Trump is winning

Born there.

And smog, big boring city and suburbia. Too much suburbia.

Born where? Townsville or Melbourne? Because if it's Townsville, that's a downright spooky coincidence.

I just can't stand the heat, man. I have nordic features, I'm not designed for that shit.

aaah New Zealand. For when Australia just isn't irrelevant enough. :P

I'll be honest, if life was an RPG, New Zealand feels like the starter town of the world.
Born where? Townsville or Melbourne? Because if it's Townsville, that's a downright spooky coincidence.

I just can't stand the heat, man. I have nordic features, I'm not designed for that shit.
Born in Melbourne. And I can tell you, it's cold, wet and not a very nice place. Brisbane/Perth are much more preferable.

Yeah I prefer cold countries like Germany, Estonia and Russia.
Yeah right ... we all know what it's like in Australia ...
Just walk away.
I'm no fan of Trump (the man's a douche with a disturbed hair style)...but I want the fucker win just to see the screaming faces of the SJWs. America's fucked regardless...
@ Pixote

Same here man.

It is absolutely hilarious that Obama, whom the extreme progressive left now hates, was once championed as the second coming of Jesus. Then they banked their hopes on the Berninator, who sold his soul to the very same party he called, "Intellectually and morally bankrupt." Then he endorsed Hillary, and here comes all the dumbass Matrix memes where they desperately try to manufacture reasons to justify his selling out again. Now it is all about the super hippy Jill Stein whom actually believes the only asshole in the world is the United States LOL. I wonder what happens when all the countries that have been affected by the U.S. come to return the favor? I bet Jill Stein wouldn't be spared.

Trump may suck, but hs penchant for flip flopping might not mean he becomes a Putin loving, military destroying, ostrich, who is all too willing to trade military isolationism for big trade deals. Thing is, those trade deals will vanish once America is weak enough to get pushed around by the international community.
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He should probably make this his official campaign video, the video and the instrumental part is stellar. And besides, at this point his followers would not mind that nazi salute in the video anyway.
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Maybe she'll die before/during the election.

What happens in that scenario? Does Trump just get it or does the Democratic party have to provide someone else?
Maybe that's the only way how someone like Bernie Sanders can ever hope to win. By killing all the other candidates! That would make for an interesting ellection though, if the target was to actually kill the competition. Like, yes murder is illegal, but since we want a leader that can get shit done, this is the only exception, for several months, the candidates are free to kill each other. The survivor becomes president!

Election the Joker way.
Have you guys seen what two terms did to Obama? This job takes a decade off your life, at least. Healthy people don't just spontaneously pass out either so if Hillary's health is already in question just imagine what a term in the white house will do to her. Or Bernie Sanders for that matter. That guy is ancient.