Trump wins

Lying? Umm you'll have to prove that first, rather then questioning their credibility. That happens after, when they're shown up as liers.
Literally scroll up to the yuge list of them doing that
I even said to look at the picture I posted in the edit just a munute ago
Literally scroll up to the yuge list of them doing that
I even said to look at the picture I posted in the edit just a munute ago
Unfortunately I can't see images on this computer when at work/campus meaning that I missed it. I'll have a look later, but so far I'll take your word for it.
Unfortunately I can't see images on this computer when at work/campus meaning that I missed it. I'll have a look later, but so far I'll take your word for it.
Yes and it like 1:15am right now and I cant be fucked to try and write down long arguments on a phone where the keyboard keeps disabling in the middle of a semtemce.
Theres more too ifbthats not enough justvlet me know
Yes and it like 1:15am right now and I cant be fucked to try and write down long arguments on a phone where the keyboard keeps disabling in the middle of a semtemce.
Theres more too ifbthats not enough justvlet me know
I'll look at it later, I'm not here to argue. I'm a Trump supporter too.
Maybe, but they show the bullshit for both sides, INCLUDING Hillary. It's just that they aim more at Trump.
The only bad thing the news and other forms of media have shown when it comes to the bad of Hillary was Trump ads and wiki leaks. Then media was too puckered up her stinky old wrinkly ass too see reality(not that they wanted to even now as we speak they still prefer their bubbles).
It was always Trump is a racist Nazi, Trump is evil for wanting to build a wall to keep out all immigrants(cause legal and illegal immigrants are the same :roll:), Trump is a pedophile, etc. I never seen news articles talk about how crooked Hillary was because she was such a perfect fucking angel.
People when asked who they thought would win and say "Trump" they would get laughed off the set, Trump would be made fun of like those retards that made a nude statue of him with a tiny dick and everyone laughed at it. They've been nothing but spewing biased liberal garbage out of their asses with no credibility, to be honest the media continues to become more and more irrelevant just like game journalists.

Been so sick and tired of seeing him painted as the next Hitler while Shillary fucks up and pulls all of this stupid shit like working with that piece of shit Soros rigging the polls.

Except it very well may not be, considering the protests actually happened and are still ongoing right now because these little shits apparently don't have anything better to do with their time.

Here's a link showing the protests/riots from NBC because I know you won't accept any sort of Conservative news site, Heaven forbid:

More importantly it's not marked untrue or false on these "fact-checker" sites, but simply unproven as of now, it only happened late last night: And this one is mainly to show that these fucking idiots will do anything to get attention from the media. The video involved doesn't have the ambulance in question, we probably won't know for sure for a day or 2, but it does show these people would indeed be "brilliant" enough to block an ambulance. After all, as caught on film, they walk in front of MOVING CARS ON THE HIGHWAY just to make a point, and one of them even got clipped as a result. So therefore, taking in the fact that they clearly have no concern for their OWN lives, why the Hell would they care about someone in an ambulance? They got protestin' to do!
cause legal and illegal immigrants are the same
This reminded me of some talk about migration.
One of the guest speakers, Alex Tabarrok, question the logic of boarders.
Alex Tabarrok said:
So, you know, our moral intuitions and indeed our laws today are that you shouldn’t discriminate against someone because of their race, because of their gender, their sexual preference or other issues. But for odd reasons, it’s perfectly OK to discriminate against someone because they were born somewhere else. You can, in fact, put up walls and machine guns and prevent someone from moving simply for the reason that they were born somewhere else. Now, to defend philosophy, for very long periods of time, racism was perfectly normal; people have been doing it for thousands of years. And then people began to ask, “Well, what justification is there for treating someone so differently just because of their race?” And when people couldn’t come up with an answer to that question, when they were forced into this discomforting area that they can’t justify this terrible injustice, things began to change. There are fundamental human rights. There are rights which accrue to everyone, no matter who they are, no matter where they are on the globe. Those rights include the right to free expression. They include the right to freedom of religion. And I believe they should also include the right to move about the Earth.
Alex Tabarrok calls immigration “the world’s best anti-poverty program.”
TABARROK: It’s actually very simple. You take a person from a poor country, a country like Haiti for example, and you bring them to the United States or another developed country, and their wages go up. Three times, four times, fives times. I’m told, sometimes as much as ten times. So, it’s an incredible increase in living standards simply by moving someone from where their labor has low value, moving them to where their labor has high value. It’s far more effective than any other anti-poverty program we’ve ever tried.

DUBNER: So, that sounds good on the input side. What about on the output side? Or the emigrating side? So, if I say, “You know, I think I’m going to take the 10 percent best, smartest, hardest-working, most devoted potential employees or students from country X, Haiti,” what does that do to Haiti? Is that a tide that lifts all boats? Or does it lift my boat and the boats of the 10 percent who get here?

TABARROK: So, I think there are two points to make here: First of all, the 10 percent of Haiti, Haiti doesn’t have a right to say, “We own these people. And they’re going to be chained to our country because if we let them go, the rest of us are going to be worse off.” That’s not how we treat people. Now, on the economic issue, what does happen? It actually looks like everybody is better off. First of all, the Haitians that move, they maintain ties with their older country, they send back lots of remittances, which are again, a very effective anti-poverty program. It’s much better for example, if parents send back money to their kids in Haiti or to their grandparents in Haiti. That’s a much more effective program — individual money transfers — than a transfer of money from one government to another government. So, overall this interconnecting of the world, I think, makes pretty much everyone better off.
I wish academics would leave their ivory tower every once of a while.
Now I know youre just being ironic
Heads up, having "fact" in the title doesnt make it so
(pic snipped)
This proves that Trump won the popular vote how exactly?
In any case, lest you accuse me of ignoring your "evidence", I will address some of these.


