A Smooth-Skin

TorontRayne said:The one place you figure Kilus would post yet he does not.
Any Fallout game with rape should allow the groin shot.
+10000 this.
TorontRayne said:The one place you figure Kilus would post yet he does not.
Any Fallout game with rape should allow the groin shot.
CthuluIsSpy said:I believe the term is "Chaotic Neutral"
And don't tell me you didn't want to punch those brats at little lamplight...or any given child in Skyrim.
Though really, I only ever killed 1 kid. It was in Fallout 2, and it was one of those children in the Den who steals all of your money. I did try to steal it back...didn't go well.
pipboy-x11 said:That's how the game designers should handle such things, IMO: give a player an ability to make any possible choices, without morale implications - and see and feel the consequences of your actions. That would be much more interesting and even educating ("see? harming innocent people ain't cool") than some artificial limitations.
Khuzor said:Bethesda's fallout always stunk of PC compliance, and I mean the retarded Censorhappy PC flavore.
Tripping Acid while beating a ghoul with a rusty mallet? Go for it
Dismembering hookers while testing the merchandice from the local slavers? Yeah no problem
Pounding half-a-kilo of Morphine in to my eyeball while raping and then killing a 10 year old girl? Oh Suddenly we're getting OFF MESSAGE.
Point in the whole disturbing tirade - the Wasteland has already gone above and beyond killing children and rape, why the fuck put a red light at a point where the cars already passed the Light two 5 hours ago?
CthuluIsSpy said:Because Parent's Associations are annoying.
person said:CthuluIsSpy said:Because Parent's Associations are annoying.
Didn't Mortal Kombat lawyers kill them already?
I'll just say what my mother told me when I asked her what rape was:
Rape happens.
Token-not-found said:WillisPDunlevey said:Single much?
If you are a woman that comment reflects badly on you.
The double standards are there for a reason - loyalty is arguably the most important quality in a woman, no matter the shape and size- from a rational and evolutionary point of view.
Loyalty is viewed by women (in a man) at worst as a commodity and at best valuable.
For women it's quintessential , for obvious reasons, the most important one being the legitimacy of the offspring.
No sane or rational man will marry you knowing the risk of losing his life thanks to the privilege women have in the courtroom and knowing the average women's lack of loyality and the staggering rates of divorce.
I'm not saying things were better before, women only appeared more loyal , less whorish because they did it out of sight because it was not allowed and were financially dependent on the man.
Maybe it's better to have things in plain sight now , in the past people were just more hypocritical and careful about it, not more loyal i think.
Anyway i have more respect for prostitutes than for the average woman. At least prostitutes are honest about it and upfront.
Don't know about you guys, but i'd rather not fall in the trap of a woman with more mileage on board that Al Bundy's old dodge that senses losing her youth and looks and quickly tries to sucker a poor fool into marriage while fucking the bad boy on the side and getting the alimony check after that, and maybe raising his kid with it.
I get the women, it's in their best interest to be feminist , what i don't get are the manginas who defend their parasitic and hedonistic ways. I mean that's won't get you laid 99% of the time and it ruins your chances at a decent women, because white knights are usually loyal and not hustlers.
So you are practically helping a half-whore become a full fledged whore and losing your self-respect in the process.
Token-not-found said:WillisPDunlevey said:Single much?
If you are a woman that comment reflects badly on you.
I guess I'll do you the favor.FOvet said:I'm not even going to dignify that damned post with the response I *want* to give it. All I'll say is that is part of the reason this world is so fucked up.