Kept you waiting huh?

So it continues, #TRIGGERED.
Hopefully it means no more writing for games when it comes to Anthony Burch.

I agree, I would've never expected him to be like this and now since he's butthurt about all of this he's going to take it out on the fans which happen to like and enjoy his content which I'm pretty sure is the only reason he fucking exists. He also tore his wife apart too, how low. Well I'm done with him, all these people want safe spaces.Totalbiscuit? Damn didn't know he was a fucking bitch. Hating your own subscribers- the reason you can make youtube videos for a fucking living, just because of their political stance. Well fucking done. Meanwhile there's Casey Neistat- showing how you should act when your preferred candidate didn't win.
Even John Romero went low enough to say:I just don't understand why all these fucking idiots think only white people voted Trump in? Despite the actual fact that it's statistically impossible (as I said earlier with my graph) because America's only 64% white and Republicans only make up half this 64%, do they just not know how to google, or youtube, or anything? There's tons upon tons upon tons of videos showing black, latino, middle eastern (Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, etc), asian (especially the Japanese) all loving Trump and supporting him, but I guess those people are white now according to these stupid fucking liberals? GG.
Also wow, time to remove my subscription from TotalBiscuit, what a moron. He clearly did 0 research on Clinton if he thinks Trump is this awful.
If you're American and voted for Trump, unfriend me. We have nothing important in common.
Modern day Hitler, endorsed by Putin and Kim Jong-Un, about to win. Sad. #NeverTrump
It fucking sucks because just the other day I saw him slamming Bethesda's review policy and I agreed with 100% of what he said.
And it turns out he's a fucking cuck. I hope he puts his shekels to good use.
The dude's been under going radiation treatment and shit for his cancer. Stuff causes emotional issues / mood swings so I can forgive it. Hopefully he'll be less of a self righteous dick head when he's done with his therapy.
Otherwise, fuck him.
Give him some slack. The dude has fucking cancer and from what he said, it really doesn't look very great.Totalbiscuit? Damn didn't know he was a fucking bitch. Hating your own subscribers- the reason you can make youtube videos for a fucking living, just because of their political stance. Well fucking done. Meanwhile there's Casey Neistat- showing how you should act when your preferred candidate didn't win.
Yeah the only ones "tearing America apart" are them. I would assume the idiocy going on is an attempt to force Trump to stop being president by throwing tantrums and harming innocents, I sure don't want to be around people like that. It's fucking pathetic.What's wrong with people today? They should be thinking "I'm disappointed at the result, but I'm going to give the winner a chance and stick around to make sure my country can do the best it can" instead of all these ridiculous over-the-top reactions, rash and hateful statements, attacking those who don't support the same politics as you and burning your country's flag. This is the world our veterans fought and died for?
Call me cold if need be, but if he's not feeling that great emotionally he should stay away from Twitter. It's easy to post something that can come back to bite.
So is stressing about it, telling people they're not his viewers anymore if they support Trump, and even causing marital problems going to make that any better? It just sounds like he's making it worse on himself over a load of nothing.Give him some slack. The dude has fucking cancer and from what he said, it really doesn't look very great.
Call me cold if need be, but if he's not feeling that great emotionally he should stay away from Twitter. It's easy to post something that can come back to bite.
What's wrong with people today? They should be thinking "I'm disappointed at the result, but I'm going to give the winner a chance and stick around to make sure my country can do the best it can" instead of all these ridiculous over-the-top reactions, rash and hateful statements, attacking those who don't support the same politics as you and burning your country's flag. This is the world our veterans fought and died for?
Give him some slack. The dude has fucking cancer and from what he said, it really doesn't look very great.
He's dying, it doesn't matter to him if he pisses off some kids on the Internet.So...having cancer justifies turning on your own subscribers?![]()
That's motivation, not justificationHe's dying, it doesn't matter to him if he pisses off some kids on the Internet.
He doesn't need to justify it. He thinks a bunch of people are idiots, and he doesn't need to hold back on his opinion.That's motivation, not justification
Does it justify to use that as a post in some meaningless internet discussion?So...having cancer justifies turning on your own subscribers?![]()