Uh... yeah, that Wayne Allen Root quote was also mentioned in the politifact article that then proceeds to list numerous classmates who seem to remember Obama being in school with them.


He wasn't "clearly talking about interracial crime". He posted this picture:


This obviously implies that 16% of white murder victims are killed by whites and 81% are killed by blacks, anything else makes no sense in this context. And the numbers aren't true, the only number that is approximately accurate is "blacks killed by blacks" although it is still seven percent off. This is not debatable.

Really makes you think.
Couldn't find any strawman from me, could you? Guess that makes accusing me of hypocrisy for pointing out your strawmen... a strawman. Strawception!

Sorry to burst your bubble but the president with the lowest popular vote ever was John Quincy Adams with 30.9%.

Also 3 million illegals voted(Geez I wonder who they voted for?:whatever:) so in all likelihood Trump may have won the popular vote as well. Then again you are not the type of person to let facts get in the way of your ideology are you?
I'm not the one who's taking claims without evidence as fact here. We'll see if Gregg Phillips actually has any hard evidence for what he says. So far he has refused to show any.

And here's comprehensive evidence that Politifact is obviously biased towards Clinton:

Okay, I'll stop there, it's too much.
This proves that Trump won the popular vote how exactly?
In any case, lest you accuse me of ignoring your "evidence", I will address some of these.

View attachment 6587

Uh... yeah, that Wayne Allen Root quote was also mentioned in the politifact article that then proceeds to list numerous classmates who seem to remember Obama being in school with them.

View attachment 6588

He wasn't "clearly talking about interracial crime". He posted this picture:

View attachment 6589

This obviously implies that 16% of white murder victims are killed by whites and 81% are killed by blacks, anything else makes no sense in this context. And the numbers aren't true, the only number that is approximately accurate is "blacks killed by blacks" although it is still seven percent off. This is not debatable.

Couldn't find any strawman from me, could you? Guess that makes accusing me of hypocrisy for pointing out your strawmen... a strawman. Strawception!

Sorry to burst your bubble but the president with the lowest popular vote ever was John Quincy Adams with 30.9%.

I'm not the one who's taking claims without evidence as fact here. We'll see if Gregg Phillips actually has any hard evidence for what he says. So far he has refused to show any.

And here's comprehensive evidence that Politifact is obviously biased towards Clinton:

Okay, I'll stop there, it's too much.
LOL! You still using Politifact? Now I am starting to think that you are AngryJoe as that buffoon wouldn't stop citing it too! So congrats! You have the same IQ level and intelligence as the embezzling manchildren at Channel Autism. Like I am going to trust a site that is a known Clinton backer. Fucking Christ.
I have no arguments whatsoever so I'll just call you stupid.
Debate team champion 2016: RangerBoo. Congratulations.

Except it very well may not be, considering the protests actually happened and are still ongoing right now because these little shits apparently don't have anything better to do with their time.
It's not entirely impossible that the protests will one day cause an elaborate chain reaction that will set off a nuclear bomb in Spain, either.

Sarcasm aside, the whole basis for this is an anonymized screenshot of an alleged Facebook messenger conversation. And unless actual evidence turns up, I will not believe it. Before you ask, yes, I handle all such claims with the same skepticism, no matter what "side" they're from. Give me evidence or stfu.
Who knows if it's true but given the recent stupidity of these riots like crowds standing out in highways, beating up Trump voters, talking about assassinating Trump on places like Twatter, a rape Trump's wife trend on Twatter, and stealing things I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
Who knows if it's true but given the recent stupidity of these riots like crowds standing out in highways, beating up Trump voters, talking about assassinating Trump on places like Twatter, a rape Trump's wife trend on Twatter, and stealing things I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
Oh no, those are all lies! Everyone knows only Trump supporters do that. This is all a right wing conspiracy to make the left look bad and not a shady plan by Soros to disrupt democracy according to a certain user here. Also I love how @Buxbaum666 ignore the fact that many presidents such as Bill Clinton won the election without the popular vote. You keep being a ideologue Buxy boy!
"Rape Melania" is trending on twitter because many people condemn the sign, not because they praise it.

I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
Because the people opposing Trump are a monolithic mass and they all walk into traffic, beat up supporters, want to assassinate Trump and rape his wife.

Oh no, those are all lies! Everyone knows only Trump supporters do that. This is all a right wing conspiracy to make the left look bad and not a shady plan by Soros to disrupt democracy according to a certain user here.
Still loving the strawmen, I see.

Also I love how @Buxbaum666 ignore the fact that many presidents such as Bill Clinton won the election without the popular vote. You keep being a ideologue Buxy boy!
Four presidents have previously won without having the popular vote:

John Quincy Adams 1824
Rutherford B. Hayes 1876
Benjamin Harrison 1888
George W. Bush 2000

Clinton won with 44,908,254 votes vs Bush's 39,102,343 in 1992 and 45,590,703 vs Dole's 37,816,307 in 1996.
At least check your facts before trying to use them to attack me. It makes you look rather stupid otherwise.