Two Fallout 1.5 Resurrection screens.


Night Watchman
Staff member
In lieu of FMF news, you can take a peek at two in-game screenshots from this update at the Fallout 1.5 Resurrection site:<blockquote>Various reactions to your character based on its stats are a core element of Fallout, as well as one of the things that made it so engaging. The two new screenshots in our gallery show examples of the kind of reactions that a woman character can cause in the world of Resurrection. One could see it as both a negative and a positive case.

We are constantly asked when exactly will Resurrection be done. Moreover the last update was only released in Czech. So I'd like to clarify this one more time: There is no precise release date. As you could see for yourself, we haven't been very successful with setting these, and hence we'll just say that when it's done, it's done, where at this point we are counting on this year. As soon as we'll be able to say something more concrete, we'll inform you through this page. For now... the work keeps going on.</blockquote>I must say, the definition of "positive reaction" here is a bit... questionable, shall we say? But, what the hell. Enjoy.

Thanks, Deamon!
Brother None said:
Yes, let us seal women's holes with molten iron!

So they may never urinate no more!

I guess they don't have any tall buildings left for a proper defenestration or something.
Looks like the grammar is a tad off in picture #2:


"I am rather gonna go."

Something like "I think I'm gonna go." or "I think I better leave..." would be better.

Second line seems a little stilted too.

Perhaps if they dropped the "But honey" and replaced it with "Why" it would sound a little less out of place.

"Why, would that turn you on?"


"Why.. would that turn you on?"
PZKPFW said:
Looks like the grammar is a tad off in picture #2:


"I am rather gonna go."

Something like "I think I'm gonna go." or "I think I better leave..." would be better.

Second line seems a little stilted too.

Perhaps if they dropped the "But honey" and replaced it with "Why" it would sound a little less out of place.

"Why, would that turn you on?"


"Why.. would that turn you on?"
Are you trying to say that this dialogue wasn't written by a native English speaker?
The important thing is to get the mod done. Proper translation is the least problem IMO.
terebikun said:
Proper translation is least important in a mod where the point is a new story experience?
I think what he means is that any native English speaker can fix some of the translation issues in a relatively short amount of time. However, the scripters and texture artists need to be dedicated and put in a lot of time, or else the game will end up being unplayable.

I wouldn't be surprised if they release the game as a Czech only beta and have participants find the remaining scripting bugs. And then release an English beta and have those willing to brave it (and willing to put up with odd dialogue on their first time through) find translation mistakes.

Certainly anyone making a Fallout total conversion of this magnitude doesn't detest the idea of good dialogue.
PZKPFW said:
Looks like the grammar is a tad off in picture #2:

"I am rather gonna go."

Something like "I think I'm gonna go." or "I think I better leave..." would be better.

Second line seems a little stilted too.

Perhaps if they dropped the "But honey" and replaced it with "Why" it would sound a little less out of place.

"Why, would that turn you on?"


"Why.. would that turn you on?"

Yes yes, it's not perfect, sorry about that - but the perfect grammar is not the point of this screen. It's here to show you what exactly is meant by different reactions from NPCs.

Sure, as the project will approach the ultimate goal, you can expect the focus to shift to the little things like the grammar and translation, the dialog will get refined, fixed, patched up.. The time for that will come later though. If you'll feel like helping when that time comes, you can take part in the process - I'm sure that a proof-reader will always come in handy. I'd be happy to hear from you then, and I mean it.
Sorry if I sounded rude, that wasn't my intention. I was just trying to give some quick pointers/suggestions.

you can take part in the process - I'm sure that a proof-reader will always come in handy. I'd be happy to hear from you then, and I mean it.

Well.. I do have a lot of free time on my hands, so perhaps I could do some proof reading. If you send me an email containing the script (when the time comes) I will go over it and correct any mistakes.

You can contact me at
(Sorry about using an picture for my email. I just don't want any spam bots to get a hold of it).

Also, don't mind the email name, just an in-joke from when I took German in high school. :lol:
Ravager69 said:
The important thing is to get the mod done. Proper translation is the least problem IMO.
Yes, but no think that I it go play if the texts are this so bad. One thing is the game to be made, other thing is the people to can play it.
PZKPFW said:
Well.. I do have a lot of free time on my hands, so perhaps I could do some proof reading. If you send me an email containing the script (when the time comes) I will go over it and correct any mistakes.

Good! I will note it down and make sure we contact you when the time is right. Thanks for expressing interest!

Morbus said:
Yes, but no think that I it go play if the texts are this so bad. One thing is the game to be made, other thing is the people to can play it.
You're assuming that the corrections will be made AFTER the release. It's definitely important to be able to fully understand what the writer meant, but the argument here is that the main concern is to finish the actual game, since the correction of the grammar will be a relatively short process (at least compared to the rest of the mod).

Don't worry, translations will be rewritten several times (where needed) before they are called final. No one wants to see a game full of Torr-like NPCs (although.... that WOULD be kinda cool :P )
PZKPFW said:
Also, don't mind the email name, just an in-joke from when I took German in high school. :lol:
Sounds like you should have paid closer attention to the course. Not sure how this could be funny in any way in German :-) Serious business mail addresses ftw.
mvBarracuda said:
PZKPFW said:
Also, don't mind the email name, just an in-joke from when I took German in high school. :lol:
Sounds like you should have paid closer attention to the course. Not sure how this could be funny in any way in German :-) Serious business mail addresses ftw.

Well, it's basically "Ape milk" which was an in-joke in my German class. :roll:

Seto said:
PZKPFW said:
Well.. I do have a lot of free time on my hands, so perhaps I could do some proof reading. If you send me an email containing the script (when the time comes) I will go over it and correct any mistakes.

Good! I will note it down and make sure we contact you when the time is right. Thanks for expressing interest!

Beelzebud said:
Look on the bright side. These guys could probably get jobs as writers at Bethesda.

Isn't that a little mean to say that to good willing people?
The Resurrection writers are most likely doing their best.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Beelzebud said:
Look on the bright side. These guys could probably get jobs as writers at Bethesda.

Isn't that a little mean to say that to good willing people?
The Resurrection writers are most likely doing their best.
Are you REALLY surprised?

He's just an average NMA nerd proudly keeping the global idiocy alive. Anyway, to be fair, there's more such people here like him on NMA. Noisy when anyone didn't do his work well, completely hidden when time's about something creative to do. Fuck those guys.

Also, having some proofreader for a total dialogue checkout is no problematic matter at all, and is quite logical the texts won't be corrected yet in this stage of development. Which's, by the way, thing that guys like Beelzebud knows absolute shit about.
Beelzebud said:
Look on the bright side. These guys could probably get jobs as writers at Bethesda.
It's not a question of writing, but translation.

And you know, the steady income of a REAL job is quite tempting....

This way it sounded like you expect us to take the "Ask about.." button from F1 and replacing it with a big "RUMORS" button :mrgreen:
Ok, hot-tempered Czech boys, we get it. You may stop overreacting—overcompensating?—to Beelzebud's repugnantly offensive and despicable remark . . . just about now.
