Trump wins

Its as seperate from NMA as any other subsection.
It wasn't always hosted on NMA, though. There's a reason the section down there is called "Hosted Forums".

Anyway, apparently Trump's transition team is having some problems with people leaving and infighting. Allegedly his son-in-law Jared Kushner (because nothing says "drain the swamp" like putting family members into power) denies all people that have ties to Chris Christie because Christie put Kushner's father behind bars, among other issues.
But those are just the usual growing pains, I guess.
Says someone who uses Breitbart as a source which amounts to Prisonplanet or Trump's Twitterfeed.
I told you all

Donald John Trump is an American businessman, television producer, and THE 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















H A I L V I C T O R Y !
H A I L V I C T O R Y !
H A I L V I C T O R Y !
H A I L V I C T O R Y !
H A I L V I C T O R Y !

H A I L V I C T O R Y !

I couldn't even scroll through all these pictures without throwing up in my mouth.
It is really much easier to understand it, when you see NMA as a body, and the Order as cancer. It's only hosted on NMA, like Hass said. That's why NMA has it's own moderation for example, and why someone can be banned from the Order, but not from NMA.

And no one here said that you can't talk about Trump, but seriously, posting memes, twitter feeds and protesters fucking shit up for 20+ pages gets old very fast, when there is also a lot more to talk about 'Trumps victory', particularly in the next coming days, when he actually has to outline his policy in details.
Well, for starters it's not really much of a discussion if you post nothing but some Trump image with one word on it or countless of 'SJWs tear salt mine/have lost/what ever' images. As far as I can see this is called Trump wins not Post all the Trump memes you can find on google image search in one topic.

Here, let us take a look at the first post:
Donald J Trump has won the American presidential election and is henceforth president elect of the United States.

After winning Pensylvannia, Mr Trump is almost assured to be President.

The Republicans have retained congress (Senate and House)

What do you guys think?

@Vergil GG WP, do try not to gloat too much
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Well then how about you post something "worthwhile" instead of complaining about what everyone else does and acting like this 70+ page thread suddenly needs your guidance and policing.
Wow you guys are behaving like Children. You post something no YOU post something... When i get home ill post something concrete about what trump has done and or is going to do since you lot seem incapable of using google. Heres something yall can google when you get your heads out of your asses: apparently Mike Pence told all lobbyists to fuck right off and shood them away.

And this is directed at both sides by the way. I dont mind shitting on the hysterics but there are better things to talk about than just circlejerking in smugness/butthurt and calling the other side idiots.
I handle all such claims with the same skepticism, no matter what "side" they're from. Give me evidence or stfu.

First of all, great job ignoring the rest of my post. Second of all, nice job acting like a brat and telling me to "stfu" when I'm giving you evidence that these people would stoop so low as to stop an ambulance. Would you like more evidence that these people are insane? They've already walked into MOVING TRAFFIC to try and stop cars.

In case you don't watch it because you have a habit of ignoring half of what my posts say, the girl in the video claims that "people will die just like our founding fathers" and "people will die on both sides". They think this is like a damn literal war effort. That's the delusion they're under. If people like this girl are literally ready to die over Trump winning then I don't see the ambulance story with much skepticism at all. It would be different if these people weren't proving themselves to be the dredge of America acting like a hivemind, but they are. These protestors are not reasonable, they are not smart, and they will act like this until they "get their way".
This shit is hilarious. these people have spent the better part of almost two years hyping themselves up about much of a monster Trump is while enforcing their own delusion that he was going to lose by a landslide, so when he won their whole fantasy caved in on itself and they a freaking out over a nightmare they created. they are all having a collective conniption fit because they wanted Trump to be 50 Hitlers so they have no other recourse than to double down on that belief, because the alternative is to admit they are wrong.

and we can't have that.
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Notice how I never really attacked Democrats? Its because the idiots doing this aren't really Democrats. Hell most of the Portland protestors aren't registered to vote or didn't vote at all! I know a lot of blue collar dems and they aren't like this. Most of these cretins are from the local colleges and these idiots have been so coddled from the world that they throw a tantrum when the candidate they didn't want to win wins. I mean, I am hearing stories about how these college aged adults need safe spaces, play doh, hot coco and therapy dogs to help them because of how triggered they are due to the election. 20 something adults acting like fucking preschoolers! I shudder to think what will happen to these kids when they go out to the real world. Not only that but these idiots are going to be running the world one day. God help us all!

This is just one, succinct example.

I wouldn't say they were completely blameless though.

Bernies free shit pandering was what got these fucking nutjobs out in the first place. Seriously, no other democratic candidate had ever gone that far in pandering so much as to drop the free shit bomb. Have we seen these people and events before? Yeah FUCKING LENIN pulled the same stunt. Offer free shit and take advantage of the whackos that come running out.

When Bernie lost, Hillary should have nipped his psycho shit in the bud instead of adopting his policies and fanning the flames.

Seeing the results, god I fucking HATE Bernie Sanders. Without his dumbass preaching, these LCD shitheads would have stayed in whatever the fuck holes they live in.
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First of all, great job ignoring the rest of my post. Second of all, nice job acting like a brat and telling me to "stfu" when I'm giving you evidence that these people would stoop so low as to stop an ambulance. Would you like more evidence that these people are insane? They've already walked into MOVING TRAFFIC to try and stop cars.

In case you don't watch it because you have a habit of ignoring half of what my posts say, the girl in the video claims that "people will die just like our founding fathers" and "people will die on both sides". They think this is like a damn literal war effort. That's the delusion they're under. If people like this girl are literally ready to die over Trump winning then I don't see the ambulance story with much skepticism at all. It would be different if these people weren't proving themselves to be the dredge of America acting like a hivemind, but they are. These protestors are not reasonable, they are not smart, and they will act like this until they "get their way".

Wow that video made me cringe.

Adding to things these crazy protesters do they even shit on Trump signs in public just to show how much they hate him:

Interesting to know others will be quick to defend mentally ill individuals like this.
Wow that video made me cringe.

Adding to things these crazy protesters do they even shit on Trump signs in public just to show how much they hate him:

Interesting to know others will be quick to defend mentally ill individuals like this.

Sometimes I wonder if the "current year" is actually 2016BC with shit (literally) like this.
I remember ya'll questioning the validity of the blocked ambulance (as did I since I don't fully trust InfoWars) but now there is a video:

Dunno if it is the same ambulance being blocked though.

Regardless, you don't block a fucking emergency vehicle just cause you want to protest. That is completely unacceptable.
Wow that video made me cringe.

Adding to things these crazy protesters do they even shit on Trump signs in public just to show how much they hate him:

Interesting to know others will be quick to defend mentally ill individuals like this.

Take That that racist white male patriarchy... er also Trump too I suppose.