No man, you got it all wrong.When will people STOP FUCKING WALKING INTO TRAFFIC.
The people need to KEEP walking into traffic so we can get them out of the gene pool.
No man, you got it all wrong.When will people STOP FUCKING WALKING INTO TRAFFIC.
Oh man just when I thought we'd never see eye to eye you come out with this.No man, you got it all wrong.
The people need to KEEP walking into traffic so we can get them out of the gene pool.
Maybe they'll pull a Brexit on you and attempt to deny the entire thing.Theres actually a hidden clause in the Constitution that says if enough people block the highway the elections a do-over.
One more thingPositives about Trump
1. He's said he want to end those terrible trade deals that have incentivized companies to move jobs out of America
2. He's said he wants to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure
3. He has fairly liberal views when it comes to things like maternity leave
4. He's said he wants other NATO members to start paying their own weight when it comes to defense, instead of relying on America to pay for a lot of it for them
5. While he wants to repeal and replace Obamacare(which is honestly a pretty terrible bill) hes also said he wants to keep two of its biggest provisions, both of which are actually good
6. Out of all the republican candidates, Trump is probably the most open to supporting the LGBT community(Does anyone really think Ted Cruz would have held that flag like Trump did?)
7. The moment he was announced the next president, both Russia and North Korea, the two countries most likely to try to attack us, both announced the were open to dealing with him to try to resolve tensions
Now, as a liberal, my three biggest reservations about Trump are
1. I would really like him to backpedal on his statements about climate change like he did with the Obamacare provisions. I honestly can't understand how people can still deny it when the overwhelming majority of scientists all across the world agree its real.
2. He has made statements that he wants to "drain the swamp" of American politics, but all of the people coming out as possible leads of various departments he might chose are some of the most establishment people possible, many of whom whose names are synopsis with scandal.(OFC he hasn't actually picked any of them yet, so we will see how that goes)
3. Trump could very easily end up determining most of who sits on the supreme court for decades
One more thing
8. He hates the electoral college system.
YeaSo its bad when the person he wanted to win loses, but good when he can use it to win?
View attachment 6580
Sorry m8, how do i put a spoiler and a trigger warning (for future reference. Im a noob to this amazing site.)JESUS!
Fucking hell, man! You gotta put that shit in a spoiler and give a trigger warning before you show that swamp-monster!
Anyway, this comes from InfoWars so I have no idea how true this is but whatever:
View attachment 6579
Woah those numbers are for real!?!? He actually won the popular vote too? MINDBLOWN![]()
"If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily"
lol wonder what excuse Hilldawgs are gonna throw out now
Can't wait for him to legalize rape.Guys, it's confirmed. Sightings of Trump going around New York and grabbing pussies are flowing in.
Click the + on the tools above the post (right next to the media link) and click the spoiler flag. After that a window will pop up that will allow you to name the spoiler tag and you can warn people about what horrors they are about to unleash on themselves by clicking it. Like this:Sorry m8, how do i put a spoiler and a trigger warning (for future reference. Im a noob to this amazing site.)
No.Dunno if it was already mentioned, but now, the brother of the current us president is a member of zenimax leadership. Do you think it will have an impact on Bethesda or the Fallout franchise?
There are different projections out by different people. Even CNN was projecting Trump to win the popular vote a few days ago.