Trump wins

No more like you have nothing valuable to contribute to serious political discourse.
I've made multiple posts all across this forum where I have big paragraphs about certain political topics with sources and graphs and shit and get into long arguments about those topics so excuse me if you either A: You were too mentally impaired to remember them or B: So ass ravaged that I had one thread where I celebrated a big win after being called stupid for the better half of a year and are complaining that for once it's not your side making fun of the other.
And I guess you just assumed that I was totally opposed to both?
You've made multiple posts referring to yourself as pretty liberal/lefty
Damn I can count the individual frames on that gif.

That's better.
Damn I can count the individual frames on that gif.

That's better.

You're doing god's work.

Fish literally made a separate thread for serious discussion but he's too triggered by what goes on in here I guess.

I might need to migrate to the serious discussion threads and let slip the memes of war. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
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You've made multiple posts referring to yourself as pretty liberal/lefty
So? Doesn't mean I don't dislike the left as it is right now. Doesn't mean I uncritically support the EU or the Democratic Party. Both are institutions that needed severe shaking up due them becoming stale in their filter bubbles. Brexit and Trump did that. I'd prefer the UK staying in the EU, but this is a situation that can work out, and there's a slight hope that the mainstream/politically correct left regains some basic levels of critical thinking. Especially with Trump's win the left is really forced to rethink their strategy, which I certainly hope for.
That being said, I can't stand Trump. He has one of the most punchable faces in modern times, and I seriously can't stand his voice. It's that fucking perpetually hoarse voice idiot voice. I hate braggarts, and Trump is the fucking Godking of braggarts. But I do think Trump was necessary, politics was getting stale. I see it this way, if he does his job well, good. If he fucks up colossally, well, at least I get a good laugh out of it.
I just realized... we're our own Order now... a thread of infinite memeing, dumb asses who can't stop joking around (about shit that's not even funny) and those sad trolls who come here just to fuck on ass like noob faggots.

Do I get an achievement? Trumperite?
That's not what this is. This is salubrious-shitposting, mirthful-memes and downright silly-celebrations.

And yet, despite that, you come here looking for a fight. Disgraceful.
This is what it has BECOME to like the ellection, from a serious political affair, to a reality TV show with all of America as participant, but I doubt making this a dump for every possible Trump-won-meme was the intention behind the creation of this topic. The first post by the OP says LITERALY "don't glutton to much over it".

At which point, by the way does endorsement become an obsession? I mean seriously ... now ... what is the point of it on NMA? Does this community look like it's some kind of political frontier or something? Why chose this community in particular for the circle jerking. Even the Brexit topic outlived at some point it's purpose, and we all returned to post-how-shit-Bethesda-is as usual - well not that extreme, but you get the picture.
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I post because most other topics are just rehashed of topics I have been in again and again. How is the originals better than the later iterations? How do you think PA should work? Was the Master really a bad guy? All these questions and more have been done to death.

And, this is more directed at Crni than anyone else.

I have said repeatedly that the U.S. has a huge population and much more culturally diverse. Europe is more homogeneous than America. Europe economically is also much more different than the states. They do not have to worry about policing the globe (which has its benefits as Europeans have nowhere near the geopolitical clout that America has, as well as costs). This drastic cut in military spending along with a much smaller population is what allows you Euros to afford your social type systems. There is simply no way that one can apply socialist type governments over there and have it work here.

Crni and others never understood and tried repeatedly to point out that people in Europe are not much different than their U.S. counterparts. For good or bad (mostly bad), I think I have finally gotten my point across.

Socialists or folks like them here are absolutely morons on average. If anything, look at my hate at Bernie Sanders. That stupid motherfucker brought these morons out of the woodwork and worse, legitimized them.
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I post because most other topics are just rehashed of topics I have been in again and again. How is the originals better than the later iterations? How do you think PA should work? Was the Master really a bad guy? All these questions and more have been done to death.

And, this is more directed at Crni than anyone else.

I have said repeatedly that the U.S. has a huge population and much more culturally diverse. Europe is more homogenous than America. Europe economically is also much more different than the states. There is simply no way that one can apply socialist type governments over there and have it work here.

Crni and others never understood and tried repeatedly to point out that people in Europe are not much different than their U.S. counterparts. For good or bad (mostly bad), I think I have finally gotten my point across.

Socialists or folks like them here are absolutely morons on average. If anything, look at my hate at Bernie Sanders. That stupid motherfucker brought these morons out of the woodwork and worse, legitimized them.
For 50 pages ...? Really? Posting mostly memes? What has that to do with culture man?

Europe is more homogeneous than America.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhht ...

From the Sinti and Roma with ties to India, to the muslim Bosnians, catholic beer loving Bavarians in remote moutain villages and atheist swede sipping on his chai late and stinking fish. Pfff! Naw! We are not even close to the diversity of the US!
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I was saying why I posted here. I am only speaking for me man.

And yea, I love laughing at the snowflakes and SJWs. The fact that you Euros finally understand how fucking stupid socialists here are, makes enjoying those salty tears even better.


