Well Shit!
A hundred years ago, when political mentalities were so far off from where we're at today that it might as well be in another reality altogether. Those were the times where the mentally handicaped were shoved into asylums to die, prisons were barely livable, poor people died in droves and/or eked out miserable lives in rubber baron owned factories or were at the mercy of any drought or famine in the countryside, and women were told to shut up, stay in the kitchen and make moar babies if they knew what was good for them.
Yeah, good ol' America. Why did you guys, and the world, move on from this I'll never know. Fuck all these people and their problems, some other people now have to pay a different kind of tax than they did previously. The horror, nay, the humanity! Poor them. Poor victims of the system.
It's also funny you mention incompetence and corruption as unique to today's government, when in ye good old times the kind of stuff that has people ripping their shirts off (the Clinton Foundation, to use one example) was not only commonplace, but an accepted parts of politics. Even guys like Lincoln transparently paid for Congress's votes, for pete's sake.
And before you start, yes I pay income tax. I'm Canadian, so in fact I pay a fucking shitload of it compared to most americans. And you know what? I'm OK with that. Taxes keep my society's infrastructure (such it is, sometimes) running. Taxes kept my father in relatively good health as he died of cancer. Taxes helped me while I was in a down in between jobs, and helped keep my mother afloat financially as she underwent a depression. It pays for my autistic brother's basic needs, as I pay his luxuries. It's kept the social shelter where I (briefly) worked alive. It's done a ton of good for many, many people I've met. Could charities take over some of that? Sure. All of that? Not in a million years.
So excuse me if I don't shed a tear because some guy who makes 300 000$ needs to give a portion of that to the state, and buy himself a new Audi instead of a Ferrari this year.
As I am Canadian I can call this one out. How do you feel knowing that a native living on a reserve who has 7 children and no job keeps getting your taxes? Oh and she doesn't even raise her own children because that is the grandparents responsibility? There is a ton of waste and bullshit in our own government, but you probably voted for the TURD who has put our country 34 billion in debt when Harper ran a surplus? Yeah those taxes are just gonna go higher for that pissant.