Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

Grampy Bone Jr. said:
killap said:
Remove the ddraw.dll from the main Fallout 2 directory. Does this do anytihing?

Yes it did! Thank you!

The white box now only appears during the loading graphic. The background is now black during movies and gameplay. The game now loads properly too. Very good.

I didn't try NovaRain's stuff yet.

What novarain's stuff are you talking?
Jabu said:
I don't know what's going on, but ever since I installed the patch, I cannot find the savegame directory. I wanted to make copies to try out the Restoration mod, but the savegame folder isn't there (if my memory serves me right it was in ..fallout2/data/savegame). My saves work fine, but I just can't seem to locate them. Am I blind or something, they're not there! I even searched the computer for *.sav files and didn't find any(!).

It was Vista related, save games and other stuffs are placed in a hidden AppData folder, as outlined here

sorry for the space.
Jabu said:
It was Vista related, save games and other stuffs are placed in a hidden AppData folder, as outlined here
I use Vista and I have no Fallout stuff in that folder.
So isn't it rather related to if you have some newer version of Fallout, on a Vista system?

Not trying to nitpick, I'm just curious why the difference.

damnit, i thought my computer was safe to this kind of problem but it seems not =_=

When, I suppose, encounter Kaga (it should be the 4th time), my game gives me a black screen and a windows error which says a problem regarding dwwin.exe

Do people here have the same problem?
Darek said:
I use Vista and I have no Fallout stuff in that folder.
So isn't it rather related to if you have some newer version of Fallout, on a Vista system?

Not trying to nitpick, I'm just curious why the difference.


I don't think its related to the version (or patch) of Fallout you're playing, its a place Windows seems to store data for pre-Vista programs (I' just guessing, but that's what it looks like from the other stuff that's in there). Are you sure you don't have any Fallout files in there, not exactly in AppData, but in a sub folders AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\BlackIsle etc. etc.? But I could be wrong, because I didn't check for save files until after installing Killap's unofficial patch (but it wouldn't make any sense for it to move things around only after the patch).
@ Jabu

I'm very sure since I have been playing around a lot with my Fallout folders. I did not install it on my C: drive however, maybe that makes the difference?

@ touriste

You can always try the following to check if it's the Kaga encounter causing the problem:
killap said:
If you want to temporarily stop the encounters, move the file called "glkagaen.int" from your script folder. When you put it back though you will most likely immedialtly get an encounter with him.
Darek said:
I'm very sure since I have been playing around a lot with my Fallout folders. I did not install it on my C: drive however, maybe that makes the difference?
It's called the virtual store, and it's part of vista's UAC. Any file writes to the program files directory by limited user applications are rerouted there, so if you installed fallout anywhere apart from the program files folder you wont be affected. You also wont be effected if you set fallout to run as administrator, or completely disable UAC. (Which I strongly advise everyone to do, if you use many pre-vista apps and value your sanity...)

It can actually cause a problem for people who don't know about it; if you start a game of fallout, and then later on set fallout to run as administrator, all your saves will vanish. Perhaps that's another fix I should add to sfall.
Timeslip said:
It's called the virtual store, and it's part of vista's UAC. Any file writes to the program files directory by limited user applications are rerouted there, so if you installed fallout anywhere apart from the program files folder you wont be affected. You also wont be effected if you set fallout to run as administrator, or completely disable UAC. (Which I strongly advise everyone to do, if you use many pre-vista apps and value your sanity...)

It can actually cause a problem for people who don't know about it; if you start a game of fallout, and then later on set fallout to run as administrator, all your saves will vanish. Perhaps that's another fix I should add to sfall.

Thanks for the info Timeslip.
Maybe someone who feels responsible could add that to the help sticky and/or the Wikia?

How someone can not disable the UAC is beyond me, it was driving me crazy already the first day. :roll:
I believe I've encountered another bug. (and one issue)

1. The bug

Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000

When threatening Renesco in western New Reno he won't give me any discount. He is supposed to be selling everything for 1$ after threatening him and him yielding to it.

Somehow I think a trigger there has failed, (not a big deal for me I'm crammed with money anyway :P) but still, some minor detail.

