Trump wins

Yup, you totally understood the point of his post.
Well it was inane ramblings of a very upset man(?) so I don't think it's possible to understand.

I'm sorry what was the point of calling me stupid and comparing me to racists, stereotypical rednecks and fedora wearing virgins supposed to be?
Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the Communist Pary of America. Are Clinton supporters all card carrying members of the Communist Junta now?
What do you hope to accomplish by constantly mentioning the KKK besides making Trump and his supporters look racist?

Jesus Christ I never thought I'd see a meltdown this bad from someone whose supposed to be a long time forum user.

Meltdown? Not in the least bit. I just don't give a shit and hate retards.
I just don't give a shit and hate retards.
>I just don't give a shit
>here read my giant paragraph of my feelings on the subject
Well it was inane ramblings of a very upset man(?) so I don't think it's possible to understand.

I'm sorry what was the point of calling me stupid and comparing me to racists, stereotypical rednecks and fedora wearing virgins supposed to be?

Y'know, I think behind all this alpha-totallynotcuck-altright-AWINNERISME-facade beats the heart of, you guessed it because it's 2016 and the Internet, a tiny little autist.
Well at least write me another long rambly paragraph explaining how much you don't care!

Well why don't you get your fellow orderlite's genitals out of your mouth and explain it to me wiseman?

Often time you ramble when you have something to say as opposed to copying memes that other people have come up with.
Y'know, I think behind all this alpha-totallynotcuck-altright-AWINNERISME-facade beats the heart of, you guessed it because it's 2016 and the Internet, a tiny little autist.
Whoa can Vergil recover from this Earth shattering argument?
Good job calling me "alt right" again after I've already citicized the movement multiple times but by God don't let logic, evidence and opening your eyes stop you now! Never has before anyway!

This shit is why your side lost both Brexit and the election btw
Don't bother explaining your retarded viewpoint, just act incredibly smug as you and your circlejerk gang point and laugh.
Often time you ramble when you have something to say as opposed to copying memes that other people have come up with.
So you have something to say............ but you don't care? Right. Makes sense.
I get you're just '2cool2care" but the facade kinda runs out when you plaster a giant post about it on a thread.
Not caring can mean many things. I could be indifferent or not give a fuck what people think and say what I want. Try to keep up.
Whoa can Vergil recover from this Earth shattering argument?
Good job calling me "alt right" again after I've already citicized the movement multiple times but by God don't let logic, evidence and opening your eyes stop you now! Never has before anyway!
Do I look like I read all of your posts?
This shit is why your side lost both Brexit and the election btw
Don't bother explaining your retarded viewpoint, just act incredibly smug as you and your circlejerk gang point and laugh.
My side lost? Nah.
Sure, you see me posting a thousand moronic Trump memes every other post. I think you STILL don't get it. Incredible.
Do I look like I read all of your posts?
Ok so at least you don't have brain damage. You just interject pretending to know wtf you're talking about when really you don't. Got it.
My side lost? Nah.
Well two Nationalist movements just made big wins in Britain and America so I'd say so.
Sure, you see me posting a thousand moronic Trump memes every other post. I think you STILL don't get it. Incredible.
Well maybe if you don't want to see Trump memes you shouldn't go in the Trump victory thread instead of complaining like a whiny little child that people are posting things I DON"T LIKE STOP IT STOP IT STOPT IT WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Ok so at least you don't have brain damage. You just interject pretending to know wtf you're talking about when really you don't. Got it.
I forgot that the Alt-Right is probably too tame for you. My bad.
Well two Nationalist movements just made big wins in Britain and America so I'd say so.
And I guess you just assumed that I was totally opposed to both?