Trump is winning




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Oh cool, I was wondering when the excuses and tinfoil hat theories would start coming out of the woodworks. Those are always more entertaining than the debate itself. Fire away, lads.
Eh, that sounds like when football fans blame the refs for bad calls when their team loses.
You need to overcome that shit, especially for a guy like Trump that's all about winning and being a killer. Yeah, Lester and her baited him, and he took it and wasted his time talking about petty shit that nobody cares about. That's his fault. He bills himself as a counter-puncher, but he turtled. He's at his most effective when he goes scorched earth.

Nobody really 'wins' confrontations with Trump though. Hilary will probably win the election, but she'll come out of it so damaged and exposed, and the electorate is just so fatigued of her whole being. She'll just be our national piñata.
Eh, that sounds like when football fans blame the refs for bad calls when their team loses.
You need to overcome that shit, especially for a guy like Trump that's all about winning and being a killer. Yeah, Lester and her baited him, and he took it and wasted his time talking about petty shit that nobody cares about. That's his fault. He bills himself as a counter-puncher, but he turtled. He's at his most effective when he goes scorched earth.

Nobody really 'wins' confrontations with Trump though. Hilary will probably win the election, but she'll come out of it so damaged and exposed, and the electorate is just so fatigued of her whole being. She'll just be our national piñata.

All of this. He was baited, and fell for it head-first. By comparison, when questionned about the e-mails, Clinton just went ''I made a mistake, I take responsibility for it, done.'' She closed the door. Don't be on the defensive and open yourself to more prodding and questions. Trump could have just said ''Yeah, I believed the Birther thing, it was a mistake, I don't anymore, move on''. Instead he tried to justify it and came up with some lame excuse about how Clinton's campaign director also investigated the issue. Seriously dude, nobody gives a shit. Let it go.

The comparison with football fans is so appropriate, too. The supporters of both candidates really do come across as fans and groupies sometimes.
when questionned about the e-mails, Clinton just went ''I made a mistake, I take responsibility for it, done.'' She closed the door.
Yea, she hand waved and dodged the question entirely without actually answering anything like she did the whole debate. Trump on the birther issue explained why he believed in it and pointed out that it was one of Clinton's people who were backing up the birther movement's claims.

For a bunch of people who claim to be "neutral" and "hate both candidates" I always see so many people on here make excuses for and downplay anything Clinton does but if Trump sneezes they go into paragraphs on how he's a fuck up.

Yea the hand signals idea is a bit wacky but it doesn't disqualify this bullshit.
That's because Clinton is a politican and knows how to play the game, you have to give her at least that much. That doesn't mean that she's the better person or anything, but you see that she has experience in beeing sleezy and dodging questions, when needed. Objectively speaking, this debate was a bit better for Clinton, but just a bit. That's pretty much it. What I hate right now, is how some shows decide to use that as reason to fire at Trump, he did this, he did that, he lost everything. Some act like the polls are already closed.
Yea, she hand waved and dodged the question entirely without actually answering anything like she did the whole debate. Trump on the birther issue explained why he believed in it and pointed out that it was one of Clinton's people who were backing up the birther movement's claims.

For a bunch of people who claim to be "neutral" and "hate both candidates" I always see so many people on here make excuses for and downplay anything Clinton does but if Trump sneezes they go into paragraphs on how he's a fuck up.

Yea the hand signals idea is a bit wacky but it doesn't disqualify this bullshit.

She answered the question as she should have answered. She said it was a mistake and took responsibility for it on stage; it really, really wasn't the place for her to elaborate. That's what Trump should have done, instead of hilariously trying to spin his mistake into a positive because ''I got him to reveal his birth certificate''.

It's just one example of course, and pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. One debate is never going to change the course of the election unless one of the candidates crashes and burns, but that hasn't happened here. Trump certainly wasn't knocked out or anything.

