is one of heaviest modified games out there (speaking about the sheer number of personal mods) which changes from armor to values and bugs anything in the game. Its just a personal guess of course but how many people out there enjoy vanilla Oblivion without any mods.