Trump is winning

Don't worry, I'm sure David Icke is on the case.

I don't trust this world anymore.
Anyone watched the debate?

I think Trump made some good points regarding Clinton's deficiencies and how political promises only go so far (IE not at all), but he also didn't have a great debate. He was baited by both Clinton and the moderator into talking about himself rather than his platform, and I think that actually hurts. The birther segment was just freaking painful to watch, as well as the general ''I'm gonna do it, but I have no idea how'' shtick that he seems to almost cultivate as an advantage.

Clinton was... well, herself really. All so very politician, albeit she did fire a few barbs of her own. I think she had a better debate, albeit seeing her talk about cybersecurity is extraordinarily ironic.

So basically the debate ain't going to change much. Surprised they didn't talk much about immigration, legal or otherwise coming from Mexico, but I suppose they will cover that in another debate.
Really good debate on Trump's part. Managed to stay in there and throw some good jabs at Clinton despite being on the defensive from both Clinton and the Moderator. Can't wait for the next two debates for them to get more important issues. Only disappointed that Trump didn't attack Hillary harder on the E-Mails, TPP and her fuck ups in the Middle East but theres always the rest of the debates for that. I found it humourus how much Shillary cried about "muh fact checkers" when fact checking destroys everything she said this debate. They (Hillary and the Moderator) have pretty much attacked him on all the key points that the Lügenpresse have been fabricating but Trump still has an incredibly large pool of topics to bring up so it'll be interesting how Hillary fares in the debates coming up now that they've unloaded everything they have on Trump.
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Trump still has an incredibly large pool of topics to bring up so it'll be interesting how Hillary fares in the debates coming up now that they've unloaded everything they have on Trump.

Agreed. They've pretty much blown their wad while Trump still has a slew of topics he could touch on in future debates.

The biggest thing to take away from this is that Trump has revealed that he does indeed possess self-control, contrary to popular myth.

Millions of viewers have seen for themselves that he is not the Boogeyman incarnate some claim him to be.
I watched all of it and came away with the opinion Hill was more on her game and seemed much more at ease then Trump who needs and audience and more opponents to play to his strengths. He winced a lot and nervously gripped a glass of water and was surprised by Hills quick barbs. He pretty much sounded less coherent and obviously less versed on foreign policy. He gave a regular stump speech with vauge anecdotal nothings. The only point that made some sense was wanting Europe to bear more financial burden of NATO, but that comes off to me as more wishful thinking on the part of a subsection of republicans. This morning as I read over various places online to get feel for how it was perceived and Stromfront and HuffPo are giving it to Clinton which speaks for itself I suppose. But talking to my more hyper partisan friends people has reenforced my view that people projected what they wanted to hear and see. But the overall take away is that Clinton did better.
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For a group of people who claim to not care about the election and hate both the candidates, your names sure do appear often in these threads.
I support Hillary but am not American.
Better go post on Facebook so people can agree with me and I can pretend just for a moment I'm not alone.
All of my friends have unfriend buttons, but it's OK- I'll just never press them.
So many friends. 2000+ and counting.
I can't do anything out of the ordinary, I have to be normal.
I'm cool enough, but am I cruel enough?
Better go make fun of people that are different- but not minorities.
Political correctness is good. If I ever want a job I'm going to have to stop being a cis white male!

Chillary Clinton 4 prezzy!! xDxDXD
Vergil, you're an idiot.

My Candiate, would have been Bernie, but he is out. Why the fuck should I care about Hillary or Trump if I find them both shit? Does it mean I am not allowed to say, hey! Voting between them is like chosing between plague and cholera.
Also Im not saying you cant voice your displeasure with the canidates. I'm saying that for a year you've been saying how much you "dont care" about them yet you're always here, over and over again to remind us of how little you care.
Also Im not saying you cant voice your displeasure with the canidates. I'm saying that for a year you've been saying how much you "dont care" about them yet you're always here, over and over again to remind us of how little you care.
You care too much about this election
Also Im not saying you cant voice your displeasure with the canidates. I'm saying that for a year you've been saying how much you "dont care" about them yet you're always here, over and over again to remind us of how little you care.
You care to much about that I care to much about something I care very little about because bitching in a forum about something I don't care about is what I really care about a lot.

Stop caring so much!