Also, you really don't need to take these things personally. We're sharing our observations on an internet forum. It's on you if you can't deal with the fact not everyone is a fan of Trump.
She answered the question as she should have answered. She said it was a mistake and took responsibility for it on stage; it really, really wasn't the place for her to elaborate. That's what Trump should have done, instead of hilariously trying to spin his mistake into a positive because ''I got him to reveal his birth certificate''.
But there are deeper implications when it comes to those 33k deleted e-mails. Her handwaving it isn't a good answer. The reason she didn't elaborate is because she couldn't, she was very clearly doing shady shit so she could either admit she intentionally did something shady/illegal or do what she did which was lie about it being "little mistake" and then ignore the subject entirely. Trump didn't do that because unlike Clinton he wasn't actually in the wrong. he elaborated because Lester/Clinton were being disingenuous about the situation by not mentioning that Clinton was also guilty of doing the same thing. He didn't admit to making a mistake because he didn't, he wanted Obama to release his birth certificate and he did. Not to mention the whole "birther" situation is nothing compared to Clinton's actions with the e-mails, or any of the other things she's done the moderator never bothered to bring up.
Also, you really don't need to take these things personally. We're sharing our observations on an internet forum.
I'm not. That part was less directed towards you and was more mainly referring to how I see a lot of other people on here almost never say a thing about Hillary but will jump on Trump every chance they get despite claiming to maintain neutrality to virtue signal their "intelligence" but in practice they act the same as Clinton supporters.
It's on you if you can't deal with the fact not everyone is a fan of Trump.
The only thing I can't deal with is people being against Trump for retarded reasons.
True, we never, ever, like never, NEVER(!) EVER(!) did say something that was even remotely negative about Hillary. Man, we are so spoiled and biased toward her ... it's unbelievable.

At this point, I believe no one can say anything that sounds reasonable to you, unless it is in agreement with your assessment about Trump. If someone doesn't care about either candidates, you will find something to snide them, if someone disslikes both candidates, you explain them as intellectual snobs, if someone is voicing criticism against Trump, they are all bullshit in your opinion and of course anything positive about Hillary, is just bias, since all of us here must be in complete agreement with all of heir points anyway.
True, we never, ever, like never, NEVER(!) EVER(!) did say something that was even remotely negative about Hillary.
almost never say a thing about Hillary but will jump on Trump every chance they get
We get it, you like Strawmen.
You've got selective amnesia if you think the amount of anti-Trump posts are anywhere near the amount of anti-Clinton posts on this website.
Dude, it's not even close to almost. Has Trump less lovers around here? Most probably. But I guess you must have missed for some reason all those criticism against Hillary that many people voiced here over the last few months. I mean for fucks sake ... where you have been when Fish changed all of his avatars to show his pure and unconditional love for her?
Look, all I'm sayin is I've seen way more posts talking about how much of a "joke" Trump is than Clinton which combined with how liberal most people on here (or atleast, in The Order) are it makes the whole "Neutrality" thing kinda fall flaccid to me.
Generally, I think Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party stole the election from Bernie Sanders and has no particular vision but a maintaining of the status quo. I am voting for her, though, because the status quo is inferior to where I want the country to go in a very-very large way but it is better than the alternative which I see embodied in Trump.

Which is a celebration of ignorance, xenophobia, stupid answers, and criminal behavior.
Who ever claimed NMA or the Order to be 'neutral' in the first place? Also, yes Trump IS more of a joke then Hillary. But that's because of the way he is making a show out of himself and the ellection, that's his thing he is a lot more emotional - for the better OR the worse - compared to Hillary. The guy came from making reality TV shows for fucks sake, so he is more of an entertainer then Hillary, which means that it is easier to mock him. But you assume, just because he is getting more flak here, because he is better material for jokes, that people love Hillary. Eh?
Who ever claimed NMA or the ORder to be 'neutral' in the first place?
All of your constant whinging about how much you "hate both candidates".
Generally, I think Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party stole the election from Bernie Sanders and has no particular vision but a maintaining of the status quo. I am voting for her, though, because the status quo is inferior to where I want the country to go in a very-very large way but it is better than the alternative which I see embodied in Trump.
I'd expect nothing different from the same person who thinks Fallout 3 and 4 are good.
Did I ever said that I was neutral, or do I suddenly stand for the Order as a whole? Aren't you just putting words in my mouth or reading to much in to it now?