Milo, for future reference I would recommend reading the entire thread (or at least the last few pages) before posting.
If you don't want to look like a complete ass that is.
Ratty was the one who said Tesla was inappropriate for a fantasy game. Per and I just misunderstood each other, it happens.
But now I really think we should get back on topic.
I haven't actually finished either game, because I've been forced to restart both twice.
But from what I have played I concluded this:
1.Both Games have flawed combat.
In Torment I kept getting the enemies to attack Morte instead of me, seeing as he had a higher AC.
In Arcanum I was constantly trying to lure enemies away from their packs, cause they were to difficult to defeat all at once. And once you get knocked down in combat you're Fucked, you cant even use a fatigue restorer to get back up.
2. Character creation is standard in Torment, but original & exciting in Arcanum with lots of different races and backgrounds to chose from.
3. The graphics in both games is really good.
Torment got a cool gothic feal and Arcanum got this nice 18th century artwork look to it.
4. Storyline seems good in both games, maybe better in Torment, I'll know when I get to the end.
5. Am I the only one who likes the music in arcanum, I think it fits the setting well.
So witch ones better, Guess I'll know when finish them.