2. The issue

When flirting and picking up Leslie Anne Bishop (Mrs. Bishop) getting in bed with her, it can be a bit troublesome to leave the room. After you've had 'intercourse' you end up in the top room behind Mr Bishops room, covering the stairs. If you haven't done any jobs for him yet, you're basically trapped there.

Leaving the room will result in him questioning your barging in and shooting commences. A solution to this may be a dialogue option to "I've just been conversing to your wife" making a quick teleport downstairs or placing a guard outside Mrs. Bishops room indulging to escort you downstairs.

This bug was placed before your patch and I remember getting trapped there once before long ago :S

My solution is to start up CheatEngine (software to hack values like a gameshark/action replay) and freeze combat action points to 10, making a run for the stairs in combat before any dialogue can commence.


Nice work btw I came to another place where I recall the game always messing up my progress before where I could come through now :)

Good job man! Love this patch. Replay it makes valuable time waiting for Bethesda's Fallout 3 :D

Kind Regards
salkin said:
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000

When threatening Renesco in western New Reno he won't give me any discount. He is supposed to be selling everything for 1$ after threatening him and him yielding to it.

Somehow I think a trigger there has failed, (not a big deal for me I'm crammed with money anyway :P) but still, some minor detail.
Are you bartering through dialog options or pressing the barter button?
@ Niklas

From unofficial patch corrections.txt:
• Discount modifier is no longer incorrectly applied with Renesco which allowed you to get all of his goods for $0
The way it used to be was bugged.

As for your issue with Mr. Bishop. If you screw someone else's wife, you know you may get yourself in trouble. :)

@ Jabu, :lol:
When flirting and picking up Leslie Anne Bishop (Mrs. Bishop) getting in bed with her, it can be a bit troublesome to leave the room. After you've had 'intercourse' you end up in the top room behind Mr Bishops room, covering the stairs. If you haven't done any jobs for him yet, you're basically trapped there.

It has always been this way, working as intended.
killap said:
salkin said:
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000

When threatening Renesco in western New Reno he won't give me any discount. He is supposed to be selling everything for 1$ after threatening him and him yielding to it.

Somehow I think a trigger there has failed, (not a big deal for me I'm crammed with money anyway :P) but still, some minor detail.
Are you bartering through dialog options or pressing the barter button?

Any of them actually. I tried to do it through dialogue, clicking the button and exiting and then bartering again. All had the same effect.

Any clues?

sah said:
When flirting and picking up Leslie Anne Bishop (Mrs. Bishop) getting in bed with her, it can be a bit troublesome to leave the room. After you've had 'intercourse' you end up in the top room behind Mr Bishops room, covering the stairs. If you haven't done any jobs for him yet, you're basically trapped there.

It has always been this way, working as intended.

That is probably true but you are teleported without knowing where. The first time I made a save there, basically ruining my whole game if I was too weak to run out of there.

From a designer point of view most players will believe that she means the room in which she is standing. It has a bed and all.

EDIT: Not a bug, a game stopping design flaw I guess. (although you can cause that anytime in fallout by saving in combat)

How goes the NPC appearence mod for the lastest release? I read you were working on it but can't find any update or download.
Die Officer Jack, Die!

I have found what appears to be a bug with the most recent version of the Killap patch (downloaded last week), or at least one that is not fixed yet. :) After I have talked Officer Jack down from blowing himself to bits, he is in the prison - so far so good. I intentionally lower my INT in order to get Mira's quest to kill the bastard - and the quest DOES appear in my Pip-Boy after I have done so. I go and do the deed, either with super-stims, or sneak-shooting him in the face. No matter how I do it, though, I cannot fulfill the quest. It is never crossed off my pip-boy, nor can I tell Mira that Jack has been jacked.

I am still at low INT when I try to return to Mira - but I suspect that this does not matter, since I never receive the 2000 xp that I believe I should be getting for croaking the guy, just the 250xp for the actual kill.

Am I doing something wrong? :)

Thank you again, Killap, for that amazing patch! You have really, singlehandedly made FO2 a stable game. I think that modders ought to work off of YOUR patch as a standard.

Dave Isecke

I believe this is the 2nd report on this. I shall look into it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Post again if you come across something else.
killap said:

I believe this is the 2nd report on this. I shall look into it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Post again if you come across something else.

Hi, forgot to ask, does your update works with the Fallout 2 resolution pack v1.2?