21_Blessings said:
Alec, sorry to break it to ya, but the Fallouts were superior games. Style, combat and fun. So was Torment with it's amazing story.
You might dissagree, thats cool. But you're wrong. And the majority agrees.
Says who, kid? Oh wait: the "majority" says so, don't they? Yeah, the majority says so, so it must be the case then. Well wake up, grasshopper: the majority of humans in the world also thinks that some super, omnipotent creature called "God" created the friggin' universe and everything in it, so yeah, then that must be the truth. And the majority of humans on this planet also thinks that fossil fuels will be around forever and ever, so hell yes I guess fossil fuels must be a renewable energysource then, eh? Why not try to do a little thinking for yourself from now on, eh, and let the majority think what they damn well want to think? It might shed a whole new light on things, you know.
If I say that I think that Arcanum is a better game than Fallout and/or Fallout 2, than that's how it is for me. And then I don't give a rat's ass if you or the majority thinks that Fallout is superior. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. Got that, grasshopper? Good. Now shooo! I need to think.