You have consistintley ignored every single point I have made to you, only partially quoted what iv'e said, continually overlooked the points, to put your' narrow focus on wordplay, with your'
brilliant comebacks. Ensure you quote me, when you say I'm changing my argument, or when you point figners at certain parts, for otherwise, you have no evidence, and therefor no argument. Infact, you have no argument, i'd say you're all style and no substance, but your style is poor, it's that of a beliegured middle aged dude, playing wise elder to someone not all that younger, whom he bielives him to be.
It does, if only the argument wasn't poor in the first place.
Iv'e said time and time again. Please quote me on what you're referring to. You claim I have poor arguments, or keep switching, and I ask you to quote me. You fail to do so.
Only what you've said. Stand by it.
Again, you fail to adress the issue. You skim my post and respond to whatever your mind can form a comeback to. Quote me.
You should pay more, how does that equal me saying you're poor, or at some disadvantage?
That was a brief example, and nor did I apply those assumptions to it. I said it was a comment on me personally. Not a major one, just the one in the "last couple of posts".
The difference is, that there is one. You've shown to me at least you have little to no life experience. Which is fine, it'll change probably.
How old are you taking me for here? On what grounds do you summarise my experience in my life as 'little to no'? For that is not the case, please do tell, the age you are placing upon me.
Supreme power, for saying I don't have a problem with higher education, wow that reaching a bit. I say what I mean, and you're reading far more into it.
I'd say that mitigating your position to 'hey i'm ok with it' in regards to something almost universally accepted as a vital and intrinsic part of societey, puts you in a position of unique authority. Hell, even the Taliban probably agree about higher education, how do they learn to make IED's?
You couldn't if you wanted to, you're incapable at this point. I haven't been where you are true, I've been far worse, there was no help me. Financially or otherwise.
Again this is ridiculous, you do not know me, I am not in a bad fincancial situation, there is no 'worse' for I am not in a bad position.
You're right it doesn't which is why I haven't been discussing YOUR financial situation. I've been discussing the apparent need to raise your tuition rates. Your as in you and your countrymen.
As you don't have the courtesey, I shall not backtrack and present evidence of such, do re-read your own posts.
Yes, please take a breath and compose yourself.
Thank you holy one. I worship your supreme authority.
Why is a dad qualified to give advice to a son, is a son paying him 9k a year? Does that make dad's advice less valid? Look, I'm not your father or have the desire to be, but people, even strangers can give some good advice. You don't know it all yet, understand that.
Oh dear. I really have no comment on that abomination.
While I could dig up some statistics somewhere I'm sure, I'll point you toward the obvious, 300% increases don't happen when the financial situation is fine. See how that works? They're charging more because currently it wouldn't be sustainable long term. Simple really.
I said there was an economic downturn. The financial situation is not stable. Congratulations, youv'e coem out from under that rock youv'e been hiding in. Education is not what made the mess, as you said earlier. Nor is it loosing money.
Your article is moot, it talks about the intrinsic nature of immigrant students attending universities, money is not relevant.