You do know there are riots in the streets and people being beaten for voting for Trump right?Sure, people while and bitch about Trump. That is because they lost. Let them lose.
If this thread is so "ugly" (lol what does that even mean?) why don't you just not come to it? It's been 8 years of Obama and even longer of shitty bought presidents, sorry (no I'm not) that our celebration and laughing at butthurt liberals is starting to hurt your feelings.In just a day, this thread has become one of the ugliest in the entire forum, worse than all the other political threads - all because you... won?
Because... the establishment!This vengeful mentality is weird, you all behave as if you've lost. You've won, Trump is president, so why act in such a vengeful and hurt manner? What more do you need to win?
In just a day, this thread has become one of the ugliest in the entire forum, worse than all the other political threads - all because you... won?
I don't think they like it when they're the one's being laughed at.And I am sure they got called on their shit too. So whats your point again?
I don't think they like it when they're the one's being laughed at.
You mean when you randomly blew up at me and called me a fascist in random threads that didn't even have to do with politics? Not sure I was the one getting riled up there familia.You're the one who riled yourself up when I gave you harsh replies. Not even very harsh. "Stop stalking me" "what's your problem" "maybe you should PM me instead"
After being laughed at and called ridiculous/racist/sexist/evil/buzzword for supporting Trump throughout his entire campaign, told he's a clown and will never win, being responded to with the typical liberal self-righteousness and sense of superiority.... theres gonna be some fucking gloating when we win against all odds.again, yes, the losing side is sore because they lost. Losers lost. Point at them and laugh, but recover yourself when you're done. This aggressive behavior is more and more distasteful
Unless actually being distasteful is all part of it. Like how you all seem to relish in that "liberals have made their own bed"
Which bed is that?
Didn't you all insist that it is a nice and comfortable bed? Comfortable for all? Make America great again?
UNLESS it's not really supposed to be comfortable for all. Unless it's meant to be uncomfortable, distasteful and aggressive.
being responded to with the typical liberal self-righteousness and sense of superiority.... .
You mean half of America, almost everyone on every major social media site, here, the mainstream media etc?But WHY does that shock you?
Did you seriously expect ALL of America to be on your side the whole time?
100% votes for Trump?
Again, why are you SO vengeful about half of America voting for the other candidate?
I don't understand with TB. He moved to the US of his own free will. I believe the UK has universal healthcare so why didn't he just stay there and get treatment instead of going to a country where the view on universal healthcare is pretty divide. That was also pretty dickish of him to lash out at his wife because she voted for Jill Stein. That wasn't cool. He lost a loyal viewer because of that.
THEIR SALT IS WHAT FUELS OUR HIGH ENERGYGod I am loving that the Burch's are losing their shit. What goes around comes around Anthony and Ashley! Also the Bioware employees are losing their shit to on Twitter. Its really funny. Wonder if they are going to belittle people again in Mass Effect 4 and Borderlands 3 because people are tried of the SJW shit? Also, here is how "alt left" views white people down in New Orleans:
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