I believe I've encountered another bug. (and one issue)
1. The bug
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000
When threatening Renesco in western New Reno he won't give me any discount. He is supposed to be selling everything for 1$ after threatening him and him yielding to it.
Somehow I think a trigger there has failed, (not a big deal for me I'm crammed with money anyway

) but still, some minor detail.
2. The issue
When flirting and picking up Leslie Anne Bishop (Mrs. Bishop) getting in bed with her, it can be a bit troublesome to leave the room. After you've had 'intercourse' you end up in the top room behind Mr Bishops room, covering the stairs. If you haven't done any jobs for him yet, you're basically trapped there.
Leaving the room will result in him questioning your barging in and shooting commences. A solution to this may be a dialogue option to "I've just been conversing to your wife" making a quick teleport downstairs or placing a guard outside Mrs. Bishops room indulging to escort you downstairs.
This bug was placed before your patch and I remember getting trapped there once before long ago :S
My solution is to start up CheatEngine (software to hack values like a gameshark/action replay) and freeze combat action points to 10, making a run for the stairs in combat before any dialogue can commence.
Nice work btw I came to another place where I recall the game always messing up my progress before where I could come through now
Good job man! Love this patch. Replay it makes valuable time waiting for Bethesda's Fallout 3
Kind Regards