Maybe culture is the wrong word, political IDEAS might be a better way of describing it.

I mean SERIOUSLY, your one of the people who enjoy laughing at our politics. The fact that most Euros believe their political situation and elections, is so much better than ours right now, proves my point.
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What the fuck is with the alt-right? I know it's a meme or some other bullshit but why does everyone have to blow their shit about them when they're mentioned/whenever someone talks about Trump.

I don't want to be classified with them tbh, I'm just a conservative like the rest of my family was.

I'm no alt rightist and think they have their own problems but I just can't stand the stupid promoun xe xir nonsense, the black lives matter shit(blacks kill each other more then other races), people like Anita trying to fight the "patriarchy" and the "white supremacy" or the safe spaces for people to cry in. Tired of seeing America being cucked by retards, would be great to not have to see articles like "Why the game X is misogynistic" or "Why we need safe spaces".
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I'm no alt rightist and think they have their own problems but I just can't stand the stupid promoun xe xir nonsense or the safe spaces for people to cry in. Tired of seeing America being cucked by retards.

I can't stand that argument. It is essentially:
"ISIS kills people so, when we kill them, we are just as bad!"
"That meth-head took his wife hostage so, when the police put him in prison, they're just as bad!"
Toront, you keep calling Trump a racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, insert buzzword here, but uh, what's all this then gov'?

And I can keep going and going and going. Has Trump been perceived as racist by the Media? Yes. Has he "given a voice" to racists, bigots, homophobes, etc? Yes. Do you know why? Because that's all the Media has talked about for the last 6 months. Of course people think Trump is some evil bigot because it's all the news wants you to hear. The point is, he's not.

Meanwhile you say all racists voted for Trump, but uh, yeah no:

And more and more and more. Do I really need to keep going? because I certainly can. And before you call out the picture on the right with Byrd in the KKK outfit being fake, I'm well aware of that fact, but the point is he was still in the KKK. If Donald Trump can be shit on for David Duke endorsing him when Duke left the KKK more than 30 years ago, then Clinton should also be shit on just as much for letting Byrd support her despite him also having left the KKK.

The point is, the Media has completely brainwashed you. Trump has said some shitty things about women in the past, sure, but he isn't saying them now. If he were as intolerant as the Media made him out to be, he would not have won, period. Look at this map:


He could not have won all this with only the "racist white male" vote. He was voted in by men and women of all races and religions. This is a fact.
Was Toront really saying that Trump or everyone who voted Trump is/was racist? Or that just a lot of racist people voted ALSO for Trump?

Seriously, you have no problem to say that SJW idiots, voted for clinton. But dare someone says lots of racist people voted for Trump. Then! Of course, it's time to take up arms.

Has the idea of middle ground been comletely lost?

And that example about complaining-about-complainers-is-actually-allright ... yeah, because this is what this topic is about. Showing how disgusting SJWs and PC is ... in a community that acutally doesn't have any love for those people ... you guys are true rebells!

If that was the case than how can you say that we can apply European socialism to the states?
Just beacuse you can't apply it 1 to 1, which I also never claimed, doesn't mean that you can't look at what works, and try learning from it. Nations and situations change over time. As you correctly said, the US is a very diverse culture. I mean just look at how the people live and work in large urban areas, like Manhattan and compare it to rural locations inside the US. And it seems likely that this trend will even expand. Not to mention that there are quite some hefty challanges on the horizon, and I am not only talking about global warming here. A heavy increse in automation and brake troughs in technology are just around the corner, machines that will eventually take over any menial task that is right now done by humans, even nursing isn't completely out of the question. And right now, no one can really tell if that will be a smoth transition or not.

To me, it feels like a lot of people simply want to return to what they knew from the 50s and 60s. But I am not sure if that is actually possible. You can't turn the clocks back. Just looking at the demographics, the US will become even more diverse and it seems that more and more people will concentrate in cities and large urban areas by 2050. I am not saying socialism is the holy grail, even though I am a very strong advocate. But capitalism, as how it was at least practisted for the last 60-70 years, has lead to quite a lot of severe issues, and it doesn't look like we will find a second planet full of resources and fertile land any time soon. The west is on top of a food chain here, but even that, can't save us from all the issues.

So the question on how to actually deal with the restrictions of this planet, will become a very serious challange with a growing population in the future, of at least 10,5 billion people by 2050, and it doesn't seem like more people can become actually wealthier than they are now, a lot of signs seems to indicate that we reached our peak as far as production and materialism goes. And yet, a large part of the US is still living in a strange case of, we-don't-really-have-to-care-what-the-rest-of-the-world does, even though polls around the world seem to indicate that most people see the US as the largest threat to world peace right now - what ever if that is true or not is a whole different question.

I fear, if you don't tacle the social issues the US is facing right now, and will be facing in the coming future, that you will have some very bloody and severe revolutions there, eventually ending with a very violent redistribution of wealth.

Of course, my predictions and ideas are as good like anyone else. But, for me it really isn't a question if we get this redistribution or not. For me it is simpyl a question if it will be a viollent redistribution, or a smoth one.
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