Threepwood said:You have consistintley ignored every single point I have made to you, only partially quoted what iv'e said, continually overlooked the points, to put your' narrow focus on wordplay, with your' brilliant comebacks.
Your point emphasizes that you don't want to pay more, too bad. Oh and that nobody you know was violent in the protests, and those that were probably weren't students. Then you changed it in a later post saying college students were just as capable of violent protests. That pretty much sum up?
Ensure you quote me, when you say I'm changing my argument, or when you point figners at certain parts, for otherwise, you have no evidence, and therefor no argument. Infact, you have no argument, i'd say you're all style and no substance, but your style is poor, it's that of a beliegured middle aged dude, playing wise elder to someone not all that younger, whom he bielives him to be.
Middle aged? Hardly, experienced would be more accurate. Experience from not having everything handed to me. You're about to get a hard lesson in that if the tuition hike stands.
Again, you fail to adress the issue. You skim my post and respond to whatever your mind can form a comeback to. Quote me.
So you can backtrack again?
That was a brief example, and nor did I apply those assumptions to it. I said it was a comment on me personally. Not a major one, just the one in the "last couple of posts".
I haven't commented on YOUR financial status, I have no idea what it could be. Or care for that matter. I have made reference in general about people paying more. Never mentioned you were poor, disadvantaged or otherwise, I think you got some kind of inferiority complex.
How old are you taking me for here? On what grounds do you summarise my experience in my life as 'little to no'? For that is not the case, please do tell, the age you are placing upon me.
Physical age? Or Mental? Cause I'll give ya two different answers.
I'd say that mitigating your position to 'hey i'm ok with it' in regards to something almost universally accepted as a vital and intrinsic part of societey, puts you in a position of unique authority.
Authority? And here I was thinking I was agreeing with you on at least one item. Even a simple one. I guess not.
Hell, even the Taliban probably agree about higher education, how do they learn to make IED's?
In fact the Taliban doesn't, doesn't take an education beyond watching someone for 20 minutes to make and IED. Try again.
Again this is ridiculous, you do not know me, I am not in a bad fincancial situation, there is no 'worse' for I am not in a bad position.
Did I say you were, I was talking about my history. Understand? Re-reading my post you would understand that I assumed you have financial capability, which is why my road was tougher. But largely by choice. I didn't want to owe a huge sum.
As you don't have the courtesey, I shall not backtrack and present evidence of such, do re-read your own posts.
Ahh, I don't have the courtesy, you instantly resort to name calling due to the weakness of your argument and I don't have courtesy? I've shown far too much from my point of view. But patience is another trait I have learned.
Meanwhile, want me to identify you age? You make it painfully obvious. You won't quote, there's nothing to quote, not once have I said you were poor. Bottom line. Try Harder. Again the inferiority complex at work.
Thank you holy one. I worship your supreme authority.
With all of you gesturing, I might start believing it.....nah.
Oh dear. I really have no comment on that abomination.
You haven't really commented on any thing yet. Ya know, some GOOD reason they shouldn't raise the tuition rates. You remember, the topic of you discussion that nobody can disagree with you about.
I said there was an economic downturn. The financial situation is not stable. Congratulations, youv'e coem out from under that rock youv'e been hiding in. Education is not what made the mess, as you said earlier. Nor is it loosing money.
Again, I never said that the education system CAUSED the mess, jebus, the education system is a VICTIM of it, and it is losing money and probably financing, just like every other government agency currently in existence in Britain, hence the largest fiscal budget cut back in your country in the last umpteen decades just being passed. Here I'll make it easy, when one thing happens, it affects other things related to it, no matter what those things are.
Your article is moot, it talks about the intrinsic nature of immigrant students attending universities, money is not relevant.
It's mentions the financial status of universities currently, stating they would cease to exist without that income. Meaning, instead of banking just on foreign students (whom are paying more mind you), they need to raise rates for all students to make up. Seems right from all of the "points" (one) you've raised to the contrary.
Any thing else?