CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

When people say the capital wasteland they mean the entire map of Fallout 3, not just the literal capital, dumbass. Now this is just goalpost moving because of the fact that claiming that it was harder by nukes makes no sense.
I am dying of the sheer radscorpion venom on display where you have to mutiliate my argument to even attempt to discuss it.
Doesn't change the fact that two hundred fucking years has passed and yet people have somehow survived in a place with no way to reliably get food and water. And only NOW someone decides that maybe a reliable source of water is important, making you question how people survived for so long. Do you know how long is 200 years? I can name all the major events that has happened to humanity in that time.
I wondered if you'd even bother reading what I wrote but you didn't so why bother?
Megaton: Cistern and water purifier
Rivet City: Ocean (Food and Water)
Vault: Self-sufficient.
Since that's all listed above and you didn't pay any attention, it's pointless to argue.
Your opinion doesn't matter because your opinion is fucking wrong, just concede that you're wrong.
I could talk all the live long day about Fallout 3 but since you don't bother reading it, what's the point.
The worldbuilding of Fallout 3 makes no logical sense whatsoever. It's fine that you like exploring its world, but worldbuilding of Fallout 3 is factually badly made because Bethesda didn't care for it to make any logical sense, they just wanted a blown out wasteland.
It's more about mood than worldbuilding and it has its flaws but it's a lot more imaginative and interesting than most games by far.
The GECK is also not some magical bullshit that Fallout 3 seems to think it is, it's an agricultural starter kit. It's not something you use and the area is instantly hospitable.
No, shit. Why they attach it to a larger purifier to purifer the fucking